"There!" She answered, "we'll need to walk that much?" Angel asked, "no! Mest will just teleport us there!" She answered

"Hi!" Mest said, standing next to Wendy, "did you come with us to the train station or did you teleport here?"

Chelia asked, "I teleported here" he answered, clueless of what might have been going on

"So, he could've teleported us here instead of us taking the train?" Gildarts asked, Mest nodded, still clueless of what is going on

"THEN WHY DID WE TAKE THE TRAIN!!!!!" Juvia asked angrily, she huffed and puffed, like the wolf of little red riding hood, looks like she finally snapped from the stress....

"Calm down Juvia!" Erza told Juvia, "I could've but I was busy at the council" Mest explained, putting his hands up like he was surrendering for something

"Alright then" Juvia nodded, "shall we get going?" Mest asked, he placed his hands on Gildarts and Jura's shoulders, closing his eyes

Then without a minute passing by, they came to the fairy tail safe house

It was small but convenient, since, it was well hidden in the forest, a camouflage as such

"I'll need you to drink this" Ren told the mates, handing them each a vial

"Alright...." Levy said unsure, since the whole Ichiya apocalypse (like Gray said) that happened a while back but nonetheless she drank it

"This is suppose to hide your scent from the boys" Ren explained to the girls, "but didn't we leave our scent from the train station till here?" Yukino mentioned

"We'll take care of that, in the mean time get settled girls!" Master Mavis smiled, the girls went inside the petite house but,

"Oh" Meredy started

"My" Kinana said

"God" Mira finished

"It's HUGE!!!!!" Erza screamed from the amount of sugar she consumed in the past few hours

Turns out, the outside was small but when you go inside, it's like a mansion

"I'll bring you girls to your room" Mest and Gildarts told the girls at the same time, they both glared at each other

"Don't mess with an S class wizard pal" Gildarts fought "don't forget, I'm from the council" Mest fought back

"What will you do if you can't move the next day?" Gildarts threatened, the glaring contest continuing

"Listen here dudes" Cana started, her back facing them, "if ya don't shut your old man traps!"

"I'm gonna cut you into little pieces and feed you to those 11 slayers who are after those girls over there"

Cana told them, her face covered with a black shadow, a dark aura surrounding her and her glare piercing through their poor souls

"Yes ma'am!" They danced around the room, holding each other like they were good friends who knew each other for years

"We will divide in 3 groups, Wendy, Chelia, Erza and Kagura will be with me, Lucy, Levy and Yukino will be with Gildarts and Meredy, Juvia, Mira and Kinana will be with Mest"

Cana explained, "let's get going" she finished, Wendy, Chelia, Erza and Kagura following closely behind

"Follow me then" Mest told Juvia, Mira and Kinana, "come on girls" Gildarts told Lucy, Levy and Yukino

With Master Mavis, Ren and Minerva

"Give me the spray, I'll spread it around where we have been" Master Mavis explained, drinking a vial of the potion Ren gave the girls earlier

"I'll get going now, stay safe" she told Minerva and Ren, they both nodded

Minerva and Ren patrolled the area until Mavis will come back

"When will I be needed to give the girls the map of the forest?" Hibikki asked Jura, typing a few more things

"When the slayers will arrive, but until then, we two will stay here" Jura explained to Hibikki

Jura, Hibikki, Mavis, Minerva and Ren will stay in another house nearby the safe house, to fight the slayers if they manage to escape

Gildarts, Cana and Mest will be inside the safe house, taking care of the mates

The reason why Mest is here is because he'll be needed to teleport the girls in case the slayers get out of control

Back at the guild, the others were upstairs, ready to fight if the slayers break free

They will talk through Warren's telepathy whose underground with Rufus and Freed

These two will protect him incase the slayers catch their scents underground

The ground of the guild trembled, it has been happening since they had been put to sleep

"I hope my boy is okay down there" Macao told Wakaba, he was really worried about Romeo

"It's going to be okay" Wakaba reassured, the ground suddenly shook much harder than earlier

At the basement, 2 red glowing eyes opened, their chains clanging against the wall, trying to break free

Natsu growled, he pulled his hands making the chains break, he rushed forward, yelling,


What will they do now?

Fairy tail mating season {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora