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After hours of spending time at the orphanage, it was time to go home for Cheri while Y/n had a work shift at the cafe

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After hours of spending time at the orphanage, it was time to go home for Cheri while Y/n had a work shift at the cafe. They bid goodbye to their caregiver as the taxi driver drove off, the woman's figure getting further away. The taxi had two stops, stopping at Starship cafe before driving to Cheri's residence to drop off the older.

"Are you sure you're gonna quit?" The girl asks to her bestfriend that had gotten out of the car, rolling down the window.

"I'm very sure, the leftover over money from my parents will be enough to support me until the future. By then, i will get a new job." Y/n answers, nodding as she clutches the pouch of money and pictures in her shoulder bag. 

"Alright, you are so mature now i don't even know who you are. Be sure to tell Seongmin you quit your part-time job or else he will beat the stuff out of you if you don't."

"He won't."

"True, he won't- anyways, i gotta go or else Mom would kill me." Cheri waves off after telling the driver to drive to her home, Y/n waving her arm as the car blurred from her eyesight. She exhaled deeply as she enters through the door of the cafe, Taeyoung waving at her the moment she came in.

"Hey! You seem relaxed not like the usual frustrated 'i don't wanna do anything today' Y/n, gasp who are you?" Taeyoung greets the girl getting a grin in return, dusting his apron before their supposed shift starts.

"I'm gonna quit."

"That seems like a good reaso- wait what? Quit? You are definitely not Y/n, did you eat her which seems impossible but still-?" He looked at her as if she was out of her mind, the other raising one of her eyebrows at him. Y/n had worked so hard during her part-time job while balancing with her academics, it seemed weird to Taeyoung for her to suddenly quit out of the blue.

"No one ate me, i just have enough money now to support myself until i'm an adult."

"So you admit you are a baby?" He chuckled a giggle, covering his lips with the palm of his hands.

"what- no! That's not the point!" Y/n smacked his head gently, enough for him to rub it off. 

"Does that mean i'm gonna work alone, this is torture!"

Taeyoung pretended to faint just to get her reaction but earned a straight faced Y/n that looked at him weirdly, quickly standing up. "I have worked here longer that you did, maybe it's time for a break- maybe in the meantime i'll focus more on my studies since graduation for my school is coming up after the final examination." She states while grabbing her apron from the hook.

He took a breathe while nodding his head, understanding her situation though he had not been through it. "I support your decision but you have to visit me at least 5 times a week for emotionally support, the manager's in her room."

Y/n smiled, happy that her co-worker understands. She made her way to the manager's room to talk to her about quitting, opening the door after knocking on it. 

"Good afternoon, Y/n- is there a problem?" The manager of the cafe asks nicely.

"Good afternoon, Miss." She stood still in front of her boss that was finishing up some work on her computer. "This might seem so sudden but i have worked hard here and balancing academics and work has been difficult so i wanted to-"

Before she could finish, the woman cuts her off. "-quit?" Y/n nodded while handing the apron with her name on it to her. "I understand, it must've been hard for you. I know Taeyoung will go through the same since you are both only turning eighteen next year but you worked here for a long time so it makes sense for a break."

The manager takes the apron that was on top of her desk. "Since you are quitting, this will be your last paycheck."

"I don't think i need the paycheck for now, the other employees here can have it."

"Alright, thank you for working here- your attendance is full except for four days so you have been a great worker, Y/n."

"Thank you, i will take my leave now." Y/n bowed for the last time to her manager that gave her a smile before leaving the room, Taeyoung rushing up to her.

"So how did it go?" The boy questions with wide eyes, Y/n does jazz hands indicating that she was now unemployed. "Wow, you're a free woman now which was a bold move to do meaning i don't have to cover your shift anymore!" He threw his hands up in the air, celebrating. "Still a bit sad that you won't be beside me anymore while i embarrass myself in front of a customer."

"I definitely will miss it." Y/n utters, a smile on her face while the other slaps her shoulder. "So now i can relax at home without a worry."

"I guess you can, why don't you exit through the front door for a dramatic last 'i was a worker here' exit?"

"That's a good idea, have fun with your shift!" Y/n leaves the staff room to the counter, going over to the other side as she makes her way to the front entrance. She pushes the door open, looking back at Taeyoung who was waving at her.

The sun shined in her face as the door behind her closed, the burden lifting from her entire body. Now she could focus on her studies, do stuff that a normal teenager would do for the rest of her teenage-hood. Y/n doesn't have to worry about going broke or not having a future anymore, the wind breezing on her cheeks as she inhaled the air.

Y/n looked down to the picture of her family in her hand. "I wish you guys could see me now, i wonder would you be proud of me?" She smiles, knowing her mother, father and older brother were probably looking up at her right now and are taking cake of her from a distance.

A bright future awaits her.

both of my stories are in the top 2 in # cravity, thank you to anyone who is supporting this story and my taeyoung story oWo THIS IS NOT YET THE END TO THIS BOOK!! the ending will come soon and i'm so sad to end this story, this was my first story ><  please look forward to the ending in a few chapters!! HAVE A NICE DAY LUVITIESS!! <3

both of my stories are in the top 2 in # cravity, thank you to anyone who is supporting this story and my taeyoung story oWo THIS IS NOT YET THE END TO THIS BOOK!! the ending will come soon and i'm so sad to end this story, this was my first story...

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