- The Mastermind (2min)

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Loud screams from the crowd can be heard, everyone are running away from the danger that caused by the number one villain in town, Lee Minho. Fears are written all over the people's faces everytime he's around, his cold eyes send chills to a person's body everytime you tried to look at them. But only one person who can, Kim Seungmin, the man standing infront of the older male, who's currently smirking while looking him. "Aren't you tired of this freaking show Minho?"

"Come on Seungmin, it's just starting and you want to end the show already? How boring."Minho look at Seungmin with boredom, he yawns and points a gun at the younger male, Seungmin stay still, he wasn't even moving on his spot, staring at the villain's face with random emotions in his eyes. "Why? Why aren't you moving and doing something to stop me? Fight with me Kim Seungmin! Fight like a real hero!"

Minho pulled the trigger and shoot, but he didn't shoot on Seungmin, he just want to scare the younger yet Seungmin doesn't show any, he didn't even flinch on his spot, still staring at Minho. "Are you scared that once you shoot that thing on me I'll die?"

"I'm not, I badly want to kill you, I always do, you're a hindrance to my plans of taking over this town."A sudden explosion happened, smoke are all over the place, Minho screamed Seungmin's name when it happened, he saw it with his own eyes, the death of his enemy.

"Seungmin!"Minho's coughing while trying to get near to Seungmin, he dropped his knees on the ground, he just can't believe with his own eyes staring at the hero's body lifeless, he's gone.

Minho left the place, everything's too fast, what happened can't even process  in his mind. He groans in annoyance, and massage his temple, he's leaning on his swivel chair thinking what happen, especially where did that sudden explosion came from. "Minho you need to see this!"Felix rushed towards the villain, handling him the tab, a news came out that he killed the hero.  "This is absurd, I didn't killed him!"Minho slumped on his desk his anger turned into sadness, his surroundings became gloomy. "Well now that Seungmin is gone it's your chance to do what you want, and that is to take over the town. It wont be that hard now that their hero's gone."Felix said, convincing Minho it's a good chance to proceed to their original plan.

Minho shake off the thought about Seungmin's death, Felix was right without Seungmin it's time for him to show what he can and make everyone fear him, he showed no mercy to the people in town, but even after he took control of everything, he felt empty inside, he should be happy that he got what he wanted right? But how come he felt this way, that something is missing in his life.

"You're in deep thoughts sire, what's the problem?"The villain let's out a deep sigh staring at the wide window looking down at the city. "I don't understand, I'm rich and wealthy, I have everything I ever wanted, the town I have them in my hands but why do I feel empty inside Felix, tell me why?"Minho faced his most trusted person, it was the first time Felix saw him shed a tear, in the years they are together he never saw him show anything like this. "You miss him? You miss Seungmin."

"Do I?"Felix nod his head as his response, Minho let's out a sigh. "Maybe I do, now that he's gone what's my use? No one's gonna stop me, I can feel that there's a big hole in my heart that even the money I have and this power can't even fill the gap."He said, Felix realized what just Minho said, it was deep for him, yet he understands what he feel. "Sire, you have feelings for the hero don't you?"Surprised at Felix response, that made him think about it asking himself if he really does.

Minho realized it but it's too late, his hero is gone, he decided to visit their old kindergarten school, a small smile formed on his lips and entered the place, memories flooded in his mind as he remembered how their classmates adores Seungmin, always seungmin and him? He's a laughing stock, villain wannabe but end up getting bullied, yet Seungmin stood up for him.

"I miss this place, and I missed you Seungmin."

"I missed you too I guess?"

Minho turned his back immediately when he heard the voice, the voice he's longing for to hear again, and there he saw him, the hero standing infront of him, alive and well. "Y-you died, how come you're still alive."Seungmin chuckled. "I'm breathing hyung, I missed you as well."Minho's heart is filled with joy, yet he need answers to his questions. "What happened?"

Seungmin answered every question that Minho asked, but somehow he still don't understand why does Seungmin need to fake his death and do nothing while he's taking over the town.  "Let's go back, we need to finish the fight we started."Minho said.

"I'm tired."Minho furrowed his eyebrows and held Seungmin's shoulder tightly. "What do you mean? You're not coming back with me? You need to stop me, what's my use without you hero?"Seungmin shoved away Minho's hands. "You don't understand don't you? I'm tired to be their hero, being a hero is a big responsibility, all I want is a peaceful life Minho, can't I have a life with you? A life where I don't have to pretend that I hate you, a life where I can be happy, free from this responsibility I don't even want in the first place, I'm tired Minho, aren't you tired of our set up as well?"Tears are glistening from Seungmin's eye as they rolled down on his cheek, the villain sigh and wiped away the tear that fell from the hero's eyes.

"I'm tired as well, if that's what you want then let's runaway together."The hero's heart skip wildly upon hearing what the villain said, Seungmin pulled him, crashing his lips on the older's lips, their heart is filled with joy holding each other gently, pulling one another craving for more soft touches, the kiss was slow and gentle, it was full of love, they both withdraw from the kiss and lean their forehead against each other, whispering their feelings that they keep on hiding from the very the beginning.

Since that day, everything changed the town became more peaceful as the new leader rises protecting his people, but after that the people from the town never heard about Seungmin and Minho ever again.

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