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"Hey, Y/n!" A group of eight exclaims as they enter through the entrance of the purple cafe building, making a quite loud noise through out the room

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"Hey, Y/n!" A group of eight exclaims as they enter through the entrance of the purple cafe building, making a quite loud noise through out the room. They approaches the counter in a clump, ready to order their drinks for their short hangout.

"Y/n only, how about your youngtae?" Taeyoung pouts, making the other disgusted at his expression. Seongmin waves to her whom waves back a bit while making another customers drink, grinning.

"We see you everyday, you child." The mischievous Minhee jokes, Serim slapping him on the back controlling his 'kids'.  He frowns jokingly, Jungmo joining in trolling their younger friend who was working on a drink. "Don't worry Taeyoung, we love you as much as Seongmin loves Y/n." The trouble duos teases their maknae, holding in their laughter.

"Don't bring me into this!" Seongmin screams at the top of his lungs with a tint of blush, disturbing some peoples in the building resulting in Serim scolding them again. The oldest apologizes to the customers enjoying their deserts, handling the situation.

"Sorry, Y/n about them." Allen utters, pointing to his friends due to their behavior. The barista nodding her head, not minding their noisiness as she readies the cashier for their orders. "So what do you guys want?" Asking his dorm mates for their drink orders, some still deciding while the others has their specific beverage.

"Alright-" Woobin starts off, coming to the front for ordering. "I'll have an americano, two mint chocolate latte, two caramel latte, one black coffee and- Hyeongjun, Jungmo what do you want?" He looks to the two deciding on the same drink because they wanted to.

They whispered it to Woobin who chuckles, ordering the last two orders. "-and two unicorn milkshakes with extra whip cream." Y/n nearly let out a cackle but holds it in as she expects it from Hyeongjun like the soft boy he is but didn't really expect it from Jungmo.

"Total is 21." Serim gives her the right amount of cash, turning to the table that Beomsik and Cheri were currently sitting at while sipping on their already-made refreshments. Though Seongmin stayed behind for a while, checking up on Y/n then goes to join his friends, a little confused who's the unknown boy sitting with the rest. 

Y/n and Taeyoung prepares the bunch of drinks including their own after paying since their breaks were near, bringing the orders to their table then takes a seat on the large table that were actually three smaller tables connected together. Cheri were getting along well with the others, unlike their last hangout.

"So Seongmin-" Wonjin says, dragging his words a bit. "How was your first date, we haven't heard any details since you came to the dorm then immediately ran to your room?" Seongmin sips on his drink, practically inhaling it as he tries to avoid the questions.

"Yeah, we heard your scream in the middle of the night." "Can't believe how red you were." "Why were you mumbling 'How do i ask her out again?' while you were trying to sleep?" They continued to tease their youngest who looks down covering his face while Y/n looked at everything but avoid the other's faces. 

Jungmo pokes his cheeks, grinning at how nervous he was. The olders looking at him proudly as he already went on a date at a young age while the youngers envying him. "Can we not talk about this right now?" Seongmin mumbles, still covering his face.

"Awe, our Seongmin's nervous~"

"Look at his cheeks! Squish!" Hyeongmin pinches his cheeks.


They laughed it off as the two lovebirds just coughs, changing the topic. They snacked on the free cookies they got because of purchasing five drinks, Jungmo eating most of it. Taeyoung claps as he remembered something, pointing to the girls and Beomsik. "On saturday, our school will be playing a basketball match with another school so you guys should come."

"Can other school students enter your school grounds though?"

"It will be allowed for that day." Serim answers, nodding with the rest. "Minhee, Woobin and Seongmin are playing against them." They wiggled their eyebrows towards Y/n.

"Sure, sure we'll come." Y/n said as she looks to Beomsik and Cheri for approval, hoping they would go because she wanted to cheer for them, and because Seongmin's playing but we can already tell it's obvious. 

"Be sure to stay until the end of the game because something special is happening." Taeyoung states, making the three confused. They chuckles though Seongmin only let out a nervous laugh. Y/n tilts her head, shrugging it off.

The group of eleven talked for a fair amount of time as the two workers were about to start back their shift, the boys getting ready to leave as they cleaned up what they could. Taeyoung and Y/n waves them off, her and Seongmin exchanging eye contact while smilling cheerfully before he exits through the entrance with his older friends.

However Minhee stays behind for a bit, talking with Cheri for what seemed like a long period of time. She gives him her phone, Minhee typing in something then leaves the building. Y/n calls her bestfriend over to her, curious on what happened between the two.

"-whoa there, what's happening with you and Minhee?" She asks the giddy girl who couldn't stop beaming, showing the older her phone.

"I got his number!"

"Dude-" Y/n slaps her arm, furrowing her eyebrows at her. "That is Seongmin's bestfriend." Squinting her eyes at the younger who points her tongue at the other.

"He's pretty cute and funny."

"Yeah yeah whatever, don't go too fast that you exceed me and Seongmin." She smiles as her bestfriends nodding sarcastically then takes a seat back next to Beomsik, bragging to him about getting a boy's number.

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