Carter's Life

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***Ava's POV***

"And I know exactly how to do it." I grinned as everybody asked how. "He wants you guys to go down, he'll do anything to make you go down. Fake it and he will become cocky as hell. Get Wayne to fake arrest you guys. I will go and cry to him," I shuddered. "And then I will knock him out and you guys come in and bam, dead dude! Well I mean after you kill him of course!"

Jax looked around the table and Happy seemed uneasy and angry. "Happy if it get's rid of a potential problem for Ava and the club, it's worth it!" Happy looked at me and nodded.

"Fine, it can happen but it has to be done quickly." Happy said.

"One problem, we have to convince Wayne to help us." Opie said.

I shrugged, "I can do that. Someone go get him." I said to them.

"Half-Sack!" Chibs yelled. "Get yer' ass in here!"

Half-Sack came running in, I noticed Tara, Ima, and Lyla outside. Tara and Ima glaring at each other and Lyla just standing there. "Go get Unser." Tig said. Half-Sack nodded and left again, closing the door.

Clay slammed the gavel down, "Meeting ajurned." I walked out and saw Ima and Tara arguing.

"Stop being a slut then!" Tara snapped at Ima. Ima went to say something and I punched her.

"Back off bitch. This club does not need your slutty ass causing problems." I said calmly. I noticed that the corner of her mouth was bleeding.

"You bitch! I won't be able to work looking like this!" Ima screamed at me.

"I couldn't care less. Now get the fuck out!" I said to her simply. I hated her guts, she was only here to start shit with Tara. Ima didn't seem to happy as she was leaving, but I didn't care.

"Thanks Ava." Tara said, I smiled back at her and nodded. A couple of minutes passed and Half-Sack returned with Unser.

"What's going on?" Unser asked. I looked at him and nodded towards the chapel.

"Let's talk. Jax, Happy, come on." They nodded and closed the doors after Unser and I came in. "Look Unser, I know that what I'm about to ask you to do is horrible, terrible, incriminating, and you might hate me. I need you to do this for me. Okay?" He nodded, so I kept going. "Carter kidnapped me four years ago. He trained me to be good." I said putting air quotes around "trained" and "good". "He tore me apart. He nearly beat me to death multiple times. He raped me multiple times. He cut Happy's crow off of me. I need you to fake arrest the Sons so they can kill him. I don't want someone else to go through what I had to."

I could tell that Unser was really thinking about this. "There's no way I would be connected to this. Right?"

"You have my word, you will NOT be connected to this." Jax said to Wayne. Wayne nodded and turned his attention to me.

"When should this happen?" Wayne asked. I shrugged and looked at the guys.

"Anytime is okay with me." Jax said. Wayne nodded called his guys, we faked the whole thing. Everyone was arrested and wearing handcuffs, little did we know, Carter was watching the whole time. Wayne had Jax, Stahl had Happy, wait what? Why the hell was Stahl here?! This was going to turn into a blood bath. Carter walked over to me and tried to pull me away without anyone noticing but he was to stupid to cover my mouth!

"Jax! Happy!" I screamed, they turned my way to see me struggling and trying to get away from Carter.

"Let the girl go." Stahl said.

"Bitch, shut the fuck up, before I blow her brains out." He said, holding a gun to my head.

"Carter please don't do this." I whined, "I'll do whatever you want."

I leaned over a little bit and I heard a gun shot, making me flinch, I soon felt a searing pain in my abdomen. I felt it and I saw blood, I fell to my knees, one hand on the pavement, the other, holding my now bloodied abdomen. I felt my vision go fuzzy, I heard Happy struggling and calling my name, I heard someone running towards me and I saw a blurry Jax before I passed out.

When I woke up next, I saw Happy, sitting in a chair, next to the hospital bed, Chibs sitting beside him. I looked on the other side and there was Jax and Tara. A doctor walked in, "Ahh you're awake!" Causing everyone to wake up.

They all seemed very happy to see me awake, they all hugged me, Happy kissing me and hugging me. "Now that you're awake, the bullet went straight through the uterus."

"I'm sorry doc, I'm not Tara, what does that mean?" Tara and the doctor sighed.

"Ava, it means... you have a small chance of ever having kids. It doesn't seem likely at all that you will have kids." Tara explained. I looked at the doctor.

I felt tears in my eyes and I let one slip. I laid my head back against the pillow, I didn't want to believe that. "Why me?"

"I'm so sorry Ms. Teller." The doctor said.

"Just get out. A sorry isn't going to make me feel better." I said. "All of you. Out." I said, I knew that Happy was going to say something. "Out!" I screamed. "Just get out!" I wanted to be alone, it's what I needed. Happy left without another word. I knew he would be pissed at me for a while. I knew that he wasn't one for couples. I did give him an ultimatum. Me or the croweaters. I just realized how stupid it was telling Happy to get out.

He chose me, over all the bitches, sluts, whores, and hoes to choose from, he chose me. I shouldn't have screamed at him like I did. He chose me, he must be okay with dealing with some of my crap, right? What have I done? What if, because I screamed at him, he cheats on me, or leaves me?

"Happy!" I yelled, hoping he was still outside. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Jax.

He looked conflicted. "Sis, I don't know how to tell you this, Happy left."

"Happy left? What do you mean he left? Do you mean he left to go clear his head, or he left to go clear his head by cheating on me, or he left and is never coming back?" I said it quickly, I was scared.

"He didn't say, he just left."

"Jax get him back here! I need him right now!" I started to cry, realizing I was so stupid.

"I don't know if I can, but I'll try..." Jax left soon after, to get Happy back here. I need Happy, What am I going to do? I can't live without him, he's my everything. He's my life, he's everything I need to get through this life. I love Happy Lowman, I still love Happy Lowman, and I will always love him.

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