Whose the Enemy Now?

Start from the beginning

Valen waited by Bright's side as Mike attacked the man. He missed and somehow the man is running towards us. Bright takes his gun and starts to shot at him. The man simply misses. "Bright I thought you were better than that." Soon the man was a few feet away when he stopped. He chuckled and looked at me. "I won't hurt the boy if you come with me." Bright gave an ugly face and his signature "Tch."The man made his way to grab me but Bright managed to stick a knife into his side but it didn't do much.

Before I could be taken away from Bright I took the gun in my back pocket and shoot him. I aimed for his vital organ, the heart and for once I didn't miss.

He fell limp and spat blood. "Good one. When I wished to die I didn't think I would have gone down this easily and much less from a play toy. I thought we could have played for a bit, Bright. All I wanted was for you to get me out of my misery and take over." Bright held a face of disgust as he spoke. "Fuck you and your fucking idea of being a good uncle." Bright marched over and stepped over his head over and over again. The bones crunch as each step he took was heavier than the first. The man did not scream but simply closed his eyes. Bright was breathing heavily and soon passed out to the ground.

"Bright!" I ran to him and picked him up. "W-we need to go to a hospital, now!" Mike helped me carry him while Valen ran to secure his car. Everything from there was just a blur. I couldn't help but worry for Bright and I held on to him making sure he was still breathing.

Joss P.O.V.

As I saw their retreating body I kicked the head of my boss. "Hey." No sign of movement was made. "You can stop playing dead now." Still no sign of movement was made or a sound. I reached down to find a pulse but there was no distinct or faint pulse. I put my hand close to his nose and felt no air being breathed in. He was dead. I felt no remorse towards him. He made me do all the dirty work, for the gang and for his pleasure. I felt joy spark within me and relief. I could have killed him myself but because he held a threat towards me, I couldn't help but agree with everything he told me to do if I wanted to live.

I didn't want death. Not yet. I close my eyes and all I can see were those bright warm brown eyes looking at me. Working all these years for this idiotic and crazy man gave me an upper hand to finding the money he kept to himself. I will find that money and take the beauty with brown eyes.

It's my opportunity to find happiness and peace in my life, now.

Win P.O.V.

We couldn't go to the hospital because Valen said they would get found out that way and would be in even more trouble. Mike rushed us back to the house and Valen called a doctor to come to the house immediately. She said they often see this doctor in times like this. I was glad and surprise, surprise that there were still doctors taking house calls.

Once we made it to the front porch we saw the doctor. He looks young for a doctor but I wasn't one to judge. JJ was smart as heck too and he was my age. I carefully but quickly took Bright out the car and rushed in to the house to get him treated immediately. I was surprised the door was unlocked but at the moment I didn't give a fuck. Bright was hurt and needed attention.

I laid him on the couch and thankfully he stopped bleeding. The doctor was quick to treat his open wounds and do a thorough check up in his body. The doctor was young too so I felt a pang of... Jealousy?... Protectiveness? When he had to touch around Bright's chest to inspect for any damage. He then moved to treat us and do a checkup too. Valen had a small chat with him and I over heard her say she will send the money to him later and that they will keep in touch.

I ran up the stairs to get a damp towel in the bathroom and ran back down to Bright. I began to take off his button down shirt and wipe his arms. I felt terrible when I saw that he needed to get stitches for the deep cut in his arm. I was at fault for being such an idiot! I-if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be pass out and with a wound like this, I can only hope it doesn't leave a mark. A whimper escapes my mouth and I bury my face in the crook of his neck.

A moment pass and I felt a hand ruffle my hair. It was Valen and she tried to shush me from crying. I didn't notice I had tears streaming down my face until she told me. They wouldn't leave and actually stayed for night because they were worried about leaving Bright and me without any protection.

Valen was a strong women because she managed to carry Bright all the way to our room. I thanked her for carrying him because at the moment I felt like a mess. I felt like an idiot for getting us in this mess and yet greedy because all I wanted to do was hold him. I showed Valen the guess room and the bathroom and welcome her and Mike to eat whatever was in the fridge and pantry. I didn't bother to change my clothes because I just wanted to hold on to Bright. Today was hectic and all I want to do is sleep next to him.

I carefully got into bed with him and wrapped my arms around him. The silence of the night and his steady breathing lulled me to sleep.


Bright's P.O.V.

I felt a little sore this morning but not terribly sore like I usually do from a fight. When I moved I realized I was tangled in arms. I looked to my side to see Win peacefully sleeping with a smile on his face as he held on to me. I watched him breathe in and out but the grumbling in my stomach wouldn't shut the hell up. I untangled myself from him and walked down to our kitchen.

I smelled coffee as I walked down and immediately I was on guard. Who could fuckin be here ? After I heard a familiar muffled laughed and a "hush Valen" I knew that it had to be Mike and Valen. I was thankful they didn't left Win alone unprotected even though I was with him. Considering the state I was in, I don't think I could have protected him well. I walked into the kitchen and immediately there hush whispers came to a stop. Mike cleared his throat but before he could speak I spoke first. "I don't want to hear any apology because what happened yesterday was uncalled for. Don't let it happened again, understood?" They saluted to me like the way we always do, accompanied with a "Yes sir!" I began to brew earl tea and made a move to make breakfast.

Valen kept snickering behind me and I turned around to glare at her. "What the fuck len?" I saw that Win was sleepily trying to stay awake and I found it cute. She walked over and leaned down to whisper to me. "He's a keeper." I raised an eyebrow and she leaned down again. "He was so worried yesterday that when the usual doctor came around to help out he gave him a death glare when he had to touch your chest." I joined her with her snickering and we both glanced at Win. He was still sleepy and didn't comprehend what was going on. It was cute that he felt jealous for me. The doctor was the usual doctor we would call in. He was young and had a nice face but it didn't leave me thinking about it day and night and at constant craze like Win did.

The whole day was uneventful and no one dared to speak of it in fear of ruining the peaceful aura. We all had a silent agreement to not talk about or mention it at all. We were all happy to just make it out alive.

To be continued.

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