The Wedding

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The day came for Amy and Ty's Wedding finally. Everything was all set up ,Ty stayed with Caleb and they were both dressed and ready.  Ty looked at his watch, (A present from Amy with an inscription on the back , "I Love you so much Dr Borden ,
                    Love Amy xx ".)
It's time to go Caleb.

Amy was all ready too and she looked Beautiful,  she kept looking at her stomach and Lou gently turned her face with her finger and told her that no one can tell so don't worry about it.
The Limo turned up and Amy and Jack plus Lou and her bridesmaids all got in then set off for the Little Church.
Ty was so Nervous he couldn't keep still,  then the music started and Katie came down the Aisle spreading rose petals,  then Georgie came down then Lou,  as she reached the front opposite Ty she winked and smiled, then the music for Amy started * Modern Woman * Amy and Jack started to walk down the Aisle, and Ty turned to see her. When he saw how Beautiful she was ,a few tears made there way down his face, he couldn't believe she was going to be his Wife.
Amy who also had been shaking a little with either nerves or because she was excited calmed as soon as she saw Ty and the closer she got to him she saw the tears on his cheeks and gave him the biggest smile ever.

When they came out the church hand in hand their happiness was contagious everyone had formed a line on either side and covered them with confetti, They got in the Limousine and set off for Heartland.
When they got there they both walked into the Ranch house as they both needed the bathroom, with nerves and now the ceremony was over they both felt more relaxed. 
They stayed in the house until all there guests had arrived and they were sat at there tables which had name plates according to Lou's planning. Georgie was the compare who had a List of When, What for, etc again according to Lou's planning.
Ty and Amy approached the Large Marquee and everyone applauded.
They all sat, and then Georgie came on the microphone.
Speeches were said and Ty's to Amy left everyone with tears in there eyes and the same happened when Amy stood and spoke hers to Ty telling him he was going to be a Father. ( Of course he already knew but they didn't want there quests to think that's why they got married. ) everybody cheered and gave a toast to the Parents to be. Ty was quite the actor at being surprised. They then had the best man's speech which was very funny but also embarrassing so Jack stood and took the Mike from him thanking him for the Speach. Jack's Speech was the best so far except for Amy and Ty's and he had some wonderful words of wisdom for the young couple.  They had the first Dance for Ty and Amy, then everyone else joined in along with food and drink , it was was a lovely evening,  Amy and Ty were really tired and said goodnight to the guests,  Lòu came and gave Ty the Key to the Cabin at the Dude Ranch, and kissed them both goodnight. Ty carried Amy over the Threshold and placed her gently on the bed.  He sat by her side and they had a proper kiss, then amy said those words , * Well I did it , I married the boy in the Loft, eventually. * they both started laughing.

In the morning they woke early as usual but they made the time till breakfast very satisfying for both of them to the point where they had to have a shower which also was a very long shower.
They walked into the Ranch house absolutely starving and breakfast was on the table, they said good morning to everyone and sat down.
Lou was looking between them and Amy noticed, so started feeling a little worried till Lou pipes up and says that she needs to get a pest controller in to that cabin as whatever it is has left some large bites on Ty an Amy's necks.
Amy and Ty went very red and everyone burst out Laughing then Amy and Ty joined in too.
Amy turned to Jack and said that at least  this time they can't get into trouble for them, everyone started Laughing again .
Lisa said that they all had a surprise for them and handed over an envelope to Amy and Ty, when they opened it , they were speechless.
It was Airplane Tickets to France for four weeks, then Lisa handed a set of Keys to Ty, these are to my Villa where you will spend two weeks and a Car+Driver to take you where ever you want. Amy and Ty came round and gave Lisa a hug and Kiss and Jack too. Then Lou and the kids.
Lisa told them the car would be here in 4 hours as the flight is at 4pm and they need to be there 2 hours before.

They all waved them off as the car drove away.

To be continued

Sorry this is shorter than usual but need to start the next chapter fresh .
Hope your enjoying it.
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