Chapter 3

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I get downstairs and I see PIERCE THE VEIL STANDING INFRONT OF ME!! If you couldn't tell, I'm a huge fan. I stand in line like everyone else and look down at my outfit. 'Great idea Lilith on wearing their merch today' I thought to myself. I have my earbuds in playing Bulls In The Bronx by Pierce The Veil. I see eight feet in front of me and I look up to see them all. Vic's in the front, Tony by him, and Jaime and Mike in the back. "Hi! Can we ask you some questions?" Jaime asks. "Y-ya s-sure..." I reply to him. "Awwww is the little emo kid afraid her idols are gonna adopt her then then send her back?? Aww you poor thing." Hailey the preppy bitch says. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME A SHE!! IM A THEY THEM!! NOT A FUCKING GIRL OR BOY!!" I yell as I punch her in the face. Mrs. Winchester gives me that 'really? Why now??' look. I just shrug my shoulders. "Oh snap!" People yell cause they know it's gonna be a fight like it always is. Let's just say I have some big anger issues. She stands up and is about to hit me but Mrs. Winchester yells "THATS ENOUGH GIRLS! Hailey, why did you do that? You know your just gonna start a fight and then get your ass kicked." Tony and everyone else is trying their hardest not to laugh I can tell. I turn back to the boys and say "Sorry about that but yes. You can ask me some questions." They all nod and we go to the meeting room area thingy.
"So, I like your shirt..?" Mike asks/says to start a convo.
"Thanks..?" We start a convo and they ask questions and then they ask how I got here... I look down for a bit and start to tear up and I have no idea why. I tell them that I was left here when I was 2 weeks old. They give me a hug and apologize. "How would you like to have a father?" Tony asks. I looked confused at first but then I realized that he wanted to adopt me and I shook my head, cause I knew if I tried to talk it would just be a sob sound. He goes and signs some paper work so I go and pack and the boys help me.

A/N Sorry this is suck a crappy chapter but at least I try. I'm gonna upload another soon cause I have nothing to do and I'm addicted to Wattpad.. so ya. I think I might need a little help with that problem...
Bye my lovely's!! Remember be you no matter what people think of you!!

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