lxxix. reality

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"I thought you were taking me out tonight?" I asked, seeing as he woke me up 30 minutes after I fell asleep

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"I thought you were taking me out tonight?" I asked, seeing as he woke me up 30 minutes after I fell asleep.

"Well, I was. But then I remembered something." He explained.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you." I simply said.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because its a surprise, but I promise you'll like it." He said.

"Can I get a hint?" I asked.

"I has to do with food." He said.

"Are we eating?" I asked again.

"Not exactly." He mysteriously said.

"Can I get another hint?" I asked.

"No!" He laughed.

"Oh, come on. Please." I begged.

Harry reaches over to grab my hand and kept our intertwined hands resting in my lap.

"I adore you, but I'm not telling you anything more." He said.

"...Fine." I pouted. I wanted to see if I could make him tell me, so I decided to tease him.

I shifted my body to the passenger car door, turned my head towards the window, and pouted.

"Please tell me you're not pouting right now," He laughed. "And now you're ignoring me," he continued. "Love," He said. "Seriously," he added. "Fine! I'll give you another hint!" He finished.

"Okay!" I giddily said while turning my body back to him and smiling brightly.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered to himself.

"Tell me." I said.

"That's not fair. You knew you had me in the palm of your hand." He said.

"I apologize, love. Now, please, tell me!" I begged.

"Okay...we're gonna be outside." He said.

"Outside?" I asked, mostly to myself.

"Yes." He said.

"I don't know what it is!" I laughed, slightly whining.

"Then wait and see." He smirked.

before dawn 🌻 h.s.Where stories live. Discover now