Just As Expected

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I've been staying with Jax and Tara for the week I've been home. They have been letting me watch Abel and Thomas so I can stay there. It has worked out pretty well so far. Mom gave me shit when I got home, but that was expected. I was used to mom giving me shit. Happy and I have seen each other but we haven't talked.

That was about to change as I asked him to come alone to our old spot. It was a small little picnic area, just off of main street. I knew that if his new little toy had seen us she was going to be pissed. I watched as Happy walked over to me, he had barely changed.

"I'm glad you came." I said, smiling with my head titled to the side.

"Look Ava, I know you want to get back together and I would, but-" He seemed sincere.

"It's her." I said bluntly. He nodded slightly, I knew he really didn't want to hurt me.
"Can I just do one thing before you leave again?"

"What is it?" He asked, his raspy voice made me emotional. I stepped towards him and I kissed him, on my end it was passionate and soft. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms snaked around my waist and he lifted me off the ground. I wanted him to pull away and say that he was going to leave her and stay with me, but I knew it wasn't possible.

He soon pulled away and I let out a breathy, "I love you," before he was out of my sight. It was hard to see him walk away but there was no way, absolutely none, that I wouldn't provoke him with my clothing or try to get him back. I walked into the club house and the guys were laughing and joking.

I walked over to my brother and jumped on his back making Chibs, Tara, Tig, Happy, Lyla and Gemma laugh. I giggled to myself, "Hi bro! What's up?"

After everything settled down, the girls were in the kitchen and the guys were spread out around the club house. I walked out to where the guys were and Lavender walked over to me and before I could stop her, she had crossed her arms and cut across my cheeks, exactly like Chibs scars.

I felt my cheeks and my hands had blood on them from the new slashes Lavender had created.
I recoiled and soon threw all of my weight into her, knocked her on her ass. The blades ironically flew from her hands, one landed in front of Chibs, and one in front of Happy. I got on top of her and let her have it. I punched and punched, no one stopped me until Gemma came out. She dragged my rage filled body off of Lavenders now bloodied body. "Let me fucking go, I'm going to fucking kill her!" I screamed. My squirming body was no match for my mother. Tara and Lyla had to help her until Jax restrained me.

"Ava, ya don't want dat luv, ya can't kill 'er." Chibs said, his heavy boots heard as he walked closer.

"He's right Ava." Gemma said.

"What the fuck do you know, how many people have you killed? Huh mom? At least I didn't hit her in the face with a skateboard!" The shocked look on her face showed, she was not happy. That didn't matter, I was too caught up in trying to kill Lavender.

Happy held his hand out for Lavender, she grabbed his hand and pulled herself up. "Thanks Happy." The smirk on her face made the rage worse.

"Oh don't thank me girl." His voice raspy with a hint of anger warmed my heart, and the rest of me. He back handed her, making the smirk appear on my face. The tears were glistening and then mixing with blood as they fell down her face. Jax let go of me and I started to walk away.

"They can't protect you forever stupid bitch! I'll kill you!" Lavender screamed.

"I don't need them to protect me. You picked the wrong person to mess with. We're at war. " Those words flew out of my mouth as my heels clicked as I walked away.

A day had passed and I knew she didn't have the balls to do anything to me. I walked out and everyone started to stare. "Yes I am aware that the slashes are noticeable. No need to stare."

"We're not trying to stare at ya sis. We just want to know you're okay." I saw the look in Jax's eyes, he was worried. I know exactly what he was worried about. He thinks I'm going to kill Lavender, which I would if it came to it.

"You have to promise you won't kill her!" Gemma stated bluntly. A dry laugh found its way through my throat and out my mouth.

"You know damn well, I can't make that promise." The look in Gemma's eyes was clear. She was pissed.

"Just because you were with the clubs killer, doesn't mean you have to become a killer yourself." Gemma stated again, not holding anything back.

"Happy may have had everything to do with what she did, but if I kill her, it has nothing to do with Happy. That has everything to do with me! Don't tell me what I can and can't do!" The anger was like a surge, it took over completely. "You don't have to worry, I'll only kill her if she attacks me first!" The anger dripped off every word, like a snakes teeth with venom. I felt eyes on me, which only pissed me off more.

"It's time everyone stopped staring at me and got a life!" It felt as if it was not anger anymore, it was rage. I got a shot of Jack Daniels and chased it with a beer, finding myself in the office, doing the work that was supposed to be Gemma's. That was until Happy stood in the doorway.

"Hey." All he had to do was say 'hey' and he had me wrapped around his finger.

"Hi." I knew I was blushing, I went from anger to bashful in a matter of seconds, thanks to the man I once loved, the man I still love, Happy Lowman.

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