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*8 years later*

Jade's POV

"Hey, Leigh!" I say as I pick up the phone.

"Hi, I was wondering whether we could have another writing session this week? I've had an inspirational day and I've got some ideas for new songs, but I need a second opinion." As soon as we all began to start our own family, Little Mix split up. It wasn't because we didn't want to work together anymore, but because we couldn't combine the group and having a family.

Leigh-Anne and I still write music. We have sessions together whenever it suits us and sit down with big artists to help them put their feelings into a song. Jesy opened her own gym, where she teaches others to dance, work out, and things like that. And Perrie became a voice coach.

We're still in contact with each other. It's not on a daily basis, but we hear from each other a lot and try to see each other as much as we can. And you know, maybe we will reunite when our family lives are less hectic.

"Yeah, sure. I'm free on Tuesday in the afternoon. Pass by at 2 o'clock?"

"Sure, see u then!"

As I put down the phone, I hear some crying coming from the living room. I quickly walk that way to see my 3-year old crying, with my eldest child playing with his cars next to her.

"Elliot, what happened?" I ask, sitting down next to them and taking my crying child into my arms.

"She was playing with my car, but I wanted to play with it." He looks down, knowing I don't like it when he takes things away from his sisters.

"Do you remember what I told you about sharing?" He nods at my question.

"Sorry, mummy."

"It's fine. Give your sister a kiss." He does as I say before giving me a kiss as well, and giving his sister the toy back.

Perrie and I really wanted to have children. It took us a while to decide which way we wanted to get them. Eventually, we settled on insemination, and I would be the one to carry the pregnancies. We went to Jonnie to ask if he wanted to donate. That way, our babies would have Perrie's DNA as well. At first, he wasn't the biggest fan of our choice, but he agreed anyway.

Elliot is our eldest one. He's six year old. We named him after Jed, because he was the one who practically forced me to admit my crush. Without him, I never would have said it and we maybe wouldn't be together right now. Elliot has blonde hair, just like his momma.

3 years after Elliot's birth, Anna was born. She was born prematurely and had to stay in the hospital for a few months, before finally being able to come home. Her name is inspired by Leigh-Anne, because she's one of our best friends and she's part of Little Mix, which is the biggest reason why we know each other.

Nellie, named after Jesy, is our last born. She's only 8 months old, but a dream of a baby. Just like her sister, she's got a tanned skin and brown hair.

"Would you like a glass of juice?" Both of my children eagerly nod at my question. While Elliot runs towards the kitchen, I carry Anna towards there.

"I want a biscuit." Anna says when I put her down in her highchair.

"We can all have one if you don't tell momma. It's got to be our secret." I say, looking both of them in their eyes. They understand what I mean and nod at my statement. I give both of them a cup of orange juice and a biscuit, taking one for myself as well.

As Elliot and Anna sit at the table to eat, I make some milk for Nellie. I take her out of her crib and sit down with her next to Anna. While feeding my youngest child, I hear the front door open.

"Hello?" I hear.

"Momma! We're in the kitchen." Elliot yells, before I've got the chance to say something. A few seconds later, Perrie appears in the doorway. She gives all of her children, and me of course, a kiss.

"What are you eating?" She looks at our children and then at me.

"Mummy gave us a biscuit." Anna answers, making Perrie look at me with intriguing eyes.

"Oh, did she? I thought we were gonna stop eating so many snacks in between meals?"

"It's only one biscuit, Pez, it doesn't matter that much." She nods at my statement, before asking our kids about their day, while they finish their juice. When everyone is ready, Elliot and Anna run towards the playroom. Perrie puts Nellie back in her crib, so she can rest. In the meantime, I wipe the table to get all the crumbs and spilled juice of the surface.

"If you eat one biscuit about six times a day, it's still six biscuits." Perrie says, while wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. I lean into her touch and turn my head so I can kiss her on her cheek.

"I just wanted to give them some orange juice, but they asked for it, and I gave in because Anna had had this massive meltdown before."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I get to eat something I like." After seductively whispering that in my ear, she starts sucking on my earlobe, making me moan. With three kids, having sex whenever and wherever we want, became almost impossible. Needless to say we're always too tired to make love.

"That's an offer I can't refuse." I turn around to stand face to face with her. After wrapping my arms around her neck, I push my lips onto hers. Even after eight years, every kiss we share is still filled with so much love.

When I was younger, I never believed in faith or love. I thought that everlasting love was something written about in books, songs and movies, but it couldn't actually exist, right? Meeting Perrie totally changed my mind about that, because here we are. I finally have the life I've always dreamt about. And it can't get any better than this, ever. Everything is just absolutely perfect.


And that's a wrap!

I started this book in October 2017, so it took my about 2,5 years to finish this. So I'm really grateful for everyone who read it, voted, or commented. It makes me a bit emotional to know it's actually over.

Thank you all so much, and maybe I'll hear from you in another book.

L. X

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