Chapter 17

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*Tony's POV* 

"You will be able to see her soon." I hear her say before she walks out. "Is she okay? What's going on?" Oli asks me. "EVERYONE quiet down! She is under suicide watch and she won't be able to leave the hospital for a few weeks.." I say with a hint of sadness in my voice..

Then Addie comes out and tells us we can see her. She just so happened to be her Nurse which I am so thankful for. I quickly go back to her room and sit by her and hold her hand. "First Vic, now you..? Could it be any worse...?" I whisper.  "I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?" I hear an all to familiar voice say from the door way. "Oh come on!" I say. I know exactly who it is. I turn around and see Haven. "She hurt herself because you would always start arguments and she heard them!!" She says. "No she hurt herself cause she was in pain. She felt un-wanted,  she felt like shit Haven! You didn't help with that either! You always started fights and I tried to be the bigger person but you wouldn't let me!" I snap. I've had enough of her bullshit. "Get out. Just get the fuck out. I don't wanna see you texting my daughter, trying to call my daughter, going anywhere near my daughter or my family. If you don't leave and leave me and my family alone, I will have you arrested. Don't think I don't know about you abusing my daughter I've seen the cuts, and bruises, I've seen it in person. Just fucking leave and don't come back." I say and threw my promise necklace she got me at her. She left crying. I was still holding onto Lily's hand and I felt her squeeze it tighter. I turn around and she is trying to open her eyes. "ADDIE SHE'S WAKING UP!!" I yell and she and everyone else comes running in. Lily opens her eyes and they immediately go wide and she starts to cry. "Shh babygirl, daddy's here. It's okay. We're all here. Shhhh." I say trying to comfort her. "Love, it's alright. We are here for ya. Calm down for us please?" Oli says/asks. "Babe. It's okay. Calm down we love you. I love you." Addie says. "I love you all too. So you said yes..?" Lily asks. "Why wouldn't I? You are the most amazing, beautiful, caring, and loving hooman I have ever meet. You care so much for the people around you and you would do anything for them. Absolutely anything. I appreciate that so much." Addie says to her.

*Lily's POV*
I wake up and I see everyone around me. I start crying. (A/N:Y'all know what happened. It's literally just happened. I ain't typing it.) I can't believe she said yes. I make grabby hands to her and she comes over to me. I hug her and kiss her check. She looks at me and goes in for a kiss. Our lips meet and I start to kiss back. We separate and see everyone but Dad left. "Where'd they go?" I ask him. "They left cause the felt awkward. I'm just happy my babygirl, has so many caring people in her life." He responds. After about an hour Addie tells Dad what has to happen and we leave. She comes with us since her shift is over. "Can I ride with her?" I ask Dad. "As long as she don't care. Go for it." He responds. "Hey babe? Can I ride with you?" I ask. "You don't have to ask. Just get in the car from now on." She says. "Okay will do. I'm playing my playlist though." I say. "I don't care as long as it isn't that shitty ass pop music.(a/n: srry if that's offensive.) "Oh trust me it's not. After we leave and a few songs play we are at my house. "Wanna stay the night?" I ask her. "Let me ask my mother real quick." She says and picks her phone up and dials her mom's number. "Hello? Yes hi Mother I was wondering if I could stay the night at a friend's house? Yes I know. Please Mother? Okay thank you! Love you!" She hangs up. "It's up to Tony now." She says "Oh he won't mind, trust me." I reply. We get out of the car and run to the door. I take out my keys since we are the first ones here some how. I unlock the door and walk inside turning the lights on. She comes in and we go upstairs to my room. (No sexual parts in this!!!) We get to my room and open the door and walk in. "I'm gonna go make some popcorn and bring up a movie, okay?" I ask "Sure. I'll be here." She says replying. I go downstairs and make us a bag of popcorn and put some salt on it and get us some Coke's to drink. I also get us Annabelle 2. As I go back up the stairs, everyone else comes in. "Addie is staying the night just an fyi." I say to inform everyone. "Alright. Don't be to loud." I hear Ashley say receiving a smack from everyone else. "We aren't like you and Andy to where someone can hear you a whole 5 blocks away." I say with my bitch face on. They both blush super hard. "We are gonna watch Annabelle 2 if anyone wants to join." I say receiving a couple of 'okays'. I go upstairs set everything up and turn the lights off. Me and Addie cuddle and wind up falling asleep half way through the movie.

What a perfect way to end a some what perfect day.

A/N: Hey fellow reader(s). 👋 Hope you are having a good night/day! Stay safe and beware of the Covid-19. Be safe! Bye lovelys~🖤

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