Before the Fall

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Same day; 1:45 wow I took long getting to this point! Also I'll be going on about something in the beginning of each chapter as some kind of joke so... HA HA joke...

Also in case you didn't know
(Y/n) means your name
(F/c) means favorite color
(E/c) meand eye color
(H/c), (H/sc) and (H/l) is Hair color/secondary color and length respectively
You don't need a secondary color, I just wanted to give you the chance
If you don't know this one then you probably need to relearn everything your English teacher taught you
Pov is point of view

We clear for now? Good, let's get on with this.
Y/n pov
As you fall towards your enviable doom your life flashes before your eyes.

From a very young age that your life would amount too nothing. You being born half monster more or less guaranteed that much. Your parents ancestors both had a strong connection with the monsters before the war and you just so happened to draw the short straw being born with a pair of (H/c) and (H/sc) cat ears and tail along with retractable claws and (E/c) cat like eyes.

Seeing this your parents refused to let you leave the house. They said it was for your own good, but you knew better. You knew they would rather be caught dead than let the public know that they had givin birth to such a creature. That's why the had you sleep in the basement, so that they could still maintain their social status. Not that you minded. You could see quite well in the dark and you had a small window near the roof giving you a great view of that mountain.

What was the name of that mountain again? Mount... mount... Ebott! Mount Ebott was its name. The name of the very mountain your falling down.

Why am I here? Oh yeah, I was snuck out to visit the library again. I went out in my (F/c) hoodie and jeans. If it wasn't for the books and the kind old librarian who would stay after hours and teach me, I wouldn't know half of the things that I do now. She would always give me some kind of treat every Friday. Today was a chocolate bar. I hadn't even opened it. What a pity...

I never did learn her name. Heh, isn't that funny? I owed her my life, yet I didn't take the time to learn her name.

And none of this would have happened if I had stayed to the rooftops, but all the rain had made it difficult to run without slipping. I had never fallen off anything and I wasn't starting now.

It was just my luck that at the same time as I was leaving the library a group of drunken men were leaving the nearby bar and happen to see my ears. The moment one of them realized what I was they yelled, "MONSTER!" Before I could react, porch lights from all around me were cutting on reveling dozens of men wielding swords and a couple of pistols. I was frozen from shock not knowing what to do. There was nothing but a suffocating silence...

Then the first shot rang

At that moment all of my muscles kicked into high gear, trying to move as fast as I could and the bullet grazed my cheek. Adrenaline pumped through out my whole body and I was running on all fours. I didn't care where I was going but I knew if I slowed down they would get me, so I ran...

And ran...

And ran...

I ran until I reached a gaping hole. Only then did I realized that I had ran up Mount Ebott. I was about to turn back and hide when another shot rang and came right towards me. Without thinking I moved back to dodge, and I did dodge the bullet. Only I went down instead of to the side.

So here I am, falling with only one thing on my mind...

"Will I land on my feet?"
2:52 and I just finished. Talk about unrealistic goals am I right?

I'ma just go to sleep...

717 words

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