Trying To Move On

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The following day Amy felt down but glad to be home, Ty was already in the kitchen with jack sorting out breakfast, all the chores were done. Amy shuffles into the kitchen and Ty and Jack welcome her with cheerful
" Good morning ". Amy smiles and says morning to them , ty makes her a coffee but not to hot and a straw,  then mixes her food drink that she has to have again with a straw until her Jaw is released.
Ty suggests that she Bond with Spartan in the round coral this morning as he noticed when they went out on the ride yesterday to avoid Tim, Spartan was a bit skittish.
She nodded at Ty and smiled thinking it would be good to have something to do. 
Lou joined them then Katie and Georgie, they had a good chat while eating breakfast, Georgie kept slyly looking at Amy which Amy had noticed,  "What's up Georgie " amy nicely asked. "Err, nothing really,  I just wondered if it hurt having your jaw wired shut".
"Ohh, well it was strange to start with and it did hurt a lot because it was broken, but now its healed it's just annoying. "
Georgie nodded quite happy with the explanation.
The girls went off to get dressed for school.
Jack looked at Lou and she nodded back to Jack.
Jack coughed as he usually does before he's about to talk, "There's something else I wanted to say, first of all I wanted to apologise for being so strict with you both about being together on your own. Lisa reminded me that I've been doing exactly what I've been trying to stop you both from doing which makes me a Hypocrite,  and that's actually true. I think Tim's reasons are completely different,  probably hoping to make Ty get fed up and leave.
So I want Ty to move into your room Amy and you can flit between the bedroom or if you want some privacy now and then sleep in the Loft. I know you've been sleeping together since you hit 20 Amy, I must say I'm glad you waited till you were more mature.
Now Ty I want you to look after Amy okay, when your at the clinic let me or Lou know and the nights you do, amy ,you stay in the Ranch House .
Right, what day is your graduation Ty."
" In two days, on Thursday 11am. " Ty says.
Okay thank you Grampa amy said gives him a hug and a kiss and goes out to bond with Spartan.
It's been about an hour and amy was thinking of doing some Liberty work with Spartan for about 30 minutes .
Suddenly Tim pulls up by the Barn with a Trailer,  Amy's feeling really tired, that hour was probably too much and starts walking Spartan into his stable.
Tim gets a horse out and walks it into the barn, looks at amy as he looks around.  Which Stable can I put this horse in, that one tim says pointing at Harleys stable . Err ,Amy says, "No you can't Harleys in there." Tim looks and just says" Well I'll just move him out in the paddock." Tim says.
Amy starts getting angry the way he walks in after the way he's been treating her as if nothing is different. "No you wont, we haven't got room for anymore horses."
I'M NOT, THE DOCTOR HASN'T CLEARED ME FOR WORK." Amy shouts back at him.
" I saw you working with Spartan "
"I was bonding with him for an hour and that was too long, I'm knackered and need sleep so please just take your horse and leave.." amy says quietly. 
NO. It wont hurt you to look at him.
Amy had already typed S.O.S and sent it to Jack. 
Jack had been outside the barn listening to Tim.
Amy looked at Tim and just said " I am Not working yet and FYI you wont be getting anymore freebies.  You can Pay like everybody else.
Tim's getting redder in the face , Lou wont charge me.
Amy looks at him and quietly says " Then I wont work with your horses anymore.  Turns and walks out back to the house and jack walks back with her. " I'm very proud of you Amy, sticking up to Tim like that, I was going to come in but you shot him down good and proper"
Thanks grandpa.  I'm really tired so going to rest and sleep for a bit.
"Okay love we'll see you later".
Tim was coming out of the Barn with his horse and saw Jack walking back to the house with Amy,  he thought to himself that Jack was going to come in but heard Amy chewing his arse off so didn't bother,  he obviously did tell her about her real father.  (that's what they'd been arguing about when Ty n Amy were at the ridge waiting for Tim to leave.) He put the horse in the Trailer and drove off.

The day came for Ty's Graduation and they were all pleased for him after all the hard work he'd put in.
He looked so pleased sat up there with his friends,  he looked for the family and when he saw them he smiled, Amy blew him a kiss which he caught and put his hand to his heart. Amy looked beautiful  she was back to herself albiet for the tiredness which the Doctor said will sort itself out.
Ty's name was called and Amy had her camera all set up with zoom to get a good shot as he accepted his Diploma.
They all got home after a lovely day.  Lou was preparing a lovely meal with Cake and some pudding too.
Ty had moved his stuff into Amy's room so they both went to change as they wanted to go for a trail ride.

When they got to the Barn they went to saddle up their horses, Ty looked puzzled and asked Amy where Harley was. He was in his stall before we went out. Amy went to have a look and she recognized the horse and there was a long letter pinned to its mane. She looked at it and was about to rip it up but Ty said no, may come in handy.
They took Tim's horse to a paddock where he'd be on his own and Ty went and got Harley, saddled him and they were on there way.

When they got back and put their horses away they made there way to the house. Once inside Amy told Jack what Tim had done by putting Harley out and his horse in Harleys stall with this note. But they had put Harley back in his own stall and Tim's horse in the empty Paddock. Amy gave the note to Jack.
Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that.
I don't care whether the Doctor has cleared you to work or not.
If you can work with Spartan you can work with my horse. He keeps bucking.
I will be back to get him in a weeks time . Just do as your told, you'd better fix him or else. My patience with you is wearing thin, forget about that Idiot and concentrate on your job.
My horse had better stay in the Barn not that scrawny idiots horse or else.
You've been warned Amy.

Jack was fuming,  all these threats against Amy and she's not to work until the Doctor is satisfied that her Jaw is healed.
He could see that it had unsettled her, and was worried as she'd only just got back to herself  mentally. 
He showed the letter to Lou when she came in.
Amy had gone to Lay down and Ty went with her to give her some much needed comfort.

Lou couldn't believe what her dad had said,  he's getting worse towards Amy  and doesn't even care if she got bucked off his horse and reinjured her jaw or broke anything else.
And what's with the threat of or else if she doesn't fix him. .
"Grandpa you need to ban him from coming to Heartland anymore like when you did before. Maybe an idea to get an injunction to stay away from her too." Lou said.
"Think you may be right Lou.
Amy and Ty saw him here when they got back from the Hospital,  they'd already had a run in with him at Maggie's. " jack said
"Lou said that she was there and he actually grabbed Amy's arm trying to get her to go with him in his truck to Heartland,  but she stood up to him although he took no notice, so I intervened and told Ty to stay out of it. When dad saw the Maxwell brothers stood behind him he let go of Amy's arm and walked out. But he bruised her with his finger tips. Must of come straight to you after."
"He wasn't happy I was going to tell her about her Dad. " jack mentioned.
As far as Tim's concerned I put his horse in the Paddock said Jack.

To be continued

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