WHY !!!!

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6 Months have passed,  Amy's Jaw and  the rest of her body is all healed , except for Amy herself.
The day after Tim left that letter and his horse Jack decided to get involved and take Tim's horse back to Big River.
Lou didn't want him to do it on his own so called in back up by asking one of the Marshall brothers to go with Jack. They were more than happy to oblige.  So they took the horse and thankfully Tim was there.
Jack said his piece to Tim and had a go at him for the letter . Tim as usual started to get angry, obviously he'd been drinking even at 10AM,  then he saw one of the Marshall brothers bringing his horse out of the Trailer and tying it to the fence...
Tim looked at the horse and said" See I said she could fix him if she tried "
Jack just looked at Tim shaking his head.
"No the horse isn't fixed, and Amy won't be fixing horses for you anymore,  also you remember when I kicked you off Heartland years ago, well I'm doing it again.  Your not welcome any more especially after that threatening letter you left her. So dont set foot on Heartland soil ever." Jack turned, got in the truck and drove home.

But Amy wasn't right and Ty, Jack ,and Lou had all noticed.  She was bursting into tears for no reason and never seemed to smile anymore. 
Her and Ty were fine and had plenty of nights in the Loft for privacy.  Amy Loved Ty with her whole heart and he knew she did. Sometimes when she was upset he could hear her say" Why, Why me!! "
When she came back from a trail ride  he could tell she'd been crying.
Ty was getting more worried about her as the Wedding was only 2 months away.
2 weeks passed  and Ty saw a couple in Maggie's when he went for his lunch break from the Clinic that he hadn't seen for some time as he only used Maggie's when working at the clinic as Amy wouldn't go there anymore.
They were chatting when they asked why Amy wasn't with him for his lunch like she usually was. 
Ty told them how down she was at the moment and wouldn't come to Maggie's anymore..
What he was about to hear would put everything into perspective as to Amy's demeanor.
His friends said that they weren't surprised considering everytime Amy came into Maggie's Tim would start on her, embarrassing her and threatening her , Then Amy would walk out in tears. She started arguing back but the more it happened she eventually stopped.
Ty thanked them for telling him and gave them his number should anything else happen as he worked just over the road.

When Ty got home he walked in the house and saw Jack and Lou, he asked where Amy was and they told him she went out on Spartan, Jack looked at the time and realized that she'd been gone over 5 hours.
"Oh my god Ty I'm so sorry I forgot the time, Amy should of been back ages ago, its been over 5 hours.
Lou called Georgie down and asked her to go with Jack and Ty looking for Amy.
Jack got the Radio's out and saw that Amy hadn't taken one , he gave Ty and Georgie one and himself and switched on the home base which someone had turned off.
Ty was really worried now as Amy was not in a good place Thanks to Tim. He wondered how long this had been going on for as she only stopped going to Maggie's about a month ago.
While they were riding out Ty brought Jack and Lou by radio up to date on what Tim's been doing and how it's like Amy's just given up, not even fighting back against Tim anymore and that's why she's been so down.
They got to the place where three trail rides branched off and each took a trail.
They'd been out about 2 hours and no sign of her, the daylight was starting to dim and they'd have to go back very soon when Georgie came on the radio to say she'd found her but she didn't look good. She said that Spartan was just stood there with Amy still in the saddle but draped across his neck with her arms dangling on either side.
Ty asked her to check for a pulse and explained how she should  do it. Georgie said it was very weak . Jack radioed back to Lou telling her to call for an Ambulance as they'd found Amy and it was a suspected OD.
Could of been an accident jack said but he wasn't so sure considering what she'd been through recently. 
Jack was beginning to think that Tim was trying to push her to do this.

They got back to Heartland and the Ambulance was waiting.  Ty explained what may of happened as he didn't want her to be locked up somewhere,  but being Ty he knew how many pills she had left from her Jaw pain killers and the Paramedic said it wasn't enough for a lethal dose but they had an injection to give her that would neutralise the chemicals in the pills. Ty went with her to hospital.

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