"Thank you Kookie, I would like that very much. Let's get to know each other first."

They talked for hours about pretty much everything. How their life is, what have they been doing since the time of the accident, what are the things that they like and dislikes, their favourite food, drinks, colours everything.

Sometimes both of them would just sit and listen to the chatter of other people in the park. Taehyung sang few songs for Jungkook and the younger boy was over the moon.

Suddenly Jungkook hears the sound of an ice cream truck.

"Hey Tae, do you think you have ice cream at your house?"

"Should be. My brother loves ice cream."

"Go get some. I'm gonna buy myself one too."

Taehyung quickly ran inside the house and gets some ice cream from the fridge before returning to the garden. He could hear Jungkook ordering a mint chocolate ice cream from the vendor.

"You like mint chocolate?"

"Yeah, that's my favourite. What's yours?"


They enjoy their time eating the ice cream, occasionally asking a question.

"Well I think that's should be enough for today. It's pass lunchtime. Are you hungry?"

"A little. Hey Kookie.."

"Yeah beautiful?"

"Thank you letting me know you. I really enjoyed our date today."

"Me too. Maybe next time we can go on a real date. I'll think of something."

"Ok. I'm sad about one thing though."

"What is it babe?"

"Well normally when a date ends and say goodbyes, don't people get kisses?"

There was a moment of silence where Taehyung wondered whether he ruined the moment. But he really did felt sad about it.

"I'm sorry Kookie, I shouldn't have said-"

"Go to your room, now."


"Go to your room and wait there. Might take few minutes as I need to find an empty place."

With that, Jungkook disconnects the call, leaving a shellshocked Taehyung. After few seconds, Taehyung recovers from his shock and runs to his room. On they way he meets his brother.

"Hey Tae, I was wondering where you were. Do you wanna-"

"Not now hyung. I'm kind of busy."

Taehyung ran to his bedroom and locks the door. He was anxiously pacing back and forth, waiting for Jungkook to appear.

Finaly, after what felt like an eternity, a soft blue light materialized in the middle of the room. Once it faded, a very out of breath Jungkook appeared.

They were looking at each other for few seconds before Jungkook quickly closed the gap between them and pulled Taehyung against his body. He slowly raised a hand to Taehyung's face, tracing a line from his forehead to his cheek and finally stopping over his lips.

Jungkook let his finger gently glaze over Taehyung's lips before grabbing his jaw. He tilted Taehyung head to the side a little before meeting their lips in a slow kiss.

Their lips started to move in sync, softly at first but gradually being harder. They had to stop and pull apart few time due to lack of air, but resumed immediately.

Jungkook gently pushed Taehyung till his back hit the wall. He bit Taehyung's lower lip, earning a little moan from the elder and also used that opportunity to push his tongue in.

Taehyung was already lost in the sensation of Jungkook's tongue, dancing in every corner inside his mouth and didn't even realise his hands grabbing Jungkook's hair and pulling him even close.

Once they broke the kiss to breath, Jungkook planted a trail of kisses across Taehyung's jawline to his neck. He covered every inch of Taehyung's neck with kisses, trying to find his sweet spot.

A sudden hitch in Taehyung's breath confirmed where the correct spot is and Jungkook immediately attacked it with force. He bit down there hard, making Taehyung moan even louder and sucked on it.

When Jungkook pulled back to admire his work, he could see an angry red patch which will form in to a beautiful hicky.

Jungkook looked at the wreaked man in his arm and he has never seen a prettier sight in his life.

He slowly put his mouth near Taehyung's ear and growled.


Taehyung felt his entire body shaking with that one word. Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead gently before slowly pulling out.

"Is that good enough for a kiss at the end of the date?" Jungkook asked in a teasing voice.

It took few seconds for Taehyung to find his voice.

"I-is this w-what you call going s-slow?" Taehyung stuttard.

"Hey I was going slow. You were the one who asked for a kiss." Jungkook raised both his hand in a surrendering manner.


"Ha ha ha. I should go now before I give you something more than just a hicky. Bye sweetheart."

Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead one more time before vanishing in a soft blue light

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