The Mauerova Cult Family

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Klara Maurerova from Kurim in the Czech Republic often told people that she was destined to fulfil a mission for God. Her sister, Katerina, had a mission too, she said. Klara went on to have two sons - Ondrej and Jakub. The father of the sons eventually left Klara because of her bizarre behaviour. Nevertheless, Klara was said to be a good mother in the beginning and would often be seen playing with her two boys. However, after the break up, Klara and her sons then moved in with her sister, Katerina.

The sisters then became friendly with 33-year-old Barbora Skrlova. She had a glandular disease that made her look much younger than she really was. Prone to getting in trouble with the law, Barbora often posed as a minor to avoid charges being filed. Shortly after the meeting, Klara, Katerina and Barbora joined a religious cult known as "The Grail Movement." The cult expressed the belief that their members could get into heaven by doing good deeds. However, they also believed that they were absolved to commit crimes.

The three women unleashed a barrage of abuse on 8-year-old Ondrej and 9-year-old Jakub. The two boys were locked in a cage in the basement where they remained for a year. During that year, they were completely stripped and given no blankets or anything soft to lay on. They were starved, tortured, beaten and sexually assaulted. In addition, the boys were burnt with cigarettes, given electric shocks, whipped and almost drowned.

The boys were forced to cut themselves with knives and were forced to stand in their own urine for days on end. When they weren't kept in the cage, they would be handcuffed to a table. Barbora soon decided they would force feed the boys to make them gain weight. After gaining some weight, the women held Ondej down and skinned his leg as he screamed and pleaded. The three women then ate the raw flesh. They did the same to Jakub and even forced the boys to consume their own flesh. Now, when they weren't being tortured, they were literally being eaten alive.

Credit: Morbidology

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