- Our Forbidden Love (Hyunsung)

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Jisung is the crown Prince's husband, they are forced to get married because of the King's order.

He never love the Prince because he have someone who's special to him, Jisung knew the Prince have someone whom he love, so he never felt his love, he feels like he's imprison inside of his chamber.

"Your highness, the Crown Prince is outside."he stand and fix himself.

"Let him in please."he wear his brightest smile and bow his head.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince."he manage to smile its the first time the Prince visited him.

"You seems different today, how are you?"its the first time his husband asked him nicely. A small smile forms on his lips.

"I'm perfectly fine, your majesty."

"Leave us for now, I'll talk to him privately."he feel uncomfotable, his hand is trembling, he might knew.

"I heard you always walk around, wandering at the Palace."The Prince look at him intently but he remain silent.

"I still have works to do, so please keep safe my husband."he stand and bow his head.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Please take care of yourself too because I heard you haven't eat much lately."

"Its because I'm quiet disturbed by something, I'm going."he said and left the prince consort's Palace.

Jisung's heart is racing his legs turns jelly as he fell down on the floor.

"Your Highness."his servants help him to get up.

Days passed and Jisung wander along with her two trusted servants he found a letter where he and her lover hiding those exchange letters they written for each other. They immediately head back in the palace and she excitedly opened the letter.

My Dearest Jisung,

My love its been a month since the last time we saw each other, I know what we're doing is wrong but I don't care all I want is to be with you because I love you, please meet me at the Dandelion's garden outside the Palace so we'll be safe. I want you to come with me, leave everything behind and lets start a new life together, I can't stand seeing you with someone else. Runaway with me.


His lover is only a young scholar, and he is son of a minister but then his father want more power so he was forced to marry the Prince.

He put on his black robe and hide his face while sneaking out from the Palace, he saw her lover waiting for him so he run and hug him.

"Hyunjin!"his lover smile and hug him tight.

"I really miss you so much Jisung.they chase around each other in the garden and you can see in they eyes that they are really inlove with each other.

"Hyunjin, about what you said in the letter. I'm coming with you."they kissed and hug each other tight before they decided to runaway but royal guards came and Hyunjn have no choice but to draw out his sword to protect Jisung.

"Stay back! Jisung runaway now leave me here, I'll follow you and stay alive for you no matter what."Jisung start crying and shook his head.

"No Hyunjin I wont leave you. You have to live no matter what, for me."he look at him and smile.

"Run now keep safe please."The royal guards starts attacking Hyunjin, he swiftly moves and slashing his sword.

Jisung stay, he can't leave Hyunjin behind.

Hyunjn held Jisung's hand and about to run with him when Hyunin was suddenly shot by a gun, Jisung is surprised his eyes widens seeing his lover slowly falling on the ground.

"hyunjin!"he cried and caresses his face. Hyunjn look at jisung and manage to smile.

"L-live no matter what, my love. Promise me you'll survive."

"I was right about my hunch, you have another lover. I'm not surprised."The prince look at the both of them.

"Y-you're Majesty." Jisung hold tight on Hyunjin

"Escort my prince consort now."The Palace guards grab Jisung pulling him away from his Lover.

"Hyunjin!"he cried and starts struggling.

The Prince withdraw his sword, he cried hard and keep struggling to go back to him.

"Your Majesty please don't kill him, let him live."he cried.

"Why would I listen to you? My husband is having an affair with another man."Jismg cried even more when both of his eyes witness how the Crown Prince stabbed Hyunjin's heart with his sword.

"Hyunjin..."What he saw is really painful for him, he saw how his lover was killed by the Prince but he'll keep her promise to her lover, he'll live and survive.

"Goodbye, my love."Jisung whispered in the air before the Palace guard take him back at the Palace.

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