Chapter 7

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*Tony's POV*
We have a concert today and Lily has to come. I'm kinda scared ngl. I have a feeling that she is gonna get kidnapped or hurt or some shit like that so I have, Andy Biersack being the gazelle he is, watch her so she don't get hurt. She doesn't know yet. It's only 4:30 a.m. so imma go back to bed.

*5 hours later*

*Lilly's POV*
So I get up and check my phone and it says 9:37 a.m. I get up and go to the restroom but Dad calls me info the living room area. "Ya dad?"
"We have a concert tonight. I don't want you getting hurt so, I'm having Andy from bvb watch you while we perform. Is that okay?"
"You mean like, THE Andy Biersack??? Or like another Andy?"
"Yes THE Andy Biersack." He says with a little giggle. "Y-ya that's fine.."
"Just do it." He replies plugging his ears. I screech and everyone falls out of their bunk. "OWW!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FAN-GIRLING ABOUT NOW?!" Uncle Mike ask/yells. "ANDY IS GONNA WATCH ME WHILE YOU GUYS PERFORM YOUR CONCERT!!" I giggle after words cause he comes out with a Harry Potter blanket wrapped around him. Now there is nothing wrong with Harry Potter, but HELLO KITTY IS BETTER AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND!! Yes I know it's kinda childish but Ashley likes it, so why can't I?

*During the concert*

"So what do you like to doooo?" Andy asks. "Watch Hello Kitty and read fanfics while listening to music." I reply. "ASHLEY!!! I HAVE FOUND ANOTHER YOU!!" He yells towards Ashley. He comes running out. "Really?! Where are they????" He obviously knows it's me cause he has meet me before but j haven't meet Andy until now. "Right here." He says pointing to me. "Ahhh. Mr. Purdyboy.. what did you do know?" I ask. "Nothing at all. You Ms. Perry?" "Why nothing much myself besides watch Hello Kitty." "Niceee he replies."
*After the concert*
"You guys did awesome!" Me, Ash, and Andy yell to the guys and Dad. "Thanks!" They say trying to give us all a group hug. "NO THE, FUCKING NO! YALL ARE SWEATY AND WET AND STINKY!!" I say running and jumping onto Andy's back. "THAT WAY GAZELLE!!" I yell pointing to the bus. Ash is following as Andy is running to the bus. "I put water on their bunks so when they get in them, they get even more wet." I whisper to them. They crack up laughing. "I've also made it to where they can't rip open my curtains. They have to slowly open them." I say whisper with a giggle at the end. "Well good luck kid. Cya hopefully, if you make it out alive that is, in the morning!" They say walking away at the same time. They get to there bus and I swear I heard them say "I love you babe" to eachother. Is ANDLEY REAL?! Kellin comes over after the boys take a shower, and him and Uncle Vic are holding hands but they think no one sees them.. I do so we share a couple of glances back and forth and I sneak a pic and send it to the bvb, sws, bmth, a7x (avenged sevenfold for those of you who don't know) and the rest of ptv. They all look at it and instantly look at them with smiles on their faces. They look at me and I hide behind Dad yelling "RAPE THIS IS RAPE!!!" they whined up getting yelled at by Dad and everyone else. We decided we were going to go to sleep. We shared our goodnight's and love you's. They all get to their bunks and I hid in mine knowing they are all gonna yell at the same time. 3...2...1... "AWW COME ON LILLY!!" "LOVE YOU GUYS GOODNIGHT!!" I hear them all mumble something like " your lucky your cute" or "your lucky your related to Tony" I giggle and turn on my music and go to sleep.

AN: BYE LOVELYS!! Sorry if it's kinda short. Hope you are having a good day or night where ever you are!! BE SAFE!!

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