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After hours of spending their money on minigames, they had 45 minutes more to do something else

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After hours of spending their money on minigames, they had 45 minutes more to do something else. Unfortunately for Seongmin, he needs to buy Taeyoung something. Taeyoung being the fashionable guy he is, asks the younger for clothes.

They head their way to H&M for clothing. Taeyoung running to the men section to look for hoodies, that left Y/n and Seongmin together. The two didn't mind it, they liked spending time together.

"Y/n, why not you buy something?" he suggests, looking around the store.

"I don't really have that much money to afford clothes. Even these clothes are Cheri's." She still hasn't gotten her paycheck, which was dissapointing but she stays patient, avoiding stress that would make her problem worse.

"Since you bought me this plushy, i'll buy you something."

"What? No no, the bunny was only two tokens. I could've cared less."

"It's okay. i'm gonna pick the clothes anyways." After pushing her into the fitting room, he goes over to look for nice clothes that would compliment Y/n's facial features and eyes.

He chooses a baby blue sweater and a white skirt that would go down to her mid-thigh. Seongmin hands them over to her. "Seongmin, I don't really need new clothes."

"i have to repay you for coming and for the bunny plushy i really wanted." Y/n sighs in defeat, taking the clothes and going into the fitting room to try them on.

Seongmin waited, hoping it was the right size. He imagined her in the clothes he picked earlier, blushing as Y/n rarely wears a skirt other than her school uniform.

"aish what has gotten into me?" he tells himself.

The door opened and out come Y/n. Seongmin looks up and the world turns into a blur. It might be cliché but she is probably the prettiest girl he had ever seen, before and after the new clothes. Y/n doesn't have the perfect features but It did make her unique in a beautiful way.

"The skirt kinda tight, and i don't like exposing my legs. I feel ugly." She stares at herself in the mirror, feeling insecure as usual.

"What do you mean ugly? You look beautiful." Y/n turns her head to face Seongmin. She chuckles at the drool coming from his open mouth.

"You have a tiny bit of saliva coming out of your mouth." Seongmin snaps back to reality and wipes his lips, cleaning the drool with his arm which Y/n just cringed at disgust at.

"u-uh i'll ge-t-t a bigger size." he runs as fast as he could, bringing back a bigger size white skirt, a plaid jacket and a black skirt that's the. "i thought maybe you would look pretty in these also." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Seongmin!! I found the hoodie i wante-" Taeyoung stops looking at Y/n wearing new clothes. "You look good Y/n." As soon as he said that, he felt a stabbing glare from Seongmin, who let out a tiny growling sound. Taeyoung ruffles his hair.

"I'm not gonna steal her from you."

"Eh?! What do you mean?!"

"Nothing! Let's go pay~"

The three walked to the counter to pay from the clothes after Y/n changed into her own. Taeyoung looks at the time and it was already 5:52 in the afternoon. " We need to gather in a few minutes, we should get churros first." The other two agrees, walking out of the store to go get churros before gathering near the entrance of the mall.


three updates in a day again coz of my lacking writing skills im very sorry to dissapoint you guys :<<
please do keep on supporting this book
It has reached 1K reads!!🥺🥺🥺 THANK YOU SO MCUH❤️

three updates in a day again coz of my lacking writing skills im very sorry to dissapoint you guys :<<please do keep on supporting this book It has reached 1K  reads!!🥺🥺🥺 THANK YOU SO MCUH❤️

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