The Rest of my Life

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Happy and I decided to have children but we decided against getting married. We were both happy with just the crow. Happy and I bought a house minutes from Jax about 6 months later. I spend my work time at the garage cleaning cars. I have found that I'm very good at it. I make quite a bit off of it and Happy works at the garage as well as the money he brings in from the other club business. He tells me when I need to know but I don't ask everything. He has been pretty honest with me and I don't question him. 

As of right now, I'm in the office taking a pregnancy test. It's been about a year since the Luann incident. Jax, Happy, Opie, and Chibs were in the garage working on cars and once I saw the pregnancy test. I screamed in excitement and ran out to the garage. 

"Happy! Happy! Happy!" I screeched in absolute excitement. The guys all stared at me, "Jesus christ Ava, calm down." Opie shook his head laughing at me. 

"What babe?" Happy asked with a shocked expression, probably at my screeching. 

"You're going to be a daddy!" His eyes went wide with excitement. He ran closer to me and picked me up, spinning me around. All I heard were the other guys cheering and giving congratulations. The other members of the club were asking what was going on but I left it at, "Happy put a baby in me!" 

I was so excited and happy that I just couldn't quit smiling. 

8 1/2 Months Later

I'm now pretty big and have decided to continue working until my due date. I was bent over cleaning a the floor of a car with a vacuum when I felt my water break. "Oh my god. Happy it's time!" I called as I grabbed my phone and keys. 

Later the next morning, Harley Jaxyn Lowman was born. We spent the next five years taking care of our little girl. A few people tried to go after the enforcers daughter and his ol' lady but for the most part Happy, Jax, Chibs, and Opie protected us. I was left with a couple bruises over the years but nothing major at all. 

Jax and Tara were happy with Abel and Thomas and they ended up getting married years later. I was Tara's maid of honor. Harley was their flower girl. They are still happy together to this day. 

Opie and Lyla were very happy together. Their three kids kept them very busy and the kids always got into trouble. Tig met a woman named Venus a couple years later and they are very happy together. Chibs found a woman a couple years later as well but she and Chibs are very happy together, even though she's a cop. Clay and Gemma split after Harley was born. Clay is dead now and Gemma is with Nero. Wendy is in Abel's life and has found love with Juice. Jax was weary at first but Juice has proved to be a good stepfather to Abel. 

This morning is a family breakfast with everyone. We were all currently at the clubhouse and getting the kids breakfast. "Harley, what do you want on your plate?" 

"Mom! I'm 5 years old, I can get my own plate!" I threw my hands up in defense. "Jeez Harley, I'm so sorry. How dare I even say such a thing?" Tara, Lyla, Wendy, and Gemma started laughing at me. 

I handed her a plate and fork and she began putting stuff on her plate. She went to put eggs on her plate and dropped them on the floor. "Harley Jaxyn Lowman, you better not have thrown eggs on the floor after I asked you what you wanted on your plate!" 

"Mom, it's okay, you can just clean it up!" She giggled at me. 

"Harley." I warned. She looked at me and then turned and ran away screaming for 'Uncle Jax'. 

Jax picked her up and swung her around. "What are you doing kid?" 

"Hiding from mommy and I know you'll protect me." She hugged him tightly. I smiled at the scene and then went and cleaned up the eggs. "Harls! Come on, you need to eat breakfast." 

"Okay mom! Coming!" Jax set her down and chuckled as she ran over to me. I put some eggs on her plate and then gave her some sausages and toast, then she went and sat with Abel, Thomas, Kenny, Ellie, and Piper.

Happy came up behind me and kissed my neck. "Hey baby. Let's get you some food." I smiled and grabbed him a plate. 

I put the food on his plate and he went and sat down with the guys and then I made sure that all the other guys had food before a grabbed some. Before I could pick up my fork, Harley came back wanting seconds. "Harley, let your mom eat. She hasn't even gotten any food yet. I'll get some for you darlin." Happy said as he took Harley to the table and got her some more food. I smiled gratefully at him and began eating my breakfast. 

"Aunt Ava?" Abel and Thomas were looking at me. "Yes boys?" 

"We love you." They both hugged me and I smiled, holding them tightly. 

"I love you boys too. Now go get more to eat alright? You gotta grow big and strong just like your dad. You guys have to keep the other boys away from Harley okay?" Everyone laughed at the comment as Abel and Thomas agreed. We watched the kids play while all of the club and ol' lady's continued eating. 

"I can't believe it's been five whole years since something like this has happened!" Lyla said, smiling. Everyone nodded in agreement before going back to their individual conversations. 

I heard a thump and then Harley began crying. "Mommy!" She cried. I got up and went over to her quickly. 

"Harley. You're okay baby girl." I said as I picked her up. She hugged me tightly. 

"I love you mommy." 

"Your daddy and I love you too baby girl, we'll always be there for you and protect you." 

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