Chapter 4

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*Vic's POV*
Once Mike asks her how she got here she started to tear up and I instantly felt bad. She told us that she got abandoned at the age of 2 weeks here and how Mrs. Winchester is like a mother figure to her. And then Tony says something that will change her life forever. "How would you like to have a father?" She nods her head on the verge of tears and he goes and signs the papers. We go upstairs and she has this room that is COVERED in band posters. And when I say COVERED I mean there is no spot in the room that doesn't have any posters. "Nice room!" I say to break the silence. She immediately blushes of embarrassment. "T-t-thanks.." she get her clothes and stuff as me Mike, and Jaime get her posters. I'm guessing her name is Hailey, comes in and she starts to yell at her and slap her and shit. I ain't gonna put up with my Niece being bullied. Oh hell no. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU ALWAYS START FIGHTS?! HUH?! HUH BITCH?!" Lilith screams and kicks the preppy bitch. "MRS. WINCHESTER!!! LILITH HIT ME!!" She yells and Mrs. Winchester replies with "BOO-HOO YOUR NOT DYING YOUR FINE!!" I don't think anyone likes Hailey which is fine by me.

*Lilith's POV*
After we get everything packed we go downstairs and see Tony waiting for us. I don't have much clothes, but I have a LOT of posters. "Ready to go munchkin?" Tony says as he messed up my hair. "Sure." We get outside and they all say at the same fucking time which is kinda creepy, "Oh btw we are on tour." I just shake my head in response. I find an empty bunk and throw my crap in it.

AN I know this is a rlly shitty story but at least I'm trying right?? Tell me what you think of this story. Sorry this is really short if you even like this shitty ass story.

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