How Can This Be?

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Ima has not messed with me since I set her straight. It's been a few weeks, the club has not come up with anything on the Carter issue. I have thought about a plan to lure him out but, I know Happy, Jax, and Chibs would hate it. I have not talked to Happy about his crow being put on me because, at the moment, I know he wouldn't want to.

At this point, I'm at the club house waiting for Happy to get back from a run. He left a few days ago and is supposed to be back today. He hasn't called me today, making me worried, but I thought he'd be perfectly fine. I was helping Gemma and Chucky clean up in the kitchen. I heard motorcycles come in and I got very excited. Gemma and I walked outside, waiting for them to pull into the lot. I noticed that Happy was not one of the people with the guys. I looked at Gemma worried, she shrugged. All of the guys parked their bikes, walking over to Gemma. The guys got off the bikes and Clay walked over and kissed Gemma and Jax kissed her cheek. "Where's Happy?" I asked Jax.

He looked at me and sighed, "He had to stay a few extra days, Sorry Ava." I nodded, sadly of course, but nodded.

"Thanks Jax." I walked inside and started handing out beers. I had made up my mind that I was going to go grab more beer. I took the car that was left for me to use. I stocked up on a lot of beer. As I was driving home, I was singing along to Cassadee Pope. I noticed a car following me and I really assumed it was Carter. Luckily for me, I was right around the corner from TM. No one would do anything that close to TM, at least I don't think they would. I pulled in the parking lot, starting to bring the beer inside. Chucky noticed that I was doing this by myself, he came over and helped. We started talking and carrying in the cases of beer. After a few minutes, all of them had been brought inside to the bar. He went back to the office and helped Gemma with her work and I stocked the bar and put beer in the stock room.

I just couldn't wait for Happy to finally be back here. I was missing him more than anything. It's only been a couple of days, but it feels like forever. There was one thing stuck in the back of my head. The tail I had, was it Carter? Was it nothing? Should I tell the club? I figured that if it was actually something, they would have done something while they had the chance. I didn't bother to tell the club. I just went back to the apartment to lay down. I changed into jogging pants and laid down. I fell asleep for a couple hours, when I woke up Happy stood over me.

"Happy! What are you doing back? Jax said you had to stay a few more days." I smiled, knowing he is back.

"Just got back, plans changed. They are sending Filthy Phil and Rat up there." I nodded and stood up, kissing him.

"I missed you, I'm glad you're back." He nodded and hugged me. I felt the need to tell him about the tail, but didn't want to bother him. Conflicted, I decided to tell him. "Hey, I didn't tell the club but I figured I should probably tell you-"

"What?" He asked, cutting me off. "Someone tailed me earlier, it was a late model Toyota. I was already close to TM and I figured that they wouldn't do anything and I ended up being right."

"Next time, fucking tell someone. They might actually try something the next time you drive somewhere alone!" He snapped at me. I nodded, not saying anything else. He went and told the club then we spent some intimate time together.

The next morning, Happy had to get up early to go handle some club shit. He was gone before I woke up. I got up and got ready and then went and had some coffee. I cleaned up the club house and started to listen to music and read. It helped me concentrate on the book. I was reading Tick Tock by Dean Koontz. It was an amazing read. I waited for Happy to come back. He got back around lunch. I made us lunch and we sat and talked.

"Happy, what would be a good name for a daughter?" I asked him. He looked up at me, smiling might I add.

"I like the name Hadley." I smiled at him, I love the name Hadley.

"I love it Happy." My smile grew and I kissed him over the table. We talked for hours. It was as close as we've ever been.

His phone soon rang breaking up our lunch date. Answering it, he got up.

"Yeah, alright. I'll be there soon." I knew that the club was the most important thing. I just had to live with it. He got off the phone and looked at me.

"I gotta go. Jax thinks he might have a lead on Carter." I nodded.

"Be careful, I'll see you later." I walked over to where he was standing and kissed him. Soon after, he was walking out the door. I sat there for a minute before cleaning up the mess from our lunch date. I did the dishes and wiped the table, put stuff away.

"You'd be a good ol' lady." Lyla said as she came in. I shrugged.

"I kind of already am an ol' lady. A lot of shit went down and I just have to get his crow again." I looked at her and she looked confused. "It's a long story. I'll be happy to share another time." I smiled at her, she nodded and continued what she was doing.

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