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Ty came home about 2pm and walked in.
"Hi Jack. Where's Amy".
"Try the bedroom ".
Ty looked and knew something had gone down so went to see Amy. He tried the door but it was locked so knocked gently in case Lynzy was asleep. After a while the door unlocked and he went in. He could see that Amy had been crying,  he felt sorry for her after everything she had been through and she was very vulnerable at the moment. He sat on the bed and held her as she collapsed into his arms and sobbed.  After a while Amy fell asleep and he lay her back down and covered her over.
He went in the Nursery and Lynzy was asleep too.
Ty walked out towards the Barn and and phoned Lou to see if she knew what happened. They spoke for a good  half hour and Ty was completely speechless at  Jack's behaviour,  Lou told him about the Security system and how Amy cancelled it after having a go at Jack for the reason she got kidnapped.
Ty then phoned Lisa and spent a long time on the phone wanting to know if possible what was wrong with him. 
He walked back to the Ranch house and saw Jack asking to speak to him outside as he didn't want to wake Amy and Lynzy.
"Nope, you can say what you wanna say right here after all it is my house.".
Ty felt the sting in those words unaware that Lisa was in the Mudroom listening.
" Okay Jack, I think I understand now that although you want me an Amy to take over Heartland your not ready to let go. Why not just be honest in the first place and tell Amy instead of leading her on and giving her false hope. I know you dont like change and Amy was the same way mainly because she was comfortable the way things were, but after she came back from Europe it made her think and now she welcomes change and what it could mean.
So when she did all this work you were saying how good it looked , now your saying she wasted her time. I'm just glad she hasn't finished Clinic."

"There's not going to be a Clinic, not on my Ranch anyway."
"Your unbelievable Jack, here's the bill for what Amy spent on your Ranch  and she said she'd like it back as quickly as possible so we can start work on our piece of Land."

"Okay Ty, here I'll write a check now and while your at it look for somewhere else to live."

"What,  your kicking us out because of a disagreement,  what about all this you said about Legacy and how you wanted Amy to take over Heartland,  this has been her Home Jack for 24 yrs   and your kicking her out."

"It may have been where she was living,  but it's time for her to move on."

" Your going to break her heart Jack".

Jack just shrugged his shoulders and walked into his bedroom.
Lisa came out of the mud room and gave Ty a hug, "I'm wondering if he's eating himself up with quilt because he feels responsible for what's happened and he's to dam Stubborn to admit it".
"You could be right Lisa, but what he's  doing could have consequences for Heartland " .
"Look if you and Amy want to, come stay at Fairfield while you think about options , okay."
"Thanks Lisa".

Ty went back to tell Amy what just happened,  but she told Ty she heard everything that was said.

2 weeks later.......

Ty and Amy moved out to Fairfield and stored everything in one of Lisa's Sheds. Thankfully Lisa had a room downstairs she set up for them as there bedroom leaving Jack on his own as he wished.
Amy didn't know what to do , Building  there own Ranch on there Land or wait and see if Jack came to his senses.
Then she realized she had no proof on paper that it was her and Ty's Land. So Amy mentioned it to Ty and he said he'd get Jack to sign a bill of sale. He phoned there Lawyer who said he'd have it ready in an hour and he could pick it up.
Ty pulled up at Heartland and spoke to Jack saying that it was just a formality as Amy didn't want to start building and then have Jack telling her that it was his Land and to get off it. But Jack refused to sign it.
Ty lost his Temper with Jack telling him that Lou got her Land for the Dude Ranch but he was now taking back what he promised to Amy and himself. 
Ty got back and Lisa and Amy were sat in the kitchen having a coffee. Ty explained to them both what happened and Amy lost it. Ty stood up and scooped Amy up bridal style and sat down with his wife on his lap holding her as she sobbed.
Even Lisa had tears in her eyes, and was now thinking that something could be wrong with Jack. This was nothing like him.
Ty got up and took Amy to bed, she was so down and emotional at the moment and he was getting more worried about her.
"How is she Ty".
"An Emotional wreck Lisa, What Jack's been doing is killing her and I don't know what to do".
"Well I'm going to speak to my so called Husband cause I'm beginning to think something is not right.".
After a while Ty goes to check on Amy and she's still asleep so goes to give her a kiss on her cheek, Ty knows something isn't right as she was cool and clammy. Ty looks around and steps on a Plastic Medication pot, he picks it up and its empty then on the side he sees a note, reads it and his blood runs cold.
Jack and Lisa are having an almighty argument when her phone rings, she was going to ignore it till she saw Ty's name light up.
Lisa answered the call and just stood there as she listened,  "Ty, is she going to be alright ".  "Yes thank god, tell jack I'm holding him responsible for this. I'll see you at the Hospital Lisa".

"You stupid Stubborn old man, Did you not think that the things you said would not have consequences ".
"What do you mean by that Lisa".
"When Ty came back and told me and Amy what you said about the Land that you gifted to her and Ty she broke down and Sobbed, Ty put her to bed and I came here, that was Ty on the phone and your little girl as you call her just tried to take her own life.".
"What, is she going to be okay".
Lisa wanted to scare the shit out of Jack so Told him she was fighting for her life. Then ran out to her car and took off to the Hospital.
Ty was waiting and decided to Phone Lou who was still in New York .

To be continued

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