xxxii. reality

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Going on a date with someone like Harry Styles isn't something that comes often

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Going on a date with someone like Harry Styles isn't something that comes often. I'm curious as to why he wants a date with me when he can have anybody in the world. From what I read, he only really dates models. I can assure you, I'm definitely not a model. I'm flattered, really. Just confused and curious.

I was currently making sure I looked decent enough to be around Harry. I was making sure I smelled good, I had deodorant on, and my breath didn't stink. The obvious things girls check before they go around someone they're interested in. It's a process.

I think back to when Harry texted me to tell me when he was going to be here.

"Hey, love. I was just letting you know I'll be in San Jose at about 6:30. Can't wait. xx H." - sent at 1:15pm

The time is currently 6:23. And I'm getting more and more nervous as time passes. What do people even talk about on dates?

I heard a chime coming from my phone, signaling that I have a text message.

"I'm here, but I'll come to the door like a real gentlemen. xx H." - sent at 6:27pm

'Right on time.' I thought. I heard a knock on the front door of my apartment as I was leaving my bedroom. I quickly ran towards the door, unlocking up. I held my breath as I pulled open the door.

"Hello, love."

If looks could kill you.

Harry Styles defines beauty. From his curly hair to his dimpled smile to his lean physique. I underestimated him.

"Hi." I breathlessly replied.

"Are you ready to get going?" He asked, still showing off those pearly whites.

"Uh, yeah. Let me just grabbed my bag." I said, turning around quickly to get my things.

"Okay. Now we can go." I said smiling.

"Perfect." He smirked.


"So, what are we doing?" I asked, looking at the passing trees and the passing pedestrians.

"I found out that you really enjoy going to theaters. Therefore, I rented a theater out. One, because we don't want to be interrupted. And two, it's romantic. Then, I was hoping you would eat dinner with me." He explained.

"I love going to the theaters! How did you find that?" I asked curiously.

"To be honest, your friend. Billie. She was very helpful." He said sheepishly.

"I'll be sure to thank her," I laughed.

"And also, I would love to have dinner with you." I said

He smiled so brightly that it could light up the night. Bless him.

"I think they are showing classic, horror films." He said smirking.

"Horror? Oh, no." I said scared.

"I also happen to know that you hate horror films." He said laughing.

"Great." I sarcastically said.

"Don't worry, love. I'll protect you." He said cheesily.


We pulled up to the theater and I could already tell that I wouldn't enjoy this movie. But I would enjoy being in the company of Harry.

"The film that is playing is The Exorcist." Harry said as we walked through the door.

"Of course it is. I could've handled clowns or a serial killer, but no. The movie has to do with the devil. Great." I sardonically said.

"Don't worry. I'm here with you." Harry said, trying to soothe me.

"I know what would make me feel better." I said teasingly.

"And what is that?" He chuckled.

"Skittles." I said rushing over to the food stand.

"Why am I not surprised?" Harry said behind me.

"They're my favorite. If I'm sitting through this movie, I'm getting some skittles." I explained looking through my purse for my wallet.

"Do you want anything?" I asked Harry.

"I'll get a water." He said.

"Skittles and a water, pretty please!" I said to the person working. As many times as I have been here, I have no clue who the worker is.

"The will be $8.48." The worker said.

I was grabbing my wallet when Harry stopped me.

"Hey, I asked you on this date. Let me pay." He sternly said.

"It's only $8.48. I don't mind." I said.

"Exactly. Let me be a gentleman. Chivalry isn't dead." He explained.

"Alright. Thank you. But I still owe you $20, so here." I said handing him a 20 dollar bill.

"You were serious about that?" He asked.

"Yes. I hate people spending their money on me." I replied.

"You should probably get used to it." He sneakily said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing. The movie is starting. Come on." He said, grabbing me hand.

"Kill me now."


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