Chapter 37: Weakening Will

Start from the beginning

With her brief rest complete, she slips around the lip of the roof until she reaches the stained glass window at the front, where there's a jagged hole in the corner that she can crawl through. She does so easily, emerging into a large room surrounded by windows. There's a glistening pool that takes up most of the floor with a long stone path cutting its way through the glassed-over water.

At the northern side of the room, the farthest away from Destiny's perch, is an elevated perch where a throne stands tall at the peak. Seated on the throne is the spitting image of the man from Destiny's nightmares, a man who can only be the Shredder.

Standing before the throne is another familiar person, his cloaked back turned towards his master and his white hair the brightest thing in the gloom of the space. Destiny lowers herself onto her stomach, aiming her ears forwards as much as she can so she can listen in.

"This is taking longer than I wanted, Diaval," Shredder says. He props his elbow against the throne armrest, leaning a clenched fist towards his mouth without wavering his glare from the boy.

Diaval inclines his head to the floor, but that's the only movement he makes. "Sorry, master. She's...strong."

"You could easily take her down with one swipe of your hand," Shredder retorts, rising from his seat and taking a step forward. "Apply that physical strength to your mind."

"Her mind's stronger, master, she—" Diaval starts.

Shredder raises his arm and unsheathes his blades in one quick sweep, instantly earning a flinch from Diaval. One hand moves to the edge of the cloak and grips it, stretching the pale skin of his knuckles.

"You have been useful to me in the past and that is the only reason I'm giving you this chance, but remember, Stockman made sure that if you fail, I have other ways of obtaining the wolf mutant."

Destiny's claws unsheathe, her bleeding nail beds protesting the movement. A feeling like thousands upon thousands of tiny bug legs crawl up her spine and cause her to shudder. Whatever this is, she doesn't like it.

" have t'control her," Diaval says. "She isn't—"

"I ways," Shredder repeats, emphasizing his words and simultaneously shutting down any argument against the matter. "Don't think that I have enough trust in your little skill set to leave it without a backup plan."

The boy again bobs his head down as if to imitate a bow. "Understood," he whispers, his low voice making it very difficult for Destiny to catch it.

"Now, try to connect to her again," Shredder commands.

Below Destiny's ledge, a set of doors slide open and Emery enters with a motorcycle helmet tucked beneath her arm. Destiny slides back just a bit, her tail tucking closer to her legs.

"Master Shredder, the turtles were out again tonight," she says in a bored tone, pausing to blow a wisp of her pixie cut from her eyes. "Destiny was with them, but there weren't any signs of the plan working."

Diaval mumbles something to himself and hunches his shoulders. Emery walks past him, the harsh yellow of her eyes glaring daggers into the side of his head. He becomes very interested in the far wall.

Shredder moves down the steps towards the leopard woman as she halts before she reaches the raised platforms. She lowers herself to her knees and bows her head. Shredder finishes his descent, stopping right in front of Emery.

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