Amy's Treatment Starts

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Ty was at the Hospital with Jack and Lou, they were all by Amy's bed as she started to wake up, Dr Hammond had turned up too so he could explain everything to her.
The road to recovery was going to be hard but once she was back at home she will hopefully recover quickly.
The first thing for Amy was Physiotherapy which would continue even when she was home with regular trips twice a week to the Hospital Physio Department.

Amy woke up and she looked around and immediately wanted a hug and kiss from Ty, then Lou and Grandpa.
"What happened, I remember going through the Loft doors then everything went black. "
Jack explained that part and the fact that she hit the Trailer and not the Concrete floor.
"So what's the damage" Amy asked.
"Dr Hammond is here to explain what's happened " Jack said.
"Me and Lou will go down to the Cafeteria while he explains everything "
Dr Hammond pulled up a chair and sat , Ty was sat with Amy on the bed holding her.
The Doctor then proceeded to explain it all and what the future plans were for her recovery.
He explained that Trailer saved her life and prevented any worse injuries as it obsorbed a lot of the impact.
He reckons that she should be out of Hospital in six weeks depending on what the MRI's show.
He told her that she would have to use a Wheelchair, manual or electric in between her walking exercises.
Pyhsio would start from tomorrow.
Dr Hammond left so she could let it all sink in.
Amy broke down in Ty's arms and he held her. Eventually Jack and Lou turned up and she had a good cry with Lou.
Jack explained to Amy that Tim was under Arrest including the man who attacked Ty and Her. Both confessed to everything. So it was over.
Now she needed to heal ,have there Wedding, and carry on with there life.
Lou went out and found a place to get Amy an electric Chair to use in the House and in town.
Lisa was on the case for a chair for the Ranch and trail rides.
They didn't want Amy getting down being stuck in the house they wanted her out and about.
Scott had been very supportive with Ty not working even though Cass the other Vet was not happy about it, always thinking about herself and not what other people were going through.
The Physiotherapy was hard on Amy to start with but it got easier as time went on, even the walking using the parallel bars was a welcome change.

Eventually Amy received the news that she was being discharged and after 6 weeks she was more than ready.
Ty and Lou turned up in Lou's car as it was more comfortable with a normal Wheelchair, Amy couldn't wait, she thanked Dr Hammond once again for all he had done. Ty helped Amy into the car and sat in the back with her, on the way home Lou looked in the rearview mirror and noticed Amy couldn't get enough kissing in with Ty, and smiled to herself at how much those two were in love with each other. When they got back Ty gave Amy her crutches and asked if walking to the house was to far, amy looked and told him to stay with her just in case it was.
Jack,Lisa,Georgie and Katie were all surprised when she walked in but that was her limit. Lou came up behind her and told her to sit which she did. Amy then noticed it was an electric Wheelchair. "Ohh Lou thank you, I was dreading having to manually push myself. " Your welcome amy. Lou said.
"Of course this won't be of any use around the Ranch but Lisa has that covered for you, come on follow me." Lou said winking at her.
Amy followed sort of trying to get used to the control shift.
When they got outside she noticed the Ramp her Grandpa and Ty had put in and went down it to see Jack and Lisa at the bottom standing in front of something.
Lisa said to Amy ,"We know how much you like being outside and although you can't ride yet, you like the trail rides too, so this will help you outside.

 Lisa said to Amy ,"We know how much you like being outside and although you can't ride yet, you like the trail rides too, so this will help you outside

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Amy saw the 4x4 Wheelchair and burst into tears, she said that she was overwhelmed by everything they have done to help her cope with her injuries.
Ty asked Amy if she'd like to go to Maggie's tomorrow and pop into the clinic to see Scott just to get out. Amy smiled and said yes please.
Amy said she was tired and would like to lay down, of course she wouldn't let Ty go so he ended up laying down with her cuddling .

The next day there was a gleaming blue Truck second hand outside the Ranch house, it was 5 yrs old and was hers, more comfortable than Ty's Vintage Truck. Amy looked at it and asked Ty " Who" . Ty shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know about it. He helped her in then put the Ramp down to manuver the chair up the ramp into the back.
They set off and had a comfortable ride into town .
Outside Maggie's Ty got the chair down ,then helped Amy into it.
Amy was really good with the controls now as she'd been practicing during the evening around the house. There was also a place to store her crutches at the back of the seat.
Ty opened the door and Amy went in a little nervously with Ty behind her.
She noticed it went quiet and everyone was looking at her then they all stood up and clapped, those she knew came over and hugged her and kissed her cheek saying how pleased they were to see her up and about.
They were crying, Amy was crying, even Lou behind the counter was crying. "Thank you everyone of you". Amy said.
Lou made a table available for them as Amy decided to stay in the chair.
Lou took there order and didn't see Tim enter through the back entrance, Tim saw Amy in the wheelchair and felt really bad. He only knew about her broken back when the police told him. He obviously got someone to bail him out.
Lou saw him and reminded him about staying away and not speaking to her, so he left.
Amy and Ty had a nice time and popped to see Scott, when Cass saw how thin she was and in the Wheelchair it tweaked her conscience about her slagging her off and moaning about Ty being off work.
They went back home and amy got on her 4x4 chair and headed for the Barn to see Spartan.
Ty brought him out and Spartan walked up to Amy and put his forehead against her forehead and Amy felt the connection immediately, as if Spartan knew why Amy was away and why she cant ride him , amy thought it was surreal but amazing just like her Mum & Lyndy told her.
Want to go to the ridge Ty suggests, Amy looks at Ty and gives him that Smile of hers, so they set off after getting a radio and switching on the base unit.
Ty's riding Harley and Amy's on her 4x4 smiling non stop till they get there.
They were both lying under the tree where the branches come right down to the ground and because it was a very large Willow tree it was like curtains all round them. It was one of there favourite make out places and Amy had plans, it wasn't long before they got carried away there hormones were in overdrive, it had been so long since they had been intimate that everything went out the water. Amy couldn't get enough of Ty and before long all Amy had on was her Corset and Ty had nothing, the thrill of being naked outside added to there wild abandonment and Ty was trying to be careful about putting to much of his weight on top of her. It was just as well they had sex outside as the noise Amy made when she had her two orgasams would of woke the whole house. They both just lay there with a slight wind rustling through the leaves cooling them off. Amy was still smiling. "You okay my Love" Ty says. "Couldn't be better Dr Borden"
"Having these chairs certainly helps make you feel good and gives you freedom. "Says Ty.
"It makes such a difference not being house bound like before Ty"
Did you find out about the truck.
"Ohh yeah, they were doing some fund raising for a chair for you and when they found out you had two someone suggested a truck because your always using Jacks old one and you could do with a bit more comfort.
Plus after everything you've done for everyone they felt you deserved something back.
Come on Ames, lets get back for Dinner.

To be continued

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