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***Ava's POV***

It's been a week, a whole week, and Happy hasn't talked to me. I got out of the hospital a few days ago, I have accepted that I can't have kids, but Happy doesn't know. When he left, I was upset about not being able to have kids. I know he didn't really want kids, he probably would have been happy that I can't have kids. We have never really talked about having kids.

"Ava, we need to talk." I heard Happy's voice say. I had seen him, but he never came up to talk to me. I didn't try because he would have ignored me. I followed him to one of the rooms, knowing that we did need to talk. As soon as the door closed, I had something to say.

"Listen Happy, I want to tell you that no matter what, I'll always love you. I don't care that we can't have kids. I have accepted it and I was so wrong to scream at you like that." He looked baffled by what I said. I usually don't like to talk, but it was a matter that was important.

"Ava, I was going to say, that I know how much you want children. I know that you wanted that so badly. At the right time, when we're both ready, I will consider adoption." As soon as he said that, tears formed and I looked up at him.

"Are you serious Happy? You would do that for me?" I asked, stuttering a little bit. He nodded, making me hug him tightly and kiss him. "I love you Happy, so much."

"I love ya too, now we should put my crow back on you." He said, making me nod.

"Anything for you." I said, smiling. "What happened to Carter?" I asked, remembering that no one told me what happened.

"He's kind of in the wind right now. We have every charter looking for him and Juice is following his paper trail." I nodded.

"He got away?" Happy nodded, a bit angrily. I knew he wasn't anywhere near satisfied with that.

"We will wait to put my crow on you for that exact reason. I don't want him cutting into you again." I nodded.

"Okay Happy." I kissed him, he kissed me with definite force and picked me up by my thighs, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. It got heated quickly and many rounds happened.

Hours later, Happy had to get up for Church. I just laid there a bit longer before getting ready, I was very worn out. When I finally did get up, I grabbed clothes and walked into the bathroom that was attached to the room. I showered quickly and just put on a simple pair of jeans and a ruffled tank top, after putting on my undergarments, of course. I grabbed a simple pair of black flats and brushed my hair, leaving my makeup off. I didn't want to reapply any, after that, I walked out and noticed Clay and Tig, talking privately, and some of the guys sitting at the bar. I noticed Happy, Jax, and Chibs were missing, I got a drink from a prospect and noticed that Juice followed me everywhere.

"Juice, I'm going to ask one thing. Why in the fuck are you following me every freaking place I go?" The guys stifled a laugh.

"Happy's orders. I have no choice. That guy is fucking scary." I started giggling.

"Yet he picks the sissy to watch over me while he's gone." Juice looked at me, fake offended.

"I am not a sissy!" He whined.

"Sissy's whine, like what you're doing right now." He pouted. I started laughing and that's when Tig left. I heard that Jax and Tara were having a get together tonight. I was invited with Happy, so I guess I will go. I know that Opie and Lyla will be there and I've always gotten along with both of them. Most of the guys were going to be there, making me somewhat happy, no pun intended.

Finally it was the get together and Happy and I made it to their house, just in time. Everyone was just sitting around and talking. I noticed that Lyla and Opie had the kids here, Abel and Thomas were obviously here as well. I smiled seeing the kids play. It was hard to know that I wouldn't have biological kids. I stood beside Happy until he went to hang out with Chibs, I went over to Tara. "Hey Tara."

"Oh hey Ava, what's going on?" She asked, smiling as Jax walked up to her and kissed her cheek.

"Nothing much, Happy is hanging out with Chibs." I said smiling.

"Aunt Ava!" I heard Abel screech as he ran to me.

"Abel!" I smiled and picked him up. "How's my little nephew?" I asked him.

"I'm good. Mommy got me a puzzle and I want you to help me." I smiled and nodded.

"Let's go and do it right now!" Abel took my hand and lead me out to the living room. I smiled and giggled a bit, but for some reason Ima was here. "What are you doing here?" I snarled at her.

"I was invited." She said back to me in a snobby way.

"Oh please, who the hell would invite you?" I asked. Gemma walked over slowly.

"Problem here?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Oh no, infertile bitch was just being rude. You know she can't have kids right? She must not have wanted it that badly." Ima smirked at me. I felt tears well up in my eyes. "You can't even do the one thing that a woman is supposed to be able to do."

"Shut up." I said quietly.

"How does Happy even want to be with you? How can he know that you're barely a woman and still want to be with you?" She went on and on.

"Shut up!" I screamed. I pulled out a gun I had for protection and pointed it at her head. That had everyone staring at us.

"What's going on?" Jax came over quickly pulling my arm down.

"Oh nothing, bitch is just really sensitive about not being able to have kids." Tara looked at me and knew the pain that I had bottled up.

"Jax let her go. She needs this." Jax let my arm go, I couldn't do it. Not with the kids in the room.

"Watch your back, stupid bitch. I will fucking find you whore. Talk to me again and I'm gonna go grab the dullest kitchen knife I can find and I'm gonna slit your throat with it." I said, venom dripping from every single word. She backed away and I took a few steps to the front door and sat outside.

Chibs walked out behind me with Happy only a foot behind him.  "Don't listen to her love. She's just a stupid whore." Chibs said, trying to comfort me. I just looked at the ground.

"Thanks Chibs. I think I'm gonna go home." I looked at Happy, he nodded.

"I'll go say bye to everyone." I nodded and waited as he went and said bye to everyone.

All I heard Ima say was, "Ha! The infertile bitch is leaving." I looked down and got straight up and walked inside. She wasn't getting away with this again.

"Look bitch, just because I am unable to give birth to a child does not mean I will not have kids in my life. It does not mean I am any less of a woman. Shut your whore mouth, how many of the guys have you fucked? Being a slutty gash is worse than being infertile. For the record, Happy wants me to be his old lady because I'm better than you'll ever be, whore." I smirked, confident and happy about my words to her as all of the guys just laughed at her. Happy smirked and kissed me and Jax kicked Ima out a few minutes after, making me want to stay later.

Crow's Fly StraightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora