Chapter 20

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*Addie's POV*
"Sooo how'd it go?" I asked with a giggle. "Ehhhh we need to be downstairs in an hour cause they have some good news." She said with a shrug. I just nodded. I got back on my phone as she came over and shrugged. "Did they actually believe that we did it?" I asked with a smile. "Ya they seemed pretty grossed out to. I had to try my hardest not to smile." She said. I just had a disgusted face. "I would never do that unless we were both ready. Trust me." I said honestly. She just smiled and nodded.

After about an hour we walked downstairs. I still had puffy eyes.. "Okay, Addie we have some awesome fucking news." Rian from ATL said and I just smiled. "Ok so you know how you don't like your parents and all that 'fun jazz'?" Jack said putting air quotes around fun jazz. "Well ya..?" I said in a question type voice. "So we convinced this awfully nice cop over here to let us adopt you! Of course if you want that." Alex said. God he is so sweet it hurts. I just had a huge ass smile on my face and ran over hugged the cop and ran over to Jack and Alex. "Thank you Dad's!" I yelled not think about my words. They just started giggling as I looked horrified. "It's alright. We love the names! Call us whatever you like as long as it isn't old man." Alex said the last part sternly. I just nodded and smiled. I turned around and saw Lily had the biggest smile across her face. I ran over to her and she jumped into my arms. Receiving a couple 'aww's from the guys. I smiled. "I'm so happy for you babe." Lily said and kissed my face. "Wait I have a question. Who's last name am I taking?" I asked. "Uhhhh we didn't get that far cause we didn't know if you actually wanted us to adopt you or not. But I think Alex's cause he is smarter." Jack said with a fake smile at the end. I put down Lily and walked over to him grabbing his face and forcing him to look at me. "I don't care what you say or do but saying that you are dumb is a huge ass lie. If you weren't as smart as you are Dad, you wouldn't have been in a band. You are smart enough to learn to play a guitar and are really fucking awesome at it. If it weren't for you All Time Low wouldn't be a band. It started off as you dragging Alex to your house and your Mom making pizza bagels. You got Rian into the band cause you annoyed him but in a good way. You got Zack in the band because of his skateboarding skills. If you didn't drag Alex into your house All Time Low wouldn't be a band and teenagers would still be self harming. You changed the world. If you say anything disrespectful about yourself I'm going to smack you into next year. Am I understood Dad?" I asked and he looked scared a little bit at the end but also looked really happy. "Yes. You are understood." He said back. I let go of his face and hugged him tightly not letting go. "What just happened?" Tony asked coming from the kitchen. "This smart guy was disrespecting himself so I told him the truth." I said honestly. After about five minutes of hugging we pulled away and he had tears in his eyes. "I didn't mean to make you cry!" I said as a tear slipped from his eye and I wiped it away with Alex's thumb. He just smiled. "You made me emotional and why are you using his hand to wipe the tears away?" He asked. "Cause he is your boyfriend. Duh." I whispered in a duh tone. They both blushed and I smiled my evil smile.

I dragged them both up hugged them both and dragged them outside along with Lily. I pulled Alex away. "You are taking him on a date and me and Lily are coming for a double date. If you like it or not you are going and that's finale. Am I understood father? Jack with be dad and you will be father just an fyi." I said he nodded his head and smiled. We walked back over to the others. "We have a surprise and it's happening this Saturday after my shift. My shift ends at 3:30 on weekends. And the surprise is for you guys." I said as Alex nodded. "Babeeeeeeee you know I hate surprises." Jack and Lily said whining at the same time. "To bad.  Just be glad that is in a week." I said. "Wait shouldn't you be at work then?" They all asked. "No I have a weird schedule. I work Monday and Tuesday then this upcoming weekend, then Thursday and Friday next week." I said. They all just nodded.

We went back inside. "Well child. We have to go to the store and they have to go to soundcheck here soon. Let's go ahead and go home." I heard Father say. I nodded my head and went to go get some stuff. "I've got my car if we want to pile in that." I offered since they walked here. They nodded there head. I walked upstairs with Lily following close behind me.

"Maybe you can go on tours now." She said. I just smiled at the thought of being on tour. "Maybe. Depends if they can stand and put up with me that long." I whispered that last part. "It would be really cool though." I said. She looked confused as to why I 'paused' for that long. She pushed it away and smiled. After I had my board, charger, phone, and clothes I headed downstairs with Lily once again following me. I giggled a bit.

I turned around and saw she was staring at my butt. "Perv!" I said with a gasp receiving everyone's attention. She immediately yanked her eyes up to face mine. "Woops?" She said as more of a question. "What?" Mike asked. "She was staring at my butt!" I yelled. "Already like her Uncle." I heard Tony say with a sigh at the end. "Which one?" Jaime and Vic asked. "Mike." He responded and Mike giggled as did Lily. "Well I've got to go. I love you." I said with a smile. I pulled her in for a hug and a kiss. "I love you too." She said hugging back. "It's so cute I'm gonna throw up." I heard Rian mutter from behind me. I just chuckled.

"Ok so this is where everyone is gonna sit." I paused for a minute. "Zack passenger since you are the nicest and most responsible. Rian in the middle of the back with my parents on either side. If I look back and that's not the seating arrangement I'm gonna turn the car around and wait till it's fixed. Understand?" I said. "She acts more like a mom then my daughter." I heard Alex mumble. I smiled. "Yes ma'am." Zack said. I giggled. I walked over and gave everyone a hug and went back over to my Lily. "Bye Batkitty. I love you." I said to her. "BATKITTY?!" Andy and Ashley yelled. "And here I thought Ashley was a little more responsible. Guess it is just Mama Jinxx." I said with a hint of sarcasm. Jinxx giggles. "You can't just say that and act like me to not reply. Hello Kitty's name is not to be messed with." Him and Andy said the same thing but Andy said Batman instead of Hello Kitty. I shrugged. "Love you to spider monkey. Cya later." She said.

"Bye guys!" I pulled away and headed out the door. Everyone was in the right place and I plugged my phone in to the aux and started to drive as A Love Like War came on. I giggled as Alex sang his parts and I sang Vic's. This is gonna be a great life now. I thought to myself.

A/N: I finally updated. I know it's been a bit but bare with me. I know it's short but at least I updated. Stay strong, stay safe, stay healthy, and we can get through this together. Bye lovelys~🖤

Btw here's a funny quote from CC from Black Veil Brides.

"If you don't like music there is something wrong with your face." -Christian "CC" Coma

Adopted by Tony PerryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin