Tezuka Kunimitsu

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A/n: loved the scene when tezuka asked atobe why he was still kneeling on the floor YIKES  here's the req for tezuka !! i hope it's good :L

Tezuka Kunimitsu  ('∀`)♡

You were the most popular girl in Seishun Gakuen. You were kind and cheerful, merry and sociable. You were well-liked, and many respected you. Yet for one, you were unapproachable and distance. 

Tezuka watched as (First name) walks into the class, glowing as many greeted you. The two of you glanced at each other, as she smiled.

"Hello, Tezuka-kun." She grinned, walking up to you.

"Hi, (First name)-san." You deadpanned. It was hard for you- how could you of all people, fell in love with the most popular girl in school. 

For once, you wished that she was a fangirl, someone who would visit you in every game, cheered you on, but you also knew that if she was such a person- you wouldn't have liked her. It was impossible between the both of you- and it would be better if you kept your heart closed.

That was until a Fuji Shuusuke came into the picture. He noticed your glance on the girl, with a smile which you knew was dangerous. You knew that this situation interested him, and he would make it his business- with or without your permission.

"(Firstname)-chan, do you mind going for our game against Rikkaidai? I'm sure your presence would be really good for some members. Not to mention, you could get some articles for the photography club." Fuji asks, holding (Firstname) back after class.

You didn't miss Fuji's meaning at 'some members', as your breath hitched. Was she going to agree? A split second later, she was nodding at Fuji's request. A small smile graced your face, as you finished packing- you had to train even harder now. 

For the tennis team. For her.

You were surprised to notice a small bag of home-made candy on your table. You picked up the note, noticing the small words on the paper. 'All the best Tezuka-kun! -(Firstname)', your heart warmed. 

You glanced up and made eye contact with the blushing girl, as you nodded your head. She blushed, as she turns back to face the chalkboard- the people sitting beside her teasing her. 

"Tezuka Kunimitsu vs Sanda Genichirou. Please head to the courts right now." You glanced your eyes at your hopeful teammates and for a split second, your eyes drifted off to (Firstname), who held up a thumbs up, blushing.

You ate a candy, as you stood up walking inside the courts. 

Your heart was pounding in anticipation, knowing the girl you love is watching you.

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