Where is Amy

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Timeline restored...

Ty is busy making his own online Flyers about his missing Wife with her Photo, he's been posting them all over the media sites and Holiday photo sites, anywhere he can for the last week.
It's been five weeks now and Ty is really worried about her safety, He hasn't really spoken to Jack since they went to the RCMP 5 weeks ago.
Not only is this his fault for not agreeing to the Security system but also because he left the door unlocked with no cameras or Gate security. He was basically telling them to help themselves to his Granddaughter because they wouldn't know until she was gone.
Lou wasn't talking to him at all and no longer came to the Ranch House, in fact Lou had Locked the gate between Heartland and her Dude Ranch and installed the exact same Security system they were talking about.
Jack had tried to go and see but he saw the Security Locks on the gate and even though he pressed the button to get in nothing happened, he even tried the main entrance and that was the same, Lou wasn't talking to him and he was now having real regrets over not installing the security system. He knew Lou wasn't going to let him in.
Things weren't going good with him and Lisa either as she called him some horrible things especially about being two faced of trying to protect Amy yet Leaving the door unlocked, Really, and not allowing a good Security system to be fitted and then what happens, Amy gets kidnapped.
Jack came out the barn to get something out of the Quonset Hut when he noticed the Tough padlock had been cut off. He immediately came and told Ty.
Ty looked but didn't touch, took a photo and phoned the RCMP. Within 30 minutes there were constables and Officers everywhere.
Detective Peters asks Jack and Ty if they've been in the hut to see if anything is missing to which they both answer No.
So the Detective asks them to follow him so they can check if anything was taken. As they enter Ty automatically looks over to Amy's 4 x 4 which he notices is missing and when he gets near to where it should be the Charger has gone too.
"Well that's a good sign Detective Peters "
"What's that Mr Borden" .
"Well Amy is still very much alive as whoever took her came back for her Wheelchair. "
" And how will that help us"
"We should find out in a few days hopefully, looking at Jack with a wink.".
Jack knew exactly what Ty was on about, as this was Amy's Trail Chair.
All they had to do was wait, as soon as they got in Ty reckoned they'd took it about about 5 hrs ago, of course without cameras they had no time stamp. So he opened up his Laptop top put it on the side in the kitchen and made sure it was plugged into the mains and the volume up as high as it will go. He opened the program and set it to scan. Now they wait.

Wherever Amy is.

Amy called the nurse that Akram had got for her telling her she needed painkillers and to please ask Akram again for the MRI SCAN as her back was getting worse.
The nurse gave Amy her tablets and as usual they knocked her out which was better than the pain.


Ty got a phone call from the Detective to say that they finally have news on the two kidnappers, it seems that they work for Ahmed and a younger brother called Akram but ahmed is not in France or Spain infact there's no sign of him in Europe at all. There still looking though, they've moved over to Africa to look. But no country associated with France or Spain as they would be flagged up.
Ty filled in Jack but only because he had to.


Akram walked into the small villa on the other side of the Ranch.
"How is she Ahmed asked."
"Getting worse, she needs that MRI.
Did you know she had a broken back from being thrown out of the Barn Loft by an intruder".
" Believe it or not Akram the intruder was sent by her so called father who didn't know her and the Ranch hand were sleeping together, so she shouldn't really of been there, also he's not her father. ".
"But did you know Ahmed ".
"I knew she was hurt , but didn't know she broke her back. And the way things are going to be honest she's no good to us the way she is."
"That's not her fault Ahmed, you can thank that moron who works for you and I have no idea what you were doing or thinking going after her when she was already promised in marriage. That's why you lost the Throne because the 3 musketeer brothers turned on you."
" I think we should cut our losses and I'll feed her to the fish, you know put her out of her misery after I finally get to have some fun with her.".
" NO. You will not touch her, you know she has a baby, and don't try to threaten me Ahmed, I've already taken steps against that and if anything happens to me or her you will be on the council's hit list for kill on site.".
" Oh clever little Brother ".
" Get off my Ranch Ahmed".
" Fine".
As soon as Akram got into the main villa he phoned his Uncle about Ahmed and told him he truly is sick in the head, he explained what Ahmed said about Amy Borden and what he'd do to her before feeding her to the Fish. His uncle agreed that Ahmed was a Liability and he would deal with him. He told his young Nephew to sleep in Amy's room and take two trusted body guards and keep her door locked.
Just then Amy's Wheelchair arrived and was put by the side of her bed. They went down for dinner and Akram got them to Lock every door and window he also warned them about Ahmed and how he would kill all of them just to kill Amy after pleasing himself with her.
His staff thought Ahmed was sick in the head and Akram agreed with them.
Amy woke up and seeing her chair was able to manoeuvre it nearer her bed ,got herself in it and went into the bathroom, locked the door and pressed the button. Then using the other button she pressed it and her controller flipped open, she lifted it up and found a keypad like a phone has and typed S.O.S. Then she typed, **Kidnappers unknowingly broke my back again throwing me about. Love you. Its Akram and I think Ahmed is here, could hear staff talking and heard his name. Hurry my love.**


Ty was on the couch playing with Lynzy when he heard , ping, ping, ping, ping, he got up and ran to the Laptop with jack right behind him. Ty has a look to see where the ping came from and see's that she's in Eritrea on the coast of the Red sea. Now he has to narrow it down to a place and coordinates.
Dankalia , Eritrea
13.049243       42.700171
Ty phones up Detective Peters and tells him where Amy is and the Coordinates,  Longitude and Latitude.

How did you get that."
"Amy's Wheelchair has a tracker on it in case she got into trouble on a trail course which she use to take when she couldn't ride. There's also something else her rescuers need to know Detective Peters,  Amy said her back is broken and its Akram ,Ahmed's brother. Please hurry."
"Already on it Ty"
"Detective  Amy is a good Friend of John Pittingger,  may be worth phoning him for help."
" I will do that now Ty. Thank you. "
Ty looks at Jack, "Now we wait "
He sends a quick ping back to Amy like Morse Code . ** On there way JP Helping **.

Dankalia , Eritrea

Amy gets the message and smiles. Closes her control Unit and no one is the wiser.

To be continued

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