Nicholas John Crilley, A sadistic banker

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April 22, 2020 : A sadistic banker burned a woman's genitals, forced her to eat her own vomit and raped her daily for three weeks - leaving the victim on the brink of death and with her face infested with maggots.

Nicholas John Crilley, 34, subjected the 21-year-old woman to 'physical, psychological and sadistic violence' over 23 days in June 2017 at his townhouse in Bulimba, Brisbane.

Shocking details of the sickening torture can be revealed after the former Commonwealth Bank worker pleaded guilty to 54 offences, including grievous bodily harm, deprivation of liberty and torture.

His assaults left the woman so severely injured paramedics initially thought she was dead, the Brisbane District Court heard on Tuesday.

Prosecutor Sandra Cupina told the court Crilley raped the woman daily, set her on fire and poured burning water on her genitals.

He used a cigarette lighter, acetone and boiling water to burn her body.

The victim was also forced to eat her own vomit and faeces, and made to sleep on the floor or outside.

Crilley also made the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, choose how she wanted to die - being shot or in a car crash.

'I've pummelled her so hard... she cant talk anymore,' Crilley bragged to a friend.

The 34-year-old then 'hid' her for five days at the nearby Tower Mill Metro Hotel.

The beatings became so severe the woman's upper lip detached from her face.

'He increased and escalated the methods he was using to harm her, boiling water then acetone then setting her on fire,' Ms Cupina said.

She suffered multiple broken bones, deep lacerations to her face, including the 'degloving of the skin', and burns to 46 per cent of her body.

'The tissue on part of her face was so severely infected it was also infested with maggots,' Ms Cupina said.

'If she had not been treated in hospital she would have died.'

Crilley eventually called triple-zero before fleeing the Brisbane home where most of the offending occurred. (000 is Australia's primary emergency call service number)

She was found barely alive in his house on July 2, 2017, so badly injured police who found her thought she had been involved in an explosion.

Police thought she was dead until she groaned.

He was taken into custody eight days later following a dramatic police chase involving several stolen cars.

The woman was placed in an induced coma and spent eight weeks in Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital recovering, which included learning to walk again.

Ms Cupina said Crilley's violent attacks were sustained, brutal and vicious, and increased in intensity over time.

'The horror (she) would have been experiencing is almost unimaginable,' she said.

Crilley appeared in court via video link from jail, while the brave woman described the torture as feeling like 'hundreds of small ants' were biting her.

She said her lifelong facial scars have made her feel 'unworthy of human interactions,' and said strangers look at her like she is a 'monster'.

The woman said it took her seven weeks in hospital to work up the courage to look at her deformed face in the mirror, fearing what she would see.

'When I finally did, I was so distraught. I didn't look like myself at all. I was unrecognisable. My whole body throughout hasn't felt like my own,' she told the court, the Courier Mail reported.

Her muscles wasted away so much she had to learn to walk again, and her little finger was amputated.

The woman, who is now 24, also went through weeks of agonising treatment for burns on nearly half of her body.

Her teeth are broken from endless beatings at the hands of Crilley.

She now has to wear a wig after losing chunks of her hair due to a badly burned scalp.

The bridge of her nose had to be removed because it was shattered into pieces, and her vision has been reduced due to burning liquids being poured in her eyes.

Defence lawyer Malcolm Harrison said Crilley was in a methylamphetamine-induced delusional state during the prolonged assault.

He said Crilley believed the woman had been part of a drive-by shooting that targeted him, but it was not based on reality.

'This is a dreadful and extremely serious example of violence against a woman,' he said.

'The offences were sadistic in nature.'

However, Mr Harrison reminded the court Crilley had called triple-zero.

'That is probably the one factor in his favour,' he said.

Crilley will be sentenced on May 1. The Crown has asked that he be jailed for life.

//Update May 1, 2020: Nicholas John Crilley jailed for life over 'sadistic' weeks'-long torture and rape of Brisbane woman



Credit: Extreme Crime

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