Chapter 4

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Jade's POV

"So, what happened? Tell us everything." Jesy says while walking in. Leigh runs in after her and they both walk over to the living room, where Perrie is still sitting on the couch. I close the door and go over to them. Perrie looks at me and smiles. I smile back at her. I'm reliving our first ever kiss for like the 14th time. It felt amazing and I can't wait to feel her lips on mine again.

"Come on girls, spill the beans!" Leigh-Anne says impatiently.

"We just talked a bit." Perrie says while smiling at me.

"Yeah, we know that Jade told you everything, but we want to know what happened after that. Like is everything okay, or...?"

I smile. "I think we're more than okay, aren't we Pezza?" I walk over to the couch to hug her.

"I think we are." She says hugging me back.

Jesy and Leigh look at us quite confused. I think they expected Perrie to be shocked, or even mad, but they definitely didn't see this coming. Perrie pulls away and motions for Jes and Leigh to sit on the couch opposite to the one were sitting one.

"Apparently, we all know about this little girls not-so-little crush on me." She looks at me and says "You know, Jade, I think it's actually really cute and I'm very honoured." We smile at each other, then she continues talking. "But I don't think any of you knew about my, also not-so-little, crush on this beautiful girl right beside me."

"Wait what?!" Lesy says in unison.

"I've always liked Jade in a special way, but when she got together with Jed, I finally realized it was all pure love for my fellow Geordie, since I was really jealous of Jed. But I never thought she'd ever like me back, so I kept it to myself as I was okay with just being friends. So, I told her that after her confession and we're good now."

Leigh starts squealing and screaming and runs over to pull us into a hug. Jesy joins seconds after. I love group hugs with these three girls. I can't imagine my life without them anymore. When we pull away, I see Jesy with tears in her eyes. I know she gets emotional really fast, but I didn't expect her to cry because Perrie and I both like each other in more than a friendly way.

"I'm so happy for you girls!" She exclaims and pulls us into another hug.

Leigh breaks the hug and turns to Perrie. "What about Alex?"

"I don't know. I'm going to facetime him, since he won't be back home soon, and tell him everything that has happened. I'm sure he'll understand. He's a lovely lad and he deserves a girl who can give her heart to him, but that's just not me. My heart doesn't belong with him." She says. She looks down and I know she feels bad about it, so I take her hand and give a lingering kiss on it.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks. Jade, help me to carry them?" Jesy asks.

"Sure." I let go of Perries hand and walk to the kitchen with Jes. When we got all the drinks, I start making my way back to the living room, but she stops me. I look at her confused.

"I wanted to ask you this back there, but in case your answer was no, it'd be really awkward, so I'll ask you now. Are you guys like 'a thing' now?" She questions me and that's the first time I actually think about it.

I have actually no idea what we are. I mean, we both have feelings for each other and we kissed, but does that mean that we are a thing? I wouldn't mind if we were, I'd love it, but I didn't ask her and she didn't ask me so technically, we aren't anything.

"I don't know actually. We didn't talk about it." I say.

"Do you want to be?"

"I definitely wouldn't mind if we were, but wouldn't that rush everything? I mean, we have just confessed our feelings for each other. We should date first I guess..."

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