Never Look Back

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It's been days since I found out I was pregnant and I was raped. Happy doesn't know. Gemma and Tara have decided that they won't find out. I don't know if I can hide this. Happy has needs that I can't fulfill when I was just raped four days ago.

I remember them, every detail with the masks on. I never wanted this. I was passed out for a portion of it and I don't know why this happened, but I'm gonna kill whoever did this to us. I don't care if I'm not part of the club, I need to do something. I noticed a rose tattoo on one of their chests. It was the worst thing I've ever been through. I am sitting on the chair, drinking orange juice, rubbing my slowly growing belly. I can't wait to meet my baby.

"How are you doing today?" Lyla smiled, walking over to me. "I'm doing great. I just want to meet her so bad."

"Her huh?" Lyla laughed.

"I just know it. She's definitely a girl. We've picked out a name but we're revealing that at the party next week." I said to Lyla.

"I'm so excited for that. Is their anything specific for the baby you need?" She asked, making me sarcastically giggle. "We need everything for the baby."

She and I laughed together, "So how did Happy take the news?"

"Well he seems really excited, He took it well actually." I said to her, smiling. "I've been waiting for this day for so long and now that it's actually happening, I feel like there's no hole in my heart anymore. I just can't wait to meet her." Lyla smiled.

"That's exactly how I felt about Piper." She said, she was glowing.

"Ava! We need to talk." I heard Tara say as she walked over to Lyla and I. I nodded, "Okay, what's up?"

"I almost slipped, we need to tell Happy, Jax and Clay tonight. All together." Tara said, the frown displaying clearly on her face. Gemma walked in and I knew it would be hell to convince her that we had to tell them.

"Gemma, look we need to tell them, Tara almost slipped and as much as I hate that I have to tell Happy, I hate lying to him." Gemma nodded. "I know. We will tell them tonight. Be over at my house for 6." I nodded.

The day went by quickly, paper work was done for the garage. As soon as 5:30 hit, I was getting in the car and starting it, driving over to Gemma's. I was so nervous, I felt sick to my stomach. I got there, knowing that Happy, Jax and Clay would go absolutely insane. I walked inside, Tara, Gemma, Clay, Happy, and Jax were all there.

"Look this is going to be hard for the three of you to hear, but you need to know." Tara said. Gemma cleared her throat, "Look, a couple nights ago. It wasn't just a car accident. We were taken to the power house on 18. We were raped. All three of us." I looked down, I felt terrible enough about something I couldn't control.

Happy looked at me in a way I've never seen before. It kind of made my heart warm. I didn't want him to pity me. I still thought about it. I didn't want to but it popped into my head.

"Who? Who did this to my girls?" Jax growled. I shrugged. "I think it was Weston." I said, although I was not one hundred percent sure. I guess I shouldn't assume anything, however I did see the tattoo.

"You think it was Weston?" Jax asked.

"Yes I do. I saw his rose tattoo. It is A.J Weston. I need to help do something. I won't sit around and do nothing when he is walking free after what he did to Gemma, Tara and I." I said strongly. The three looked at me.

"Ava, you are not part of the club. We cannot let you do anything to Weston." Happy murmured, I glared at him. "You can't tell me I'm not allowed to do anything. It's my body he mutilated when he beat and raped me. It's my turn to do something to the guy who has given me nightmares." I snapped at him.

I stood up from my chair, angry. I wanted to leave but I knew that I wouldn't get them to agree if I left.

"Ava look we want for you to be able to do something but it's club business." Jax said.

"Bullshit, don't tell me I can't get revenge on the guy who has helped give me nightmares. It's my body and my life." I was so angry that they had said that to me. "You cannot tell me I can't defend myself."

"You can defend yourself we aren't saying that you can't. We are just saying that you can't do anything to him if he doesn't do anything to you first." I glared at Clay.

"You cannot do this!" I argued.

"We can and we already have." Happy said.

"Plus you're pregnant. We can't put you near that." Jax said. I nodded. "Okay I get that. At least stab him in the penis for me." I said sadly.

Happy kissed my forehead, "Oh we will be doing a lot more than that. He won't get away with this."

I sighed to myself, sitting back down. I laid my head down on the kitchen table. It was nice and cool and I needed that. Happy was rubbing my back slowly, it felt nice.

"Look I just wanted to do something." Clay, Jax, and Happy nodded. "We get it."

Happy and I stood up, "We're gonna get going." Jax and Tara stood up, "we're gonna get going too."

Clay and Gemma nodded, "Yeah of course."

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