Chapter 15

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*Lily's POV*
It's been about 2 months since I yelled at that nurse at the hospital. Ever since then I have been getting hated on, the band has, and Mom and Dad have been getting a lot of hate for "not raising a child good". They have also been having realationship problems... I feel like it's all my fault.. It's currently July and I have been wearing the same sweat shirt all month. It's the one British man gave me, when we were in the hospital. I have been wearing skinnies the entire time too. I woke up an hour ago and I have been just sitting on my phone looking at all the hate comments towards Mom Dad, and the band... *Trigger warning. Btw, I'm coming up with random user names. If this is someone's sorry!*
"@asdfptvsucks: Wow I can't believe they are still keeping that piece of trash." I read. I started to tear up and read a few more. "@gurlll1634: I can't believe I used to listen to them. Tony was my favorite. Now I hate him. HE DID A TERRIBLE JOB AT RAISING A KID!!" one read. I started to cry. I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed my 'weapons' from under the sink. I had pulled out my trusty friend I call him blades. I took off my sweatshirt and my pants. I was now in just my undergarments. I had cuts all over my stomach, legs, and arms.. I hated the person looking back at me in the mirror.

"Do it. You know you wanna. It's not like anyone cares anyway."

I heard that little voice says in the back of my head. I had made myself threw up to were it was just blood. After I did that I posted a video on all of my social networks of me that I made a week ago. 


I pressed record and walked back a bit as it went 3..2..1..

"Dear friends, family, haters, etc. I have come to make a video. I will not be such a bother to anyone anymore. I'm gonna give everyone what they want. Me gone. I'm not running away, I'm killing myself.. just like you guys wanted. I know some of you care and I am sorry but I'm the reason Tony and Haven are having realationship problems. I'm the reason Pierce The Veil is losing their fans and gaining more haters. I'm the reason why people hate everyone in my family. (Non biological family) I came here to say sorry. By the time you watch this or care, I'm either one, in the hospital, two, dead, or three attempting to kill myself. It's not like anyone cares. I just wanted to apologise to the people that do. Im sorry, Andy, Justin, Jack B., Jack F., Kellin, Vic, Ronnie, Mike, Jaime, Ashely, Oli, Jinxx, Jake, CC, Rian, Alex, Zack M., M. Shadows, Gates, Rev, Johnny, Zack V., Gabe, Justin, Nick, Zack F. Everyone. Especially Addie, Tony, and Haven. I'm sorry guys. Really I am. But it's for the better. I love you guys. One more thing, Addie, I know we may not see eachother again... But I want you to know, I love you. Not like best friends or sisters, as a girlfriend. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you. I made a bracelet for everyone that has my name, and their name. I want you all to have one. I don't want you to cry at my funeral, or when you see this. I want you to smile. I might be going to a better place. I'm putting myself out of misery.. I have cuts all over my body.. I want you all to smile when you see this. Please. Be happy. Not sad. It would kill me even more to see you guys sad. Remember the good times that happened. Not the bad. If I for some reason make this out alive, and I don't have any amnesia, will you Addie be my girlfriend? If I don't make it out alive, I want you all to be happy. Don't cry when thinking of me. If you do cry, they better fucking be happy tears cause if they ain't, motherfucker I will find you, and haunt you. I love you all, it's not anyone in particular's fault, in fact it's no one's fault. I know what I'm doing is gonna bring a lot of pain, but please make sure you take car for eachother. I want you all to look out for eachother. If you are or where a fan please don't hate on anyone again. Don't hate on the band again. It's not their fault. I love you all to the farthest thing in outer space and back. Cya all later if I make it, if not, cya on the flip side.."

-end of flashback-

After I watch the video I post it. Right now is a perfect time to try and kms because no one is gonna be home for another hour. I went back to the bathroom, took all the pills in the cabinet, and started applying cuts all over my body. My phone was going of like crazy but I didn't care. I turned the ringer down all the way and I out on some After about an hour, I started to get light headed. I was still cutting but not as much or as fast but, The New National Anthem came on by Pierce The Veil. As Vic sang.

"If I ever catch the ones who hurt you, I hope God looks away this time.."

I quickly wrote in blood I luv u and I'm srry. I passed out after that and instantly banging came from my door and it was kicked down. People came rushing over and they were all screaming bloody murder. I have no clue what happened next.

*Andy's POV*

*5 mins before she posted the video*

I was scrolling threw Instagram checking out Lily's page. As I got on her page a new video came up and I immediately clicked on it. After I watched it I was in tears. Ashes came in "Hey babe- BABE WHATS WORNG?!" he asked with a load of concern in his voice. The boys came running up. I didn't realize I had been digging at my scalp untill Ashes pulled my hands away from my head and I had blood on them. "SOMEONE GET THE AID KIT!" he yelled I got up grabbed them and shoved Ashes in the driver seat and the guys in the back. I started the car. "GET TO TONY'S HOUSE!!! NOW LILY IS KILLING HERSELF!" I yell as tears stream down my face even harder. Ashes drives out as fast as he can and is going about 25 above the speed limit. We were almost there and a police officer pulled us over. Ashes rolled down the window and I stared at the officer. "Babe I'm gonna run to Tony's before she does anything more than she has already done. She is covered in scars and is probably making more. The guys are on their way but I wanna get there. Officer, I'm sorry about speeding, but I need to go to my friend's house before his daughter kills herself." He just shakes his head and lets me run. Ashes was behind talking to the officer. And the rest of the band was chasing after me. I have never run so hard in my life. I got to her house and ran inside and started banging on her door. She didn't answer so I kicked the door down. I heard Vic singing and there was blood everywhere. I saw a note made out of blood that said 'i luv u, I'm srry ♥️' I started screaming. I guess the officer called the ambulance cause I heard cc telling them up there. They came running in with everyone that she mentioned in her video come running in. They all started screaming. Me and Ashley where able to ride in the truck with her to the hospital. They were trying to stop the bleeding as I too, passed out.

A/N hey guys/gals/non binary pals! I hope you are having a good night or day! I made this chapter since I didn't go to school today. I still feel like shit. I'm just glad heating pads exist. (Feminine hygiene 😭) Sorry it's so depressing. Thanks for reading! Be safe please! Bye lovelys~🖤 (fyi if that's not how you spell lovelys idc I'm sticking with it.)

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