Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

Mikayla sat frozen in place. Her eyes darted around the room. The camera in this room was much more obvious than it was everywhere else. Some rooms looked like they didn't have them and maybe they didn't. Or maybe those rooms had more discreet cameras.

Did Jackson hear her? She was going to be in so much trouble.

She couldn't go into isolation again. She couldn't deal with it. Mikayla started breathing heavily and her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. She was wheezing as she breathed. Her throat was tight. Something was wrong.

This was death. This had to be death. There was no other explanation for it. The world was moving to fast.

The door flung open and Mikayla felt like she was going to burst into tears. Nico came inside and wrapped his arms around Marie. Jackson stood in the doorway. He looked at Mikayla and she was certain he was going to drag her off to punish her, but he didn't. His emotionless face started to show concern.

She took a labored breath and tried to calm herself down.

"Mina, come with me. Let's give Nico and Marie some time alone."

Mikayla was going to get yelled at. She was going to get locked up and she'd get no answers. Jackson came in the room and took her hand. He squeezed it tightly as he pulled her up.

She looked at her feet as they left the room and Jackson closed the door behind her.

His arms suddenly wrapped around her. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice cracking with worry.

Wait? Wasn't he upset.

"Let's get you some water. Whatever's wrong, it'll be okay. Just breath." Why was he comforting her. She didn't understand.

Jackson pulled away and took her hand. He gave it a squeeze and pulled her toward the nearest bathroom. She was fairly certain that was the bathroom she'd thought was Marie's room before. He took a cup from inside the medicine cabinet and filled it with water from the faucet. He pushed it into her hand and she drank it.

Slowly the panic started to fade, but not fully.

She was quite certain that this was a panic attack. She wasn't exactly prone to panic attacks. But then again, she wasn't normally a captive of a murderer.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She pulled herself together and nodded.

"What happened, Mina?"

"I just got overwhelmed. I got lost trying to bring Marie to her room. And I got her there eventually. And I just got stressed."

Jackson wrapped his arms around her again. "It'll be okay, little dove. You're doing so well. Just relax."

He stroked her head and she almost regretted having her hair done up so tightly as she tried to forget who was comforting her. His strong arms helped her steady her body. She felt guilty for finding solace in his embrace, but she didn't exactly have any other options.

She returned the hug and felt him sigh.

"We'll spend the whole day together. You can just rest. We'll watch a movie. Don't worry your pretty little head."

Jackson could be so affectionate sometimes. It was sickening. She pulled away from him suddenly becoming rather overwhelmingly tired. She remembered Rachel having a panic attack back in college and afterwards she went to sleep because her body was so exhausted. That must have been what was happening.

"Okay," she mumbled.

Jackson opened the bathroom door and they went back towards Marie's room. Nico came out of the room.

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