Chapter 11 bday party pt. 1

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*Lily's POV*
*Day of party*

I wake up to the beginning of Buried Alive by Avenged Sevenfold playing. I wonder who all is coming to this party today. I decided I was gonna re-dye my hair today. I go to the store and buy some dark red hair dye and go back home and dye it. I get out of the shower and blow dry my hair and double french braid it. I go to my closet and put on an black a7x (avenged sevenfold) sleeveless shirt on, with some black ripped skinnies with the a7x skull vans on. (If you don't know what that looks like it's just a skull with some bat wings on the skull. The shirt also has that on it.) I put in some Batman ear rings and put on a Hello Kitty necklace. I put in my black lip and nose ring. I go downstairs and see no one there. I go into the kitchen thinking they are all asleep. I find a not on the fridge that says:

Dear Lily,
Went to the store to get stuff for party. Go to the bvb house please.
Love forever,
Turtle, Uncle Mike, Uncle Vic, and Uncle Hime-Time🖤

I go get my Batman and Hello Kitty combat boots on. I get my keychain that has all and I mean ALL the bands house keys. I hook the keychain to my pants loop. I realize that today is when I stopped cutting last year. 'wow.. I've been a year clean.' I think to myself. I grab my skateboard and go out the house after turning all the lights out and I lock the door. I start skating down the street to the ATL house. I know it said to go to the BVB house but I don't want too. Andley will fight over which one I like better again. Hello Kitty or Batman. I decided I'm gonna play some music since it will take a bit. I also have my trusty pocket knife with me just in case. I bring my phone out and play my playlist and hit shuffle. Just Like You by Falling In Reverse comes on and I start yelling the lyrics. I get out my phone and go to my contacts and click on 'Mama Jinxxxxxxxx'
J=Mama Jinxxxxxxxx
L= Lily
I pres the call button and it only had to ring a few times till a exhausted sounding Mama Jinxxxxxxxx answers.

J: Hello?
L: Hey I was supposed to go to the BVB house but I'm going to the ATL bus. Just a heads up. I'm not dead I'm going to hang out with my gay family.
J:*chuckle* okay tell you "gay family" the other "gay family" says hi for me would ya?
L: I didn't know you and Jake had a thing! I did ship it tho.
J: Okay. Tell your other "gay family" we said hi.
L: will do! Bye love ya
old man!

I hung up as I finished that sentence not letting him say anything. By the time I'm done with the phone call I'm already at the end of the street.
*Skilling to the ATL house*
As I got to the door Missing You came on. I yelled "I HEARD THAT YOU'VE BEEN SELF MEDICATING IN THE QUIET OF YOUR ROOM!" and they all came out from the kitchen and ran up to hugged me. "By the way, the other "gay family" said hi."
"Who's the other 'gay family'?" Alex asked. "You guys are the first "gay family" the second one is BVB." I stated "makes sense." Jack says. "Sooooooo why are you here?" Rian asks.
"Cause I didn't want to go to the house were Andley would be. Nothing wrong with them but, THEY ARE ALWAYS ARGUING ON WHO I LIKE BETTER! BATMAN OR FUCKING HELLO KITTY! I LOVE BOTH EQUALLY!!" I yelled the last part to were the neighbors could hear. "Nice I guess?" Zack says/asks.

We just watch movies and tease Jack and Alex all day. I eventually skate back home and I go to get my keys and unlock the door. I turn on the lights and get surprised with 4 boys in my face yelling "SURPRISE!!!" I jump and whined up kicking them all. "YOU GUYS SCARED THE SHUT OUT OF ME YOU LITTLE SHITS!! Besides you Dad, your not a little shit." I say "Why thank you for not calling me a little shit but KICKING ME IN THE BALLS!!" He yelled the last part. Everyone else just laughed. They are saving the presents for tomorrow. We just watch movies. Mainly Batman and Harry Potter. Around 2 a.m. I feel myself being picked up and put int my room. I hear my closet door open so I open my eyes a bit. I see Uncle Vic looking in my closet for some pj's for me I guess. He comes out with a big Batman shirt and some boy shorts. "Fuck. I didn't think this through. I guess she won't mind me changing her since I'm the only gay one, right?" I hear him whisper to himself. I quickly closed my eyes and continued to fake sleep. I could tell he felt uncomfortable changing me but he hurried up and did it. I heard him write something and tape it somewhere. He came over hugged me, kissed my forehead, and whispered "Good night darling, you will be okay." He left my room. So I got up and went to find the note. I found it on my closet door and it read:
Hey sorry I changed you. I didn't take off your undergarments though. I thought you wouldn't mind me changing you since I'm the only gay one. Please don't tell anyone I am gay though. They don't know yet. I'm keeping mine and Kellin's relationship between me and you okay? Okay. Good night love you!
~Uncle Vic
He's so sweet I thought to myself. I went back to bed and turned on my music and went to bed.

A/N Sorry it's so short. I thought I would update at least something. I'm also running out of ideas. Mind leaving any ideas in the comments? Have a good night or day! Be safe!!
Bye lovelys🖤~

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