You looked at him while trying to gauge your feeling right now, as you felt your world started to fall apart.

It would be easier for you, had you savored the materialistic possessions instead of the illusion of what an ideal romantic relationship should be.

Maybe you were being too naive to hold onto such an utopian dream, of where everybody would be happy, but it was what you always believed you finally would have.
All your life you had looked up to your parents and your brother as role model for an ideal family.

You remembered the way your father gazed lovingly at your mother, the way he hugged her, it was always the same affection even as days gone by, his love didn't even fade with time. You saw how his eyes spoke his love to her without having to say it, but they understood each other.

Never mind that your family was living modestly, surviving between paycheck to paycheck, when meat or fish were such a luxury once in a while, but all of you were happy, you were content.

It was your dream to meet with someone who would love you like the way your father loved your mom, even when Yejin always mocked you and said that the kind of love was only one in a million. Maybe indeed it was a slim chance, but you would probably fall into those measly percentage of the crowd who fortunate enough, one could always wish.

When one fateful night a car accident took your parents away from you, your brother who was eight years older than you, took you in, despite the the tight situation he was in, juggling between work and life with a newborn baby.
You were fifteen years old at the time, and witnessing his relationship with Mariko, his wife, didn't exactly help with your case.

You saw how they treated and looked at each other just like how your parents did.
Your sister in law was a mix between korean and japanese, who participated in Korean Japanese student exchange program in Seoul, before met your brother when they were still in college, eventhough they were not from the same major.

Her graceful and well natured character, her obvious adoration and admiration towards your brother with all her heart, and their affection to each other only made you envied them, and your expectation of future relationship started to become quite unrealistic.

If your parents and your brother could have that ideal marriage, why couldn't you?
There were billions young men in this earth, surely it wouldn't be hard to find one who could love you like them, right? If your brother and Mariko who were separated by different country could meet, maybe that was how soulmate worked anyway.
You were determined to find a man that would fulfill your dream just like in their relationship.

Your determination only lasted until Yoongi found you.

"Do I have any say in this?"
You wanted to sob, realized what was inevitably coming to you, but you refused to show him your weakness.

"Of course you do. You can choose if you want to make it easy or difficult.
The easy one will be a bit boring for me, but you can save your energy from trying to fight me.
Or, try to defy me, it will be a challenge, but I'm all for predator and prey game. It's in my blood.
So, choose carefully sweetheart."

Could those even be called options?
You were doomed either way.

He walked out ushering you by putting his hand on your small back.

You didn't think you could have dinner tonight, you already lost your appetite.


Dinner was set inside a very big dining room, with a long table consisted of twelve chair in the center.

A huge chandelier hanging on the ceiling, giving the room a warm elegance ambience, oddly different than the one at the lobby. Maybe because this room wasn't as barren as the entrance hall.
Several paintings hung on the wall, just like at the hallway you passed with Jimin earlier.
One of the painting was a portrait of beautiful girl with black hair and brown eyes, with half face was seen in a shadow.
It was the only picture with a human face among his collection of painting, including those you saw previously along the hallway.

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now