Hadn't it been for the railing, you might've just fallen down the flight of stairs leading to the main floor, which almost happened anyways with your slight slip of the foot. Honestly, it was a surprise in itself that you made it downstairs in one piece. 

All was as it should've been, however that is in a morning where no one knows what to do. Dio was off god knows where, out of sight and out of mind. Kira and Kars were at the bar, one showing the other how to pour a drink without spilling it on oneself. Valentine was chatting away with Diavolo, leaning onto a pool table with a half-finished game in it's pit, and Diego, alongside Pucci, were watching outside the window curiously, mumbling beneath breaths that clouded the glass. 

In the corner, near a large stage that dominated the room with its silver light and polished floors, was a woman. Electric blue hair, pale skin, techy suit-- she cleaned off the head of a microphone animatedly, humming to herself as she swayed, then moving on to clean a different instrument.

There was a different girl at her side as well, sitting hunched on a step leading to the stage, tuning an electric guitar with a moppy head of violent green hair curtaining her face. Her foot seemed to tap along to the rhythm of the first girls tune. 

Lilith and Valorie, two of the five permanently employed people in the casino. The love birds always hung around the stage in the mornings, as one might when they're a performer. Lilith, always so helpful she was, this morning especially. As far as you knew, she was probably the one that put the blanket on you. 

Valorie, on the other hand, may have been the person to... Encourage the men out of bed; with her uncontrollable nature, it's always a smart idea to just tolerate her and listen to what she says. 

Curious, you looked around, and began to pick up that someone else was missing as well. 

"Lilith!" You called out, Doppio remaining awkwardly at your side. "Where's Vendetta?"

Vendetta, the nurse of the place, and also your --kind of-- assistant, would typically wait at the foot of the stairs, or nearby, to give you a briefing for the day, and yet he'd been nowhere to be seen.

"He's are handling some dumb fuck outside, and Giovanni is taking care of something in the back!" She yelled back, your attention then turning to the window that Pucci and Diego gazed through. 

Sure enough, if you craned your head around theirs just right, you could see it. A toned, caramel skinned man, fit in what looked to be a plain white coat and blue rubber gloves, was having it out with Dio, who was pinned to the pavement and desperately trying to get him back. Vendetta, even as the nurse of the place, always seemed a little too quick to resort to violence no matter the situation. 

With the wave of the hand as a sign of acknowledgement, you stepped over to the bar with Doppio hot on your heels, a tall glass of booze already sliding your way. Surprised, you looked up to stare into kars curiously, waiting for some sort of explanation. 

"Blonde guy in platforms told me to give you one when you came down." He said plainly.

"Ah, that was Giovanni; a funny one, he is." You laughed, washing down the morning drowsiness with a long drag of whiskey. 

"Does he work here?"

"Naturally. He'll be training dio and whoever else I find fit as his partner, which so far might just be you, Kars."

"Me?" He repeated. "And what exactly is it that I'm doing...?"

"Entertainment. Any and all kinds. It's only on Thursdays and Fridays, however, so you'll be spared that embarrassment for the rest of the week. When you're not putting on a show for people, you and Dio will be supervisors."

"Again, to be more precise, what entertainment are you talking about?"

The call of your name brought your attention from the curious man behind the bar, to Valentine, who offered a wave and beckoned you in his direction; Leaving Kars unanswered, for better or worse.

Doppio would still scurry behind you like a lost puppy, not wanting to take the chance to upset you by bothering you with more questions, and instead relying on the chance that you would spontaneously remember he was still there, and give him instruction. 

"What is it I may help you with, Valentine?" You would ask, absent mindedly pulling at the edge of your glove. "Do you have a question about your work?"

"Yes, and no. I'm content with what I'm doing now, just wondering about what I might be permanently doing." He asked, staring at your face a little too hard for a little too long.

"Well, I have that answer ready for you by the end of the week, Valentine. I have you and the rest  of your little group under close observation to find out each of your skillsets and the job they're fit for... Might there be something you have in mind?"

"No, nothing, I just felt inclined to ask." He laughed, eyes catching your own in an uncomfortably intimate stare. "But one more thing, if I can bother you so."

"Go on."

"...What is it that you do? Magic?"


"That's what Diego said it was."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Funny."

"A card always seems to hit Dio the moment he says something out of line, you never seem to even move when that happens, almost like its normal. The rest of us couldn't have done it, so what is it you did?"

"Ah, that's a secret. A true magician never reveals them, you know."

"Then, if it is a trick, could you show me?"

Doppio got to the ends of his toes to peek over your shoulder, joining in the conversation.  "I'd like to see one too, please."

Oh, what a crowd you've gotten... Suppose there was no harm in doing a quick trick, just for the fun of it. Half amused, you flicked your wrist and shot a card into your free hand, showing off its suit and number to the two as Diego joined the mini-audience. "What is it you see?"

"A two of spades?" Valentine answered, Doppio nodding along. 

"A two of spades?" You repeated, flipping it around to face you. "Honestly, you both might need to get your eyes checked.."

"What are you talking about?"

With the slightest of shakes, you rocked the card back and forth between your pinched fingers, staring into it curiously as the numbers and symbols all melted into a washy blur similar to the mixing of water and ink, the fog soon clearing to reveal a different card entirely. 

A smile ghosted your face as you turned the card back around, the faces of each of those that watched your little trick contorting to different versions of mixed surprise and confusion. 

"A two of hearts!" Diego cried. "How the fuck did you do that?"

"That's a secret, dear; One I might never tell you."

"You can't just mind-fuck us like that and not explain it!"

"I can do what I please when I'm in charge, Brando. Now, off you all go; we open in a few hours."

Like mice in the presence of a hungry cat, Doppio and Diego scurried off in opposite directions, one to the bar and one to the slot machines. Valentine, however, stayed put, his gaze following you as you quickly walked off to where the infirmary was.

"Oh, and one more thing, MX. (Y/n)?" He called again, your hand barely making it around the doorknob.

"Of course, Valentine, what is it?"

"...You don't happen to be single, do you?"

"Get back to work."

"Yes, Mx. (Y/n)."

Wild Cards  (JJBA Villains x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ