Is Amys Nightmare Over

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Amy was out of surgery and the Doctors had put a boned Corset and a plastic frame that went over her head and rested on her shoulders going down to connect with the corset to keep her back straight, it wasn't very comfortable but she would get used to it very quickly. For now However Amy was asleep and would be kept that way for at least the first week going by the success of how it worked well for her last time and actually helped with the healing.
Jack asked if Ty and Amy could share the same room as it would help Ty as he was anxious about her, but Doctor Hammond was pleased to allow it.
The next day Jack and Lou came in and hugged Ty then went over to see Amy. When Lou saw what she was in the emotions were to much and she burst into tears.
Ty explains that she was sedated for at least a week to help her not just physically but mentally after everything she'd been through.

Jack told Ty that what they found under Amy's finger nails matched the DNA of the bloke they arrested and he confirmed that Tim hired him.
Tim was going to be arrested today and his house searched.
During the interview the bloke known as The Fist ( That was his nickname), real name Alex Maxwell said he was told you would be alone and was surprised when Amy attacked him. He said that if Amy hadn't fell through the doors she would definitely of kicked his but for him.
They all gave a little laugh as that's what Amy would do, she may be petite but she is stronger than people realise.

"Jack"Ty said,"How are we going to tell Amy she's broken her back".
"I think we'll let Dr Hammond explain that Ty" Said Jack.

Big River Ranch
The door bell rings, Tim answered the door and realized that maybe he'd been caught there were two RCMP officers stood in front of him.
Timothy Fleming turn round please, your under arrest.
"What for? Tim says playing dumb.
"Really Mr Fleming, I think you know exactly what for. We also have a warrant to search your property and other buildings. They then read him his rights and put him in the cruiser. Then 4 more cars approached with police to search Big River
Tim was trying to think if he'd left anything that could incriminate himself but having been drinking he couldn't remember.

Jack was sat with Ty and Lou was sat with Amy holding her hand thinking how Lucky she was, she was also feeling quilty, not for anything lately but the way she was treating Amy after there Mum was killed.
She thought about it and realized that Tim was the one who was orchestrating her and the situation and she never even questioned it.
Jack's phone started ringing and he answered. Lou and Ty were watching his face for any expressions . He put the phone down and told them that Tim had been arrested and they had a warrant to search all the other buildings.
The hate and disappointment could be seen on Lou's face.
Ty couldn't believe it.
Jack was as happy as Larry that they got him.
Oh I forgot to say, they've already found some evidence.
Ty sat up and asked if they all fancied a trip to the Cafeteria for coffee , Amy will be okay. The three of them all agreed and set off.
While on the way Jack phoned Lisa to tell her about Tim , and what they had to do to Amy's spine, thankfully she'll walk again. But she'll be in a wheelchair for a considerable amount of time while the fractures heal then she can alternate between walking small distances and back in the chair, eventually using the chair will get less and less until she just walks. Lisa was shocked what Tim had done just because he didn't like Ty and he was just being plain nasty to Amy because she wasn't his daughter .
Lisa sent a text to Jack saying that a normal electric Wheelchair would not be any good outside at the Ranch. Leave it to me, I'll ask someone I know who is paralyzed how she gets about on their Ranch.

Tim is interviewed at the police station and one of the items found was a syringe containing some of the pain killers Amy was on that was injected into one of Amy's juice cartons, but tim denied it or was to drunk to remember , then there was the Thug for Hire, but Tim let slip that He didn't know Amy and Ty were sharing a bed so she shouldn't have been there.
Tim knew the game was up.
They asked him the same question that Amy was asking herself WHY, WHY Amy.
Tim said it was because everytime he saw her his imagination saw his wife in bed with Amy's father.

It was almost a week and Ty was being discharged but didn't want to leave Amy. Jack said that he could have 3 days back at the Ranch and come back when they were going to wake her and they'd make sure Dr Hammond was there to explain everything to Amy.

Tim confessed to everything but tried to blame it on his drinking.
Alex Maxwell also confessed as he didn't have much choice given the state of his face given to him by Amy.
Lou recieved a phone call and answered it to hear Her Dads voice asking if she would bail him Out.
Lou just ended the call.
"Who's that Jack asked"
"Believe it or not, Dad wanting me to bail him out. So I ended the call, he can rot in there."lou said

Ty was being discharged today but still had mixed feelings about leaving Amy on her own.
Lou came up and hugged him saying "he needed to have the next three days to distress before they wake Amy, She's going to need you more than ever now Ty, its going to get emotional for both of you. There's two good things though", Ty looked at Lou, She said, "For one, Amy's Alive, 2nd She will walk again thankfully"

"Jack." Ty asked. "What made you park the Hay Trailer at the back of the Barn that day" Jack looked thoughtful for a moment then replied " You know I've been asking myself the same thing and for the hell of me I don't know "
Ty looked at Jack and said the one thing they were all thinking " Maybe Lyndy and Marian like before, they told Amy we were supposed to have a long life together "
"That was my line of thinking " Jack replied. "Me too " said Lou.
Ty was all ready and went over to Amy and kissed her on the Lips then they went home to Heartland.

To be continued

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