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Amy went to get out of bed and collapsed to the Floor, she could feel her Legs but they wouldn't work. She saw a full length mirror and dragged herself over to it, Amy lifted her top and looked at her back, it was black and blue, know wonder she can't walk. She knew they must of either dropped her or threw her into a van or truck whatever .
There was a knock on her door but there's no way she can get over there , then Amy suddenly gets a panic attack as she realizes it could be her kidnappers and passes out.
The door opens and it's one of the staff who seeing Amy lying there runs off for help. As Amy's lifted up and put  on the bed the maid points to Amy's back, he rolls her over and lifts her top to see what the maid was looking at and can't believe what he see's, he rolls her onto her back and asks the maid to look after her, then Storms out.
The two men who took Amy are called into his office,  as soon as they walk in they go to sit in the chairs opposite the desk but a voice just says one thing *STAND *they both look at each other wondering what they've done wrong.
"What the hell did you do to her, her back is blue with bruises ".
The one that's not the idiot points his finger at the other saying "I told him to be careful with her but he kept throwing her in the truck or van like a sack of corn, he even hit her hard on  the back of her head as she tried to get away then pulled his gun out and pointed it at her head, if I hadn't been there he would of shot her. I am sorry sir".
He looks at the idiot body guard and asks him if he was the one who drove her and her Husband of the road .
"Only her Husband sir, I didn't know she was in the truck".
" Your fired, go back home, your lucky I don't shoot you where you stand.

He walks back up to Amy's room and knocks on the door.  The maid opens it for him and walks out as he enters.
Amy is awake and although she doesn't recognize him she can see the family resemblance.
"How are you feeling,  better I hope."
Amy looks at him but is puzzled "Better, thank you. Can I ask who you are, I can see the resemblance and why you've kidnapped me and taken me away from my Baby and Husband. And where I am."
"My name is Akram and yes I'm one of Ahmeds brothers,  one of his younger brothers. He recommended you when I told him I had a problem with my horse although he did say after what happened you may not be interested and I couldn't take that risk."
"Sooo,  what, you want me to fix your horse and then you'll kill me or if I refuse you'll kill me anyway!!!!!! ."
" No, no of course not, I love my horse and when you've finished I'll drop you back at Calgary Airport".
"Well you have a big problem Akram, have you seen my back, ( He Nods ) well that Scar you saw is because I had a Broken Back and still do to a certain extent,  what your morons did to me has very possibly either caused enough Trauma to put me in bed again for about 4 to 6 months or the've Broken my back again as it wasnt finished healing. I need my specialist made Wheelchairs if you want me moving around,  one is a Black indoor or shopping Chair and my really special one for outdoors and Training Horses is a custom 4 x 4 Blue Trailback Wheelchair with independent suspension and pre lockable Steering for trying to Gentle a horse.  My wounderful Grandparents had it made just for me. I can tell you where they are. I'm not sure you'll be able to get the indoor  one but the outdoor one is in the Quonset hut near the Barn.
Oh,,, I'll also need an MRI to see what damage has been done to me. "
"Mrs Borden to you, just to remind you that I am a married woman "
"Yes, sorry,  I'm married myself and our religion forbids what you may have been thinking. "
"Well its ashame it didn't cover women already spoken for as in Engaged. "
"Actually it does and Ahmed was totally out of line when he kissed you. We don't know what he was thinking about because he couldn't of married you anyway. "
"Well that's in the past now, how is Ahmed, enjoying being the king,  oh,  I will need a Nurse to help me for the next few months while I heal , then we should know how bad it is, and when it's safe for me to use my Chair I will see what I can do for your horse, but I must warn you that I haven't worked with a horse for almost a year".
" Very well Mrs. Borden leave things with me, this is after all my fault and yes Ahmed is enjoying being the King".
Akram walks out and Amy smiles to herself thinking that she may have just about pulled it off, she knows that Ahmed isn't the King anymore, but she was still very scared even if she may not have looked it. Was Ahmed a part of this or is it just a coincidence. Amy closed her eyes and fell asleep.

It had been a month and Amy was still bed ridden and could not move her legs which was becoming more worrying,  Akram still hadn't arranged the MRI and she'd told Akram that she really needed to start moving around so it was now desperate for her to have her outdoor Wheelchair.

To be continued

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