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Seven weeks have passed and Amy has 8 weeks left, She's been busy sorting out Labour for the painting work to be done. She got in touch with Clint from the Probation service to see if there's anything he could suggest,  she told him she didn't want to hire a firm to do it, she'd rather pay other individuals or charities to help.
Clint told Amy that they have a Program that could help and they would be grateful for the money as they want to take kids away for a holiday,  Amy agreed and informed Clint of what she needs done and would leave it to him. She will buy everything she needs and wait for him to get in touch.
Ty comes home and after Diner he tells Amy they need to talk as something has come up. Amy's laying down and Ty is beside her explaining to her about the Sanctuary they agreed to help with the Mongolian Horses.
"Amy they want us to go with the Horse to Mongolia to make sure everything goes okay. But I told them that you only have 8 weeks to go and I can't see you wanting to travel that far as you are."
" Ty, I wouldn't feel safe that far from home, when do they want to ship him out and how long would you be gone"
"They want to ship him out next Monday and its for just 2 weeks or less to get him settled.  I told them I would talk to you but it would be unlikely that we could do it as baby's  are unpredictable as to timing."
" If you leave Monday and are only gone for 2 weeks then I don't see a problem as they'll still be 6 weeks left and I have plenty to keep me occupied, That Stallion needs you more than me my Love"
" Are you sure Ames!!"
"Yes Ty I'm positive,  but I will miss you like hell but what the've offered to pay us would fix your Truck for you".
"That was exactly my thoughts too".
They make out a little bit to show each other there okay with it and there Love for each other.
About 7pm they get up and go to the kitchen for coffee and fill Jack and Lisa in on what's happening.
Jack looks at Ty " Are you both sure about this, you certainly don't want to miss your child being Born Ty."
" Yes Jack, even when I get back Amy will still have 6 weeks to go, we've both given the situation a lot of Thought."
"Grandpa please stop trying to control me/us , we've already talked about it and IF there's any problems they said he'll be on the first flight home."
" Okayyy I'll back off."
Lisa looks at Jack ,smiles then Pat's his hand. 
Monday arrived and Amy was nervous but not about Ty, She was concerned about still being followed and by who.
Ty brings Amy in for a big hug and an almost x-rated kiss, when Ty pulls back Amy's face is very red and looks to see if Grandpa noticed but he and Lisa were looking at  the bright Sky on purpose which made Amy and Ty burst out laughing, then Jack and Lisa joined in too.
Amy stood there waving as her Husband and the Convoy set off for the Airport.
Jack n Lisa put there arms around Amy and held her, "2 weeks will go by  very quickly Amy"
"Yeah I know Lisa, that's not what worries me though"
"What do you mean sweetheart "
Amy looks at them both then updates them about being followed.
Jack looks angry and "Then why has Ty still gone away, ".
"Because I never told him Grandpa,  otherwise he wouldn't of gone and that Horse probably wouldn't have ended up doing what he's supposed to do, save them from extinction".
Amy walks back into the house and straight to her and Ty's room. Amy looks at what Ty bought a while ago on there chest of draws ,walks over and switched it on for her own piece of mind while Ty's not here.

The following day Amy is up and gone before even Jack wakes up. Amy has a long drive to Edmonton , to a Warehouse to pick up her order and she needs to speak to someone who knows what there talking about.
Amy has Decided after a lot of thought  what Colours to go for , she had thought of nice white Fencing but with the amount of Snow they get they wouldn't be able to see the Fencing against the Snow. So she decided on Black Fencing,  Red Barn and Black Roof and the same for the Quonset.  House Fencing will be Black with white posts and the Corals ,Rings and Arena will be Black too.
When it Snows they can see all the Fencing and of course the barn.
Amy gets to the Warehouse and asks to speak to someone with experience in Paint. She needs to pick the correct Base or it could come off after the first bit of rain.
Eventually the Manager who's been selling paint for many years tell Amy to get Oil based as it will soak into the wood and preserve it  for many years for the Fencing and the Barn etc.
They load her up with what she needs to get them started and the rest will be delivered in two days.
Amy gets back and unloads what she has into the Quonset Hut.
She looks at what she has,,
Paint, 30 x 5Ltr Cans
Brushes, 30 plus.
Ladders 8 .
Amy closes up the Hut and parks in front of the Ranch house just in time for dinner,  then a shower and a video Chat with Ty hopefully,  then Sleep as she has another busy day tomorrow.

Jack sees Amy first as she comes in.
"You were up and gone before me this morning,  I know your letter said you were off to Edmonton but why did you have to go that far Amy."
"Well Grandpa I've been doing a lot of research of what I need and the cheapest place to buy it without compromising on quality,  so today it was Paint and brushes and rollers. Some I've brought back with me and the rest is coming in 2 Days.
Tomorrow I'm off to Okatoks for building supplies for the Hen Houses and Fencing  and for the shelter in our Field for the Alpacas. "
" Wow Amy you've put a lot of thought into all this including the Quality ".
"Thanks Grampa, and not just the Quality, I've also looked where I can save money too, including the cost of Driving to Edmonton and I've saved a Lot of money today by buying it in bulk".
"So Amy your a bit of a dark horse, where did all this Business knowledge  come from eh"
"Thanks Lou, actually I've had that much spare time in and out of Hospital I've been doing a lot of reading ".
After Diner Amy had a shower and went to bed, she had a lovely Skype visit with Ty and went to sleep,  she never realized how tired she was.

When the morning arrives Amy finds she cant move. The pain in her back is excruciating,  she finds her pain medication that the Doctor prescribed for her which is safe for the baby and takes a couple with the drink she took to bed with her.  She picked up her phone knowing she needed help and phoned Lou.
She realized that she over did it with the drive ,then remembered she unloaded the truck, (how stupid am I unloading 30 x 5ltr cans of paint) I keep forgetting,  ARGHHHHHHHHHH.
Lou turns up and the pain medication has helped so she helps Amy get dressed and into her indoor wheelchair.

To be continued

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