Problem Solving

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The ride back to Cara Cara's was short and nerve-wracking. I knew that the club couldn't kill Luann because of Otto, but that didn't mean they wouldn't hurt her. They aren't going to be forgiving. When we arrived, Jax called Clay to, I'm sure, figure out what they wanted to do and how to handle it. When he got off the phone he began talking to Chibs, Happy, and Opie. 

"Clay wants us to use Ava as a decoy and have her tell Luann the club is going to kill her so she has to get out of town." I just stared at him and just nodded. My legs walked me to the door and I took a breath before running into the building. 

"Luann! Luann! The club found out, they said they are going to kill you!" I was running around the room grabbing all of the cash I could find. 

"They'll be here soon, you have to go! Go out the back!" I stuffed the cash in her hands and shoved her out the back door quickly. I walked out and closed the door, making sure she couldn't get back into the building. She immediately saw the club and went to turn around to go back inside but I stood in her way. 

"Are you going to let the club kill your godmother Ava?" Luann tried to guilt-trip me with her soft voice and fake teary eyes. 

"Luann, you sacrificed me to keep your secret hidden. It's not my fault you had a guy beat the crap out of me. They would have let you pay them back with a little repercussion, but you fucked all of it up." I stated, my voice void of emotion. 

"I can't go back in front of the camera again." Luann looked down, letting her tears drip down her makeup caked face. I just stood there and waited until something happened. I realized towards the end that they were waiting for the rest of the club. Luann's eyes widened at the sound and she grabbed a hold of the door handle and tried to yank it open but I pushed her right back into the middle of Jax, Opie, Chibs, and Happy. 

"Please don't kill me! Ava, please don't let them kill me!" Luann cried. That made me angry. How dare she try to pull that shit with the club? 

"Luann! Shut up!" I screamed. "You let someone batter the VP's sister and the enforcers ol' lady! Not to mention the stealing! I felt his fucking hands cut off my air supply and it burned, my eyes watered and I almost passed out. So you know what Luann, you can keep sucking dick for money for all I care because the club should do worse to you for what you did to me!" I took a breath and headed back to the bikes as Clay and the rest of the club got there. 

I waited around for probably another half an hour before Jax, Chibs, Happy, and Opie came back. "You alright?" I looked up from sitting on Happy's bike and noticed that all of the guys were looking at me. 

"I will be." I smiled as everyone got on their motorcycles and we headed back to I'm assuming the clubhouse. 

When we got there, I went into the office and Gemma practically jumped down my throat. "Luann is in the hospital! We need to go see her!" 

"No. You go. I'll finish here." She just nodded and left while I picked up where she left off. Things went well after that, Gemma didn't question me again and I worked more at the office and started looking for another job. When the garage closed up, I was still in the office looking at the computer for houses. I know it was early, but I was making money already with Cara Cara and the office so I figured, why not? 

"Day is over. What are you doing?" Happy asked as I was scrolling through the houses for sale. "Oh, I'm just looking at houses for sale." 

I gave him a sheepish smile and he nodded and sat down next to me. "I was kind of hoping to find a house near Jax. Is that alright with you?" I asked since he was going to be staying with me and most likely moving in at some point. 

"Yeah little girl, it is." I kissed him softly and he stood up and grabbed my hand before taking me into the clubhouse. We grabbed drinks before heading back to his dorm. I walked into the room and sat my drink on the nightstand. I took off my jacket and boots before sitting on the bed and taking a swig of the beer. 

"Is there anything specific you wanted in a house?" I asked knowing I wanted a pool. 

He responded with a quick, "Just a couple bedrooms." I looked at him confused because it was only the two of us. 

"Why?" I asked, taking another swig of beer. 

"Don't you want kids some day?" I snapped my head to look over at him and nodded. "Of course I do! I just never expected that you would want that with me again." A smirk fell on his features as set my beer down and he did the same.

"You are my ol' lady and I know you want it." I felt my heart warm at his words. He may have been seen previously as someone with a cold heart but he has soft spots every now and then. I leaned over and kissed him softly. I shifted myself closer to him until I was straddling his lap and his hands were roaming by body. We were just enjoying the moment with each other. I knew for a fact that he was the man who held my heart for eternity. 

"I love you Happy." I said as I pulled away from his lips. 

"I love ya too Ava." He pulled me into him again and we shed clothes, making love to each other all night. 

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