Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Mikayla was buckled into the car. Well, she wasn't just buckled in. She was also shackled to the seat. And wearing a surprisingly realistic looking brown wig. And sun glasses. And a hoodie that was highly appropriate for LA's fall weather. But she was going out.

Jackson double checked his handiwork to make sure she couldn't go anywhere and he closed the door. He came around to the driver's side and sat next to her, putting a bottle of water in the cup holder. He slipped on a pair of black driving gloves and closed the door.

He opened the garage and started the car. A GPS flickered to life. He was running an errand. Maybe she could use the GPS to alert the police.

"Where does Anthony live, little dove?" asked Jackson.

Mikayla felt her stomach drop.


She remember that he'd offered to kill Anthony for her and as much as she hated that man he didn't deserve to die.

"Mina, just tell me where he lives. I'm not in the mood for anymore games."

"He . . . he lived in an apartment when we were dating. But he was buying a house. I only went there once. I don't remember the address."

"Well, do you know the city?"

"I think he was moving to Irvine."

"Good. Did the two of you ever visit Irvine together?"

"We went to the house he was buying together once. And we went to dinner a bunch of times there."

"And where did he live before he moved."

"Uh . . . I think it was Lakewood. I . . . I don't know."

It was all Los Angeles to Mikayla. She typed in addresses and her phone did the rest. She didn't even have her first car till she graduated college. And technically it was a car that she and Rachel shared since they were living together. Then she used the payment from a major commercial to buy her own car and move into her own apartment.

And she still would often have Rachel drive her places since she wasn't a confident driver. Besides, Rachel had been her good luck charm. Rachel drove her to the audition that would land her her first big role.

Her first, and if she didn't escape, her last.

"And where did you live?"


Why did he need to know all this?

"Okay. Then let's stick with Irvine. Did you two have a favorite restaurant there?"

"Yeah. Uh . . . we would eat at this upscale bar that one of his friends owned. It was called the Red Door or something."

Jackson sighed. "That'll have to do."

He typed something into the GPS. She didn't understand why he was asking her all this. As the map zoomed out to show the route she realized that he was in Sherman Oaks. She was completely unfamiliar with the area. But it was useful to know where she was.

Jackson pulled out of the driveway and started down the winding mountainous road. Even driving it was several minutes before she saw another house. The thick trees gave off an eerie vibe.

The drive across Los Angeles was about an hour. Mikayla found herself staring at everything wistfully. As the passed by a place she used to hang out at all the time she longed for the days when she and Rachel were poor, with no jobs, just trying to get by. They would go window shopping or head to Universal Studios with their annual passes.

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