Snapping his other arm back, Yoongi clenched his fist and drove it into the open wound.

"You're lucky you're getting a beating from me," Yoongi growled, continuing his punches ruthlessly as blood began pouring out the 7/11 man's ears and nose. "Black Swan is a much better fighter than I am and you would've been dead a long time ago if she showed you what she's really made of!"

Unexpectedly, the 7/11 man barked out a laugh. "Well at least if I die tonight, I'd know that my hands were last on 'er pretty face!"

Yoongi snapped.

Punch after punch, Yoongi wasn't gonna let this son of a bitch go.

"L-Let go, you lil shit!" The 7/11 man roared out, clawing his nails against Yoongi's unbelievably strong arms. But Yoongi felt nothing. Instead, Yoongi only held him tighter, locking his arm around his neck until the 7/11 man's screams and shouts went quieter and quieter. Gradually, the 7/11 man's claws slipped from Yoongi's arms and they dangled at his sides.

Yoongi finally released him, watching his opponent flop face first onto the floor. Defeated. Unconscious. And fatal.

Yoongi straightened himself up slowly. His whole body shuddered and his breathing was jagged and uneven. The crowd jumped into the ring, cheering, yelling and hysterical.

"Keep him there!" Jackson tried yelling to his men, pointing at Yoongi who was already staggering off the ring, but there were far too many people in the way.

Jackson followed Yoongi with his eyes, watching him push past the countless excitable bodies in his way before slipping through the door and disappearing altogether.

A smile broke across Jackson's face. Shaking his head, he placed two hands on his hips and let out the biggest sigh of relief. Finally the Death Ring got interesting. Finally the Death Ring found a new winner. Shadow, whoever he was, Jackson vowed to find him.


With one arm over Yeonjun and one arm over Yoongi's shoulder, Soo-ji hobbled her way towards the border of the city.

Yeonjun rambled on again, far too excited by the fight he just witnessed from Yoongi. In his dazed excitement, he was oblivious to the silence and tension between Soo-ji and Yoongi.

They hadn't spoken a word to each other yet. And Soo-ji inwardly groaned just by thinking about the explosive argument they would have later when Yeonjun left them alone.

"It was madness!" Yeonjun sang, "nobody could believe their eyes when he dropped to the flo-"

As soon as they got over the border, Yoongi wasted no time in shoving Yeonjun away from Soo-ji.

"Thanks," Yoongi muttered, keeping his gaze down without looking at Yeonjun, "I'll take it from here."

Yeonjun stumbled back, watching how Yoongi hitched Soo-ji up straighter by holding onto her waist.

Soo-ji gave him a small apologetic smile. "See you around, kid," Soo-ji's husky voice croaked out, but before Yeonjun could even reply, she was led away by Yoongi.

The journey to their bikes was long and never ending. It was painfully tense too as neither dared say a word to each other. Soo-ji kept her eyes ahead of the long dark road, Yoongi kept his on the ground, making sure she wasn't stumbling over her feet.

But his focus was diverted. The pitter patter of water droplets hitting the concrete ground caught Yoongi's attention. He looked up to the sky, seeing the thick clouds hovering above their heads. It was going to rain, making Yoongi speed up their pace.

By the time they got to their motorbikes, lightning already struck across the skies, followed by a booming thunder. A storm was coming and heavy showers were threatening to break through the clouds. Soo-ji rode in front of Yoongi and she could see in her side mirror that he was lagging behind to make sure she was okay.

In the next moment, the heavens finally opened up, drenching the two riders from head to toe. Soo-ji shook her head from side to side, attempting to fling the water droplets off her helmet visor. The road ahead was becoming unclear and she could feel her bike beginning to slip and slide on the wet road. She looked behind her to Yoongi, pointing to the railway bridge off the country road to indicate that they'd stop under there.

Yoongi nodded at her, steering his bike towards the bridge.

When they finally got there, Soo-ji took her time slowing the bike to a stop. She knew, when the engines were off and they were stuck under the bridge for god knows how long until the rain stopped, that was when their explosive argument would begin.

She sighed, unable to go any slower in switching off the engines. Pulling her helmet off, her eyes widened at the sight of Yoongi already stomping his way towards her.

She gulped. Droplets of water fell after his every step. His sharp possessive eyes were only on her. She swung her leg off the bike, took a deep breath and prepared for the screaming match.

"Look," she said shakily, feeling the back of her heels hitting the bike when she tried to get away from him.

He was now three steps away.

"Please don't be mad. I can explain everything." She desperately tried again.

Two steps away.

"Before you yell at me, at least let m-"

And without saying a single word, Yoongi had managed to shut her up for good.

ALWAYS You: Swan's Shadow [YOONGI] (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now