lxi. imessage

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(Harry Styles): pretty boy 😏
(Isabeau Rain): beau beau 🎀

beau beau 🎀; I am undeniably so grateful for you, Harry. You make me feel so amazing and you make me see a side to me that I love and no man has ever brought that out of me. I really, really am blessed to have you in my life. I appreciate everything you do and everything you make me feel. 🖤

pretty boy 😏; Thank you so much, love. I wish I could give you a hug. I'm so blessed to have you too. Every relationship I've been in has ended so badly because no one stops and asks me how I feel or what I want, but you do. I love how I can sit down and have a conversation about literally anything. That makes me feel so good. I appreciate you and I can't wait to see you again! 🖤

beau beau 🎀; I can't wait to see you again too!

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