Chapter 22

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*Addie's POV*
"You know that one feeling where you love someone so much but you just wanna fucking choke them?" I asked Zack. "All the time." He replied. "Good I'm not the only one. Rian is a good person but so fucking sassy I wanna choke him so much right now." I say. "What did he do now?" He asked while rolling his eyes and facing me from the stove which had breakfast on it.  "He fucking read my fan fiction of you guys and its really bad and he just laughed the entire time. He didn't even ask to read it. He also read it on MY laptop!" I said a bit angrily. "Hah!" We heard someone shout from the door. We both raise an eyebrow and look around the corner to see BVB in the door way. "We have came to collect the child that is gay." Cc says. "Oh. But Dad is sleeping." I said even though I knew it was me. "Ughhhh eat and get your ass over here." Andy said. "Someone's grumpy." I said while grabbing an apple. "Shut up." Ashley also said. "Wow. Two grumpy fellas." I walked over to Zack. "Tell my father's that I went with the gay BVB peeps. Save me some breakfast please?" I asked. "Yep." He said popping the p. I walked over to bvb and just sat there. "What's wrong with them?" I asked Jinxx. "They had an argument about Hello Kitty and Batman on the way here. Again. For the tenth time today." He said. I giggled. "Who won?" I asked. "Jake. He got aggravated and yelled at them and threatened to turn the car around and throw them off a cliff." I giggled again and rolled my eyes. "Would you stop with the giggling?!" Ashley snapped. "Just cause you and Mr. Biersack over here had an argument doesn't mean you can come to the house I live in and yell at me for fucking giggling!" I said snapping back. "Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep!" I heard Dad yell. "No your not! Your trying to rape me!" Father yelled while running down the stairs and hiding by Zack. "Shut up! I've had enough of Andy's bullshit today! I don't need yours!" Ashley yelled. Jake, CC, and Jinxx were all staring at me. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Our. House!" I yelled. Everyone shut up as Rian slowly walked down the stairs. "Um Addie? Your phones ringing. It's Lily!" Father yelled. I quickly ran into the kitchen and answered the phone.

Trigger warning

"What's up babe?" I asked while Andy and Ashley were yelling at each other. "I want to die..." I heard Lily say. "I'm on my way right now. Get Vic. He will help." "No he will think I'm a baby..." She said while crying. I grabbed my skateboard cause I didn't trust myself driving while on the phone and crying a bit. "No he won't. He will understand. I'm on my way." I said reassuring her. "No no no! You don't have to come over here! I'll talk to him." She said panicking which made me speed up my pace. "No I'm already here." I said as I rode up the driveway and flung the door open and threw my skateboard down. "What the fuck is that?!" I heard Tony yell from the kitchen. "Me! I'm checking on Lily!" I yelled and hung up and ran up the stairs. It's locked. "Back away from the door, I'm kicking it down!! Sorry Tone!!" I yelled to where everyone could hear me. Tony just groaned. I kicked the door down and saw blood everywhere. I found her with cuts everywhere and her hanging from her ceiling fan. "LILY!!!! HELP!!" I yelled as a ran to her and quickly heard feet run up the stairs and some down the hallway. I started untying the rope from the ceiling fan. Tony came in and started helping while Vic called 911 and Jaime ran to the bathroom to flush everything that she could hurt herself with. "Counting all the assholes in the room at least I'm not alone." I heard my phone ring. I picked it up. "The fuck do you want Ashley?!" I yelled. "To talk. I'm sorry-" "I DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING TIME FOR APOLOGIES! MY GIRLFRIEND HUNG HERSELF AND CUT HERSELF! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled as Mike slowly took the phone away from me and started talking to Ashley.

A/N: hey guys it's so short and that I haven't updated in monthsssssssss. I've just been busy and out of ideas... I last updated in May... It's June..... I'm sorry I really am.. I've just been so busy and out of ideas. I will try to update soon, I'm with my family so it might be a while.. Sorry it's so sad... You will figure out in the next chapter why Lily did it... And thank you all so much for 337 reads!!!! It may not seem like a lot but for how crappy this is I'm actually extremely surprised. Stay safe! You are on this earth for a fucking reason and you better fucking believe it. I love you my lovelys!!! Stay safe and stay healthy cya in the next chapter!

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