Another One?

2.9K 12 10

Hi, guys! This story is the only one I published for my audience! But, I have some more that I would love to publish! Please tell me if you want a certain person for me to write a story about or how you want the story written! Do you want smut? Do you want more romantic stuff? Please let me know!

About this story specifically, do you guys want a sequel? I've had some people message me about a sequel, but I don't know if everyone wants it. In the sequel, if you guy want it, it's not going to be social media based. Doing social media based writing means that you guys can finish the story too quickly! So, I plan on making the sequel with actual chapters! If you guys want, things can get steamy in the sequel, but I'm going to have to change the rating of the book! I encourage you guys to give me tips and ideas for the sequel before I do anything with it! I'm a nice, generous person who won't be cruel if you have an idea or constructive criticism to give me! Please let me know!

Thank you, lovebugs!

xx J.C.

before dawn 🌻 h.s.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum