So Much More

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"That was a harsh thing to say." Tara said as Wendy got into her car and drove off the lot. I shrugged to myself mostly.

"I didn't mean for it to come out like that, I didn't tell her I would help her in any way. She pissed me off and I guess it just came out." I defended myself, even though I knew I didn't need to. 

"Ava!" My name sounded perfect coming from his lips, his mouth, just him in general. I'd never say that out loud though. 

"Yeah Happy, what do you want?" That came out a little harsher than I meant it to. He looked at me like I was crazy for talking to him like that and maybe I was, but once again, it just came out. 

"Look girl, I was just going to ask if you were okay!" I felt bad, but how could I make it up to him? 

"I'm sorry Happy, I'm just not having a very good day." He just nodded and walked away, making me sigh. I never wanted to do that to him. "Happy wait, I'm sorry!" 

I followed him quickly into the apartment. "Ava, what do you want from me?" 

"I have told you what I wanted. I left when I shouldn't have, we needed each other. I want you back. You mean everything to me and I didn't know that until I really faced that I had lost you." He stared at me for a minute, it was like he was staring into my soul. "I want to try again and I promise this time, I won't leave! The past is in the past, it will always stay that way. I want to be your old lady again." 

As he thought about it, I could tell he was hesitant. That he didn't want to but I know that he missed me. "Alright, one chance Ava. You leave, and we're done forever." I nodded happily. 

"I understand." I hugged him tightly, I was so happy to have him back. "Thank you for giving me this chance!" He nodded, he never really showed that much emotion which never bothered me. I had my ways to have him show emotion with me and his mom and that was it.

"Look I have to take care of some club business and then tonight we can spend some time together. Work out everything." Happy said, as soon as he said it, he was gone. 

I swear he made me the happiest woman on earth! 

~Later That Night~

I sat in the apartment, waiting for Happy to arrive from whatever him and the club had to do. It was something involving guns I'd imagine, but I never ask about any of it. As I waited and waited, I felt disappointment. Would he ever come back? 

After another hour of disappointment, I decided it was time to go join the crow eaters at the bar. The only member of the club that was still here was Rat. He was watching over everyone. Gemma sat at the bar, talking with Rat. I got a beer and then sat at the bar, thinking about everything. I had finally gotten what I had always wanted. Him. Happy. The father of the child we lost. Hadley, our baby girl.

I sat there thinking of the baby girl that Happy and I had lost, of course at first I had blamed the club. Since then, I have gotten over that sort of thinking. Every problem I have ever had, I had somehow managed to tie to the club. Which wasn't ethical, yes, they did bad things, sometimes horrible, but not anything that would be tied to me.

As I sat at the bar, I heard sirens, and the engines of the motorcycles. Which, in my opinion, in everyone's opinion, is never good. Gemma, Lyla, Tara and I walked outside to see all of the guys pull up and cops to pull in behind them. 

Stahl stepped out of the car, her ATF buddies not far behind her. The guys got off their motorcycles and took off their helmets, staring at the bitch, I mean, the ATF agent. "Hello ladies, criminals." Stahl said, talking to us and the club. "Hey, Ava! It's nice to see you! I'm surprised you decided to even bother to come back. You know after the loss of your child." 

"That is none of your business, bitch. Keep out of my life." I snarled at her.

"Oh, or what? Are you going to get the club to kill me?" She taunted. 

"I don't need the club to handle my shit, thank you very much." I looked away, looking at the club. They smirked a bit, knowing that nothing she could say would ever bring me down. 

"Now Gemma, Tara, and Ava. Sources have told us that you three were raped. Care to elaborate?" Stahl was twisted. 

"You're a sick woman. You're twisted. Get the hell out of here!" Gemma snapped, knowing it touched a nerve. 

Stahl started to laugh, "As a matter of fact, I can't get the hell out of here. I am here to arrest Jackson Teller, Clay Morrow, Filip Telford, Bobby Munson, Happy Lowman, Alexander Trager, Gemma Teller-Morrow, Tara Knowles, Lyla Winston, and Ava Teller." I gasped a bit. 

"What the hell are you arresting us for? We didn't do anything!" Lyla defended herself. 

"You are being arrested for the murder of Lavender Stevens!" I smirked, and everyone stared at me. 

"What? Just because I'm happy she's dead, doesn't mean that I killed her! She's the one who gave me the scars on my face! I didn't kill anyone!" I defended myself. Of course, Stahl got out her handcuffs and I was the first to be put in them, roughly might I add. She shoved into my shoulder and I elbowed her in the face. She looked back up at me with a bloody nose and I know she was pissed. 

One of the male ATF agents shoved me up against a police truck, "Oh come on, you can do better than that! You wimp!" A giggle fell from my lips, I do have to say, beating up agents is fun.

"Look bitch, just get in the car and no one will get hurt!" An ATF agent said. 

"Ava! Don't make this worse, get in the car!" Jax said, I gave a sad sigh, and gave Stahl a kick to the face before getting in the car. Wow, was she ever angry.

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