-The Cross Dresser (SeungJin)

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Seungmin always having his gender crisis, his friends give up on him already after setting him up to different girls and boys, he didn't like even one of them. "Goddamnit Seungmin, don't you really like one of them?"Minho exclaimed and threw the magazine he's reading.

The younger boy threw the magazine back to his friend. "No, if I do would I reject them?"The younger set up his camera and starts taking photos of his models. "You hired a new model right? Where is she? You know I hate late comers Lee Minho."Seungmim glared at his friend, it send chills on Minho's spine, he took his phone and about to contact the new model.

A woman came running towards the entrance. "Sorry I'm late, it's so traffic."She's obviously looks like she run a hundred miles before she get to the studio. "You're the new model?"Seungmin scan his eyes on her from head to toe and then raised his left eyebrow. "Yes Sir, I'm really really sorry. I'm Hwang Yeji."

"Minho you're the stylist, fix her this instant!"Seungmin's always grumpy, his face turned red everytime he's mad like he was about to explode.

After a few shots the photoshoot's done. He told everyone that they can leave except the new model. "Sir you called for me?"Seungmin's browsing on his camera then put it down to face her. "Next time that you get late again, you have to find a new agency that will hire you, I won't hesitate to fire you again understand?"He seems just calm when he said those words but deep inside he's really about to explode not on anger but he feels different about her.

"Hey you don't have to be so hard on Yeji, she seems nice and she's so polite."A knot formed on Seungmin's forehead about what Minho said. "Hm I don't care."He said and starts browsing on the pictures again, his eyes became focus when Yeji's picture appeared.

"That's why you don't get a girlfriend or a boyfriend, you seems like you doesn't care about your surroundings."Minho said and took a sip on his coffee. "shut it, I'm just really having a gender crisis that's why I never been attracted to any of them."Minho laughs about his friend's lame reason. "Gender crisis huh? But the way you look at Yeji earlier is different."

Seungmin let out a sigh, the next day it was his free time since they don't have any schedule for today. He visited his favourite café since Minho set him up again for another blind date and he didn't expect the person he saw there, it was Yeji. The girl's sitting alone, Seungmin had an urge to join the lady. "Can I take a seat here?"He asked, Yeji raised her head to look at him, a sweet smile flashed on her lips and slowly nod her head. "So why are you alone here?"Seungmin blurted out all of a sudden to break the silence between them. "Well I'm here to see my blind date."Seungmin chuckled. "Well didn't expected that it will be you."Her cheeks turned red. "Did Minho asked you? You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Yeji smile brightly. "I'm happy it's you."Seungmin's ears turned red upon hearing what she said. He never felt that way on his past blind dates, this feels different for him. Does this mean he likes her? They instantly clicked, and after 3 months they are officially dating.

"Finally you have a girlfriend, seems like you're straight after all."Minho said, Seungmin's aura's so bright. He's always smiling because of her. But everything changed when Seungmin found out her secret. "S-seungmin."He scan his eyes on her from head to toe and frown. "L-let me explain."

"Explain what? That you made a fool out of me? how dare you lie to me!"

Their relationship lasted a year, Seungmin met a guy named Hyunjin when they started dating, Seungmin thought he was just confused about his feelings he have for Hyunjin, because he feel attracted to him while he's dating Yeji. But all this time, Yeji and Hyunjin is only the same person.

"S-seungmin please atleast let me explain."Seungmin look at him using his deadpanned eyes, he was hurt, all this time he's been fooled. "Explain what? Explain that you're really a guy and not a girl? You made me confused because I thought I was cheating on my girl because I have feelings for you Hyunjin!"

"Y-yeji is my twin sister."Hyunjin spoke, tears starts rolling down on his cheek. Seungmin shut his eyes tight and gritted his teeth, he didn't say anything and let Hyunjin explain his side. "When she died, I live as her because I thought if I do that I can still feel that she's alive, I don't want her memories to fade away Seungmin, I don't want her to be forgotten."Hyunjin held his hand tight. "Believe me I love you, Seungmin I am so sorry if I lied to you, I am sorry -

Seungmin cut him off, he pressed his index finger on Hyunjin's lips. "Enough, I understand now."

Hyunjin smiled a bit and extend his hand. "I want to introduce myself properly, I'm Hwang Hyunjin, can I be your acquaintance?"Seungmin look at the hand and took it. "Kim Seungmin."

A small smile formed on the younger's lips. "Let's start over again, shall we?"Seungmin nod his head. "Yea, let's do this right this time, I want to know all about Hwang Hyunjin because I think, I like him more than his twin Yeji."Hyunjin chuckled. "I see then, I can't believe Kim Seungmin is gay."He smile mischievously and wiggle his eyebrows.

"shut up Hwang, you're the gay one here because you wear your sister's dresses."Hyunjin faked gasped as his eyes widens. "How dare you Mr. kim, I am not a gay, I'm a cross dresser!"

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